Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

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I watched Killer Date today. Am I the only one who wouldn't put it past the PTBs to have a woman show up with a kid and tell Delko its his? Or perhaps she dies and then he gets a call from child services...

I don't know if I think it'd work or not. But a little Delko Jr or Delkoette would be totally cute if he or she had Eric's good looks hehe.
I think it would be too predictable for something like that to happen. Also then the character forever has a child. It almosts seems like it would be *too* PC. Also, I think that is why they had Natalia have the pregnancy scare in S4. Ya know it was a way to bring up how he has flings but has obviously never dealt with the situation before....see where I am going?

Although, boy or girl his kid would be mighty frickin cute :lol:
Delko is so hott..and i had a dream about him last was sooooooo OMG!!!! i dreamt that we were working on a case together and he asked me out to dinner and started a relationship and guess what....i also dreamt that Ryan and Eric started to fight over me..:D ......Delko won....he kicked Ryan's ass to win though..poor Ryan...but Yay Delko!!!!:D oh and ro answer the question above... i like delko all wet in his sexy, tight really forms to his sexy bod :D
I agree, I love Eric in his wetsuit. I love the scenes wher he dives into water with his suit and goggles and everything. Its so cute, and hot :)
Thanks for the birthday wishes :)
Yeah it's nice watching Eric swimming underwater. Hehe, what if there's a case that involves dolphins, or at least has something to do with them? Maybe Eric will have to go further out at sea & find some dolphins to collect evidence on them. That would be really cool. But that's just my imagination. :lol:
oh yeah the wetsuit tops it all....except for you guessed it the shirtless parts and the parts where you can see his sexy abs.....*bursts into flames thinking about hot hot and sexxy Eric is..*......owwwwwww....... can someone put me out please....i caught fire thinking about Eric and how hott he is.....owwwwwwww.... :D
*throws water on Need4Speed* There you go, calm down :lol:
Yes Eric is very hot lol I cant wait until the shows new episodes start running :)

Its been some time since pics have been posted. So heres some!



The site I got the pics from
We are really slowing down in here!
Mondays episode was okay. Eric got good screen time. I felt so bad for him when Ryan was talking to him about how he messed up. I said this in the Ryan thread: I dont know why Eric doesnt let anybody help him. He was fataly shot weeks ago, he needs help! Why doesnt he accept it? I guess he is just wants to believe that he is okay, but he isnt, and he needs help.
Well there you go, my thought on this weeks episode, oh and of course he looked great :)
ETA: I made a simple icon out of one of the pics I posted a couple days ago
i like your icon it's cute!!! ......i love those two.....but any ways did u catch all the sexy pics of Adam that i posted.......he has his shirt off in one of them!!!!!!!
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