Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

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The best episode that i remember......i think it was Wannabe.When he was at the bar...they thought he was a bar tender. Everyone threw their money at em'. I thought that was funny.

They weren't giving him money cause they thought he was the bartender ;)
yes! salute to the girls at that bar and salute to all the other girls who managed to "score" with him...if you know what i mean :devil:

but the main honor and major salute goes to Natalia!! who managed to get him into bed several times for quite sometime :devil:
She wasn't very good at it, though, since he was seeing other women on the side. I will say it's time for Eric to settle down, though.
If I remember correctly Eric told the girls at the beach "he had been busy" & thats why he hadn't called them... so Im going to full on salute Natalia as well!!! :p :devil: :lol:
I thought it was because he'd moved on from those girls to other girls. When Natalia confronted him he didn't deny it, and rather said, "you said this wasn't exclusive." So yeah, he was cheating on her hardcore.

Hopefully they'll mellow him out this season, since Adam doesn't particularly enjoy the man-whore storylines.
Awww, Adam is a sweet guy and people associate him to being a player just because he is good looking, so I don't know how he feels about those "sleeping around" stories he does.
I don't consider him to be a true player, either, he has too big of a heart. He just doesn't use his head alot of times when it comes to relationship & women. I'd love to know what other Eric fans think about his 'lawsuit situation', supposedly the story is not dropped. I think eventually he'll get out of it, maybe she'll end up murdered & somehow Eric ends up being the suspect?! What do you all think? We all think & know hes hot so im just tryin to stir up some discussion about his character opposed to his lovelife :p :p
i know!! really! if Adam doesn't like it then he should say something about it!! lik Jon did with the sweatervests!!! he told the costume guys he didn't like them so they stopped making him wear them. Adam should do the same, them maybe they'll go in a different direction. and that's why i don't think this E/C thing will last long either. Eric just can't stay with one woman long enough to find out if she's the right girl for him!!
Except fictional characters evolve, they don't remain stagnant. And since the shooting Eric hasn't gone out, he's more serious and mature. There's no doubt in my mind he'll probably settle soon. It's probably the reason why they've started dwelling on E/C.
I can't picture Eric being a player anymore. If anyone it'd be Calleigh or even Horatio, I mean he's the one with a son popping up out of nowhere. I think it is time for Eric to mature and he looks like he is showing that.
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