Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

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I went to the premiere of Adam's movie Take at the TriBeCa film festival last Friday. Adam, unfortunately wasn't there (he had a prior engagement). The movie was really well done and Adam was fantastic in it. It highlighted his mamy talents and showed how versatile he is. It was a powerful movie and he definitely delivered beyond the call of duty.

And seeing Adam like oh, eight feet tall wasn't bad on the eyes either. He played a minister - sexiest minister I'd ever seen in my life! :devil:
i loved last nights episode!:lol:
i was laughing when Eric was joking around with Frank
when he was done talking to him he said
"I wish I could've seen it!" and he was trying so hard not to laugh!!
man i thnk that miami is going back to normal!
hahaguy said:
that comment eric made last night was funny

Which comment?

I loved his reaction to poor Frank's car being totaled by the hot water heater. :lol:
Okay, I saw that interview Extra gave Adam and I have to say Adam looked HOOOOOOOT! Oh my lord, someday he will see that I am his perfect woman. *sigh* :D
Ok Adam needs to wear red more often...cuz :eek: damn did he look yummy last night :lol:

His comment about Frank's car was so funny...Poor Frank he can't catch a break. It was nice to see Eric being a little more upbeat in the ep considering how he got dumped on in the last ep...of course we all know why he was sooo happy :devil:
delkolover said:

His comment about Frank's car was so funny...Poor Frank he can't catch a break.

yes...the comment was very funny and he seems a lot more cheerful lately....maybe the prospect of a certain blonde woman in the future???
maybe. but i'm not a fan of Hip Huggers. no offense. but i did detect a hint of jealousy in Natalia. and he did look very sexy in that shirt. and he is alot more cheerful. i'm glad about that. and he was flirting not only with Calleigh, but with Natalia too. so who knows who he wants because i don't think he does at this point in time.
After he celebrated so joyously when they broke up? I doubt he'd ever go back to Natalia.

Regardless, I'm glad Calleigh is making him happy. He hasn't been happy in years and it's about time we saw him smile like this:

Edited due to 480px rule
General reminder guys:

Discussing the E/C scenes themselves since they actually happened on the show is fine as is discussing the E/N scenes from last season, etc., but inferring things like there's been intimate physical contact between any of the characters when there's been no proof of it offered on the show itself is best left for the appropriate threads in Shipper Central.

Thanks. :)
Ok! reand and understood Thumpys post. I loved that pic!!! but the onething i'm not happy about is his hair. it should have grown longer by now!!! by now it should be as long as Ryan' was in S3! but it's still really short!!! what gives?!?
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