Add a Line Miami Style Part 2

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Welcome HnStetlerfan! Feel free to join us anytime!!:)

"Nick go back to the graveyard and quit spoiling our fun. We enjoy tormenting Stetler." Nick grabbed Eric by the head and...
"How do you like it, Nick? Being beat on isn't fun is it?" She hollered after him.

"Wow, Nat..." Eric said as he...
you are all fired. This is getting out of hand, you and your team are now on vacation.

As Horatio and his team left for vacation they were on the plane when,,,
...they saw Stetler was on the plane, too. "I decided that I had better follow you, Horatio, to make sure you don't get into any trouble", Stetler said. But just then the plane was jostled by heavy turbulence and...
then Stetler looked up, seeing a pretty young nurse standing over him.

"Mr. Stetler? You were dreaming again. It's okay." She said. "It's time for your s...."
an orderly ran into the room with four-point restraints. After Rick was completely tied to the bed Dan Cooper came into the room with a large feather. He started to...

an orderly ran into the room with four-point restraints. After Rick was completely tied to the bed Dan Cooper came into the room with a large feather. He started to...


tickle Rick on his...:devil:...nose and ears. Rick sneezed and shook his head vigorously. "Horatio is the only one that ever gets to do that to me!" Get away from me!" And just then Horatio burst into the room yelling, "...
It's all a lie. I do not touch Stetler, unless it would be to kill him. Running to the bed Horatio began choking and....
kicking poor Dan. With one great shove he sent him flying out of the room and far down the hallway. "You should never have told Dan our secret, Rick. You made me have to lie to him. Now I'm going to have to punish you". Taking the feather, Horatio...
Horatio threw it away. You have exactly five minutes to tell everyone the truth. Calleigh and I are to be married this week. And I will not have you telling everyone something that isn't true.

Stetler gave in, and told everyone in the room that it was a lie.

"I lied everyone, it's not Horatio I'm fooling around with, it's Frank. Frank and I are getting married....
:guffaw:this is hysterical!

Frank yelled "WHAT!" and grabbed Stetler by his hospital gown's neckline. "Stop lying!" he yelled as Aaron Peters entered the room and...
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