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Greg looked at Warrick and said, "Hey man, you're the one that was rolling around on the ground fighting with Nicky." He laughed.

Catherine's phone rang again, but she was reluctant to answer it. "I feel a bit like I'm in the middle of one of those Scream movies." she muttered to herself, reaching for her phone.
Overhearing the word "whiskey", Nick started singing, "We'll raise up our glasses against evil forces. Singing whiskey for my men and beer for my horses!"
"Well, ONE of us must have been drinking," said Greg, "because I seem to have lost track of time. Seems like a month since we've talked."

"Wow," Brass says, "it's like we've been in a time warp. Maybe we should have Scotty beam us up?"

Nick gets up and start singing. "Let's do the time warp again...let's do the time warp again..."

The others join in until Catherine slaps them all and says.."Let's get back to the case.."

Riley says, "Yeah!"

Nick looks at her. "When did you get here?"

"Uh about four episodes ago?"

"Wow!" Greg says. "I don't remember."

"You don't remember that I said that you're a hair puller?" Riley asked.

"Nope!" Greg shook his head.

"Okay, let's refresh our memories about the case." Nick said. "Who all is dead again? Sara's the only one I remember."