Adam/Eric #9 - 'The Perfect Diversion'

I think I am going to have to check out the Christmas Break movie, does anyone know if it is out on DVD?
No, it's not out on DVD. It's a short movie (roughly 10 minutes) and Adam and Nicholas play the bartenders. Adam's only featured in it for probably 30 seconds, lol.

This film also has a CSI Miami connection, Matthew Del Negro (the main lead and writer/director of Christmas Break) also starred with Adam in BOHICA and he was in a couple of episodes of CSI Miami.

I owe many thanks to this Sara gal from the yahoo group, so please send her my regards and my many thanks
Hey, you're welcome! :)
Just an FYI....

All Souls, which Adam starred in back in 2000-2001 will be shown on the SCI-FI channel in the US on Wednesday. I never saw the show, so I set my DVR so I can get my Adam fix. :lol:
Thanks for the info, texmex327!

Hey, I'm watching Crime Wave right now. Can't get over Eric's sexy silhouette when the building goes down at the end .:)

I've also been noticing for months while watching new eps and old, that when Adam is saying his lines while standing, he shakes his right leg a lot or he sticks both thumbs in his pockets and talks with his hands waving a little..anyone else notice? Maybe its to help him remember his lines? Too cute :adore: Hey, this is what its come to while the summer is here. I have to keep my mind busy picking at the few details here and there.... :guffaw:IS IT SEPTEMBER YET??? :(

QUESTION...I was reading some other threads and thought of this question (I don't know if this was asked already, but answer the best way you can):

Due to recent events in the finale, what are some moments from season 1-7 you felt Eric acted a little reckless? This includes in and out of the line of duty.
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I have noticed his leg shake thing :)
He does it in Curse of the Coffin as well, that's where I first noticed it. I watched the tail end of Crime Wave and am now watching If Looks Could Kill. Needed my Eric/Adam fix for today LOL
I have to get my Adam fix everyday, or else I go insane...well more than usual.

I have never noticed that he does that. I guess I will be looking for it.

Due to recent events in the finale, what are some moments from season 1-7 you felt Eric acted a little reckless? This includes in and out of the line of duty.

The episode where he loses his badge comes to mind. He was being very reckless, he put himself in the line of fire so to speak. He dealt with Speeds death by not caring what happened to himself.

He acted very reckless in the finale, he put himself in a lot of danger and he put Calleigh in danger as well. What if someone had shot at her the minute she stopped shooting.
OK ok you ntice the leg shake thing i notice the finger tapping......

He did it in raging cannibal just a little bit and then again in tipping point on the camera when he and calleigh found the cross in the gutter..... and he also does this little flicker with his index finger too in miami confidential but i see it in alot of eps too he only does it every so often .....but the funny thing i found was that he did the finger tapping in the movie TAKE too trust me when hes on screen i watch every little detail

And the leg shake he did too again in stand your ground right before he told calleigh jake is a stand up guy after all but anyways never can have enough of an eric fix right???

And i guess they all kind of have their own little quirks, h has the sideways turn and always walking off half way through a sentence ryan has the downturn chin practically resting on his chest and the jiggles and shakes but yes texmex327 i do notice Eric doing it too!
I too have noticed the leg shaking thing with thumbs on pocket and moving hands outside. I remember when promo pics from Down to the Wire came out that's how we knew Eric was the one in the locker room with Calleigh even though we were seeing his back and I think his head was not visible or something like that. But since he was standing with thumbs on pocket it was definitely him.

The episode where he loses his badge comes to mind. He was being very reckless, he put himself in the line of fire so to speak. He dealt with Speeds death by not caring what happened to himself.

He acted very reckless in the finale, he put himself in a lot of danger and he put Calleigh in danger as well. What if someone had shot at her the minute she stopped shooting.

I agree. I really disliked that toothing storyline they gave him. There were tons of other ways he could've dealt with Speed's death. They should've given him a nice in mourning-pissed off scene on the episode Speed was killed like they did with everyone else. I really did not appreciate how they handled that at all. Even though Eric was a player at that time the toothing thing was just plain irresponsible and IMO was a little too extreme even for him. If I remember well Adam even said in an interview he wasn't very fond of the storyline either.

This finale was also a good example of him being kind of reckless. Still this time it makes a little bit of more sense because it's his father and we know how Eric is about family and how he always tries to see something good in people. Plus he thought he owed the guy for keeping him in the country. I'm not saying it justifies what he did, but I can understand it a little more than the toothing.

I hope that after this experience he finally understands that he needs to keep his emotions more under control and be a little more careful of who he trusts.
Thanks for the replies!! :rolleyes:This was a tough question when I look back at it. He's such a good guy, he rarely did anything to mess up. Here goes:

Reckless #1 - I too agree, the toothing thing was very reckless. What was he doing up against a wall out in the open like that, anyway? I felt that was very embarrassing and very uncomfortable to admit to your colleagues. When someone turned up dead, that was a kick in the gut. :rolleyes:

Reckless #2 - Another time was when he uncovered those hot cars. He got beaten up bad for it.

Reckless #3 - buying drugs out in broad daylight through a dealer. Eventually got him in trouble, but he did what he had to do for his sister.

Reckless #4 - Getting in a bar fight while undercover. I know he was trying to be a savior and everything, but that bar fight got his wages garnished. Poor guy :( Just timing I guess.

Reckless #5 - The finale was the mother of all. I still feel had he listened to his girlfriend, he wouldn't be missing right now :( Still think it was a bad idea to trust his father. I think he's involved :klingon:

Off topic random comment: You know, I've never seen Eric with a gun held to his head (not a bullet to the head, but a gun pointed at his head). If anyone has, please share.

ANOTHER SIDE NOTE: Caught in the Crossfire is set to wrap up soon. I guess he'll be on his way to Monte Carlo to join Emily Procter. I hope they take lots of pics!

Edit: Well I guess Sara at Yahoo just confirmed this - Adam will NOT be attending this festival. Oh well, more vacation time for him, lol!

Here's something else to keep us busy:

Name all the episodes and occurrence in which you remember Eric slipped and said something that should've been kept silent or a secret.
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Name all the episodes and occurrence in which you remember Eric slipped and said something that should've been kept silent or a secret.

1) Deep Freeze: when he told Stetler about Calleigh's relationship with Jake. Of course he fessed up and told Cal about it which shows the kind of guy he is ;).

I can't think of any other moment :confused:
^^ I'm sure there's more.... :)

I'm so mad I'm at work and I don't have a DVR to set for All Souls day :scream:
I can't even find it online to watch the episodes... If anyone knows where I could watch the eps online, let me know. thx
I've got my DVR set to record All Souls. I will probably watch it this weekend.

This video is courtesy of Adam's Yahoo Group


Are you kidding!!??? I couldn't breathe after watching this, LOL :drool:

Anyone know where he's headed now that Caught in the Crossfire is wrapped up?

He's headed to my house :lol: :devil:
Just kidding, I remember reading something about him going to Puerto Rico for Amaury Nolasco's charity golf tournament, I don't remember if he went already or not. I hope he gets some rest and relaxation, he deserves it.