Add a line Vegas Style

"Well, it looks like this bug..." A man started, but paused to put on his sunglasses, "bugged our vic to death."

One redhead turned to face the other. "Horatio, you're in the wrong city. You're supposed to be in Miami, not Vegas!"

"Sorry, Catherine." He paused to take his sunglasses off again. "That's my bad." Another pause and sunglasses go back on. "I'll just be..." everyone rolled their eyes. "leaving now." Horatio left.

"Well, that was weird." Greg said.

...and said. "Alright Nick, stop screwing around with the Facebook Scrabble."

Nick rolled his eyes. "Quit complainin' Doc. I jus' got ya 'hex' and 'ax,' with the 'x' on the triple." He scowled, and his voice betrayed his hurt and betrayal easily. "You should be grateful, Doc."

Doc shook his head, feeling guilty already for doubting the CSI. "I'm sorry Nick. It's alright. As long as we beat the new girl."
"Alright let's figure out who killed Natalie?" Catherine demanded.

Doc set down his tools.

"You're gonna do an autopsy here?" Greg asked.


Nick leaned down and grinned. "Can I help?"

"You can make the Y incision Nick."

"Sure Y not!!!"
They all saw a lady walking toward them.

"Lady Heather." Greg said.

"Catherine, Jim, may I speak to both of you for a moment please? It concerns Grissom."

"Sure, Heather." Cath said and she and Brass walked toward Lady H. Cath looked at Vartann. "Tony, you, Sofia, Vega and Cavalier stay with the team. We'll be back in a bit." Vartann nodded and Cath walked away.

"Catherine, Jim, I'm very concerned about Grissom. He hasn't been himself lately."

"Yes, we've noticed that." Cath admitted.
Lady H. said. "Well he comes crawling to my door one night on the pretense of an S&M case and the next thing I know he's curled up on my bed bawling his eyes out calling for Sara. I mean it was like watching Marlon Brando in A Streetcare Named Desire. For hours and hours the man screamed. 'Sara!' 'Sara!'.
"So, he was upset with Sara? Maybe that explains why he killed her." Jim said.

"If he actually killed her." Catherine said, still not yet willing to believe her best friend to be a killer.
"If it wasn't him it was McKeen!" Nick declared.

Then his eyes turned black as the last vestiges of sanity snapped.

"Mckeen! Mckeen! Must kill Mckeen! Must kill McKeen!" Nick's arm went up automtically.

Mandy slapped him again and he snapped out his spell.

"God that turns me on." He told her. "I think there's a closet nearby..let's get out of here."

"You two make me sick." Catherine said. "You remind me of the two love sick dogs in Lady and The Tramp."

"Didn't we do the spagetti bit at dinner at your place Nick?" Mandy asked.

Nick grinned and grabbed Mandy by the hand and dragged her off.

"Okay, so while Nick and Mandy are off doing whatever they aredoing, tell us more about Gil, Heather." Warrick said.

"As I said, he sat there crying 'Saraaaaaa, Saraaaa!!!" Lady H said shaking her head. "It was pathetic. I just sat in my chair and watched him."

Wendy appeared, "I've got fresh DNA from Sara..there was some interesting toe jam between her toes."
"Toe jam?" Hodges asked. "Sara had toejam?"

"Shut up, Hodges!" Several voices said.

"What was it, Wendy?" Cath asked.
"It belonged to Gil Grissom!" she announced.

Nick stumbled back into the room, fly down, boxers sticking out, his har toussled. "I knew it!"

"Tuck that shxx in, man!" Greg grimaced pointing to Nick's boxers. "I don't wanna see it."
Ok, I'm not very creative, but here's my input:

"Aw, common Greggo" Nick said with a huge smile "You know you're just jealous of my new undies."

Greg blushed red like an apple and says "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Um, excuse me?" Mandy interrupts, "I think that's my job."