Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

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This just in from

Additionally, A.J. Buckley will become a regular on CBS' "CSI: NY" after recurring for the past two seasons. On "CSI: NY," Buckley has been a semi-regular presence since midway through the 2005-06 season. His character, lab technician Adam Ross, will now be a permanent fixture at the New York crime lab.

I'm not really sure if this is important to anybody here, but I thought I would share it with you just in case. ;)
LOL, yeah, there's a bit of excitement in here over that, isn't there? ;) :D

Faylinn doesn't seem excited at all about this. ;) :lol:

I particularly like the bumfluff pic. :lol: :D

Yay for Adam!
Oh, just a bit of excitement. *whistles innocently*

I saw a version of the story last night that used the word "permanent" like that, and it made me giggle. :lol: I do love me some Adam, and it's nice to know that he's not going anywhere.

Plus, he was only in 1/2 of the third season and that simply isn't cutting it. :lol:

Now he'll be in all of the season...!!!! :D :D :D

We need more cupcakes!!!
I'll have to make sure to always keep my tingle-pants ready before the BC chats--looks like I'll be needing them more often this season. :devil:

We need more cupcakes!!!


(Damnit, now I'm craving some cupcakes. *goes to rummage through the pantry for a cake mix*)

Edited to use smaller picture
Yum, cupcakes... :D Adam and cupcakes is love.

I have to admit, I prefer the picture of the cupcakes to the one of AJ in the headband and dodgy shirt, what was he thinking? :lol: :p
OK, so I'm completely indfferent to the fact he's going to be a regular cast member...big deal, I mean, who cares... :p ;) :lol:
Seriously, when you think that (other than 'Snow Day') he had only a few minutes in the few epis he was in, it says so much about him that he has so many fans; he's made a character that could have been just a background figure into someone we'd like to get to know better :lol: :lol:
I definitely think there's a lot to be said about a character that can get fans with so little screentime compared to the others. I also think it says a lot that a character originally intended for an episode or two caught the eye of the writers so that he not only became a recurring guest star, but ultimately got added as a permanent member of the cast. ;)
It's hard to believe that Adam has only been in 20 episodes of the show (7 in season two and 13 in season three, I think). And hell, in one of them he was only in the arse-end bringing a folder to Mac and telling him that he'd catch DJ Pratt.

Oh, Adam, you had me at 'somewhere between the chocolate balls and the red hots'. :lol:

I watched "The Last Sin Eater" today (yeahyeahyeah, I rented it because of AJ, get off my case :p)--it was pretty good. I made a wee (lol, you know me better) post about it on the Adam Ross LJ comm if you want to read it: clicky! (Or just skip the extra crap and go right to my comments on AJ's role. ;))
I'm glad to see that Adam is going to be a regular lab rat this year. That was one thing NY was missing was a regular lab rat and now they have one :) Keep up the good work AJ :)
Having a regular and constant character in the lab is great Jacquie, and I think AJ is fantastic in his lab geek role. :D Annwn is right, it does say something about the role/character/actor to say that for someone who has really had little screentime, he certainly has plenty of fans. :)

Great review Fay, thanks for sharing your thoughts on the film and AJ's performance. And of course the Beard of Doom (which I know you love). I would post a picture of it, but sadly I think photobucket knows my plans and is deliberately thwarting my attempts... :p :lol:
Bwua-ha-ha-ha, Photobucket, you cannot stop meeee!



Photobucket is just jealous. ;)

Jacquie said:
That was one thing NY was missing was a regular lab rat and now they have one
Yep. I think Adam had become the official Lab Rat of the NYPD crimelab in everything but title (and presence in every episode), so it's good to see that they made him full-time. ;)
I just watched this past weeks episode of "Entourage" and AJ was in it! A pretty decent sized guest role. He played Anna Farris' boyfriend and made E's job managing Anna on a photoshoot difficult because he was a complete tool and super critical of how the shoot was going. Very cute for the fangirls who are crushing big (*cough*Fay*cough*) because he wanted Anna to do some shots where she imitates various animals and he kinda acts each one out. It's cute. Not too late to watch it if any of you have On Demand on your cable box.
Ooh, hehe. TV Guide is telling me that the episode ("Snow Job") comes on tomorrow night on HBO. I only get the regular HBO, so this is cool. :p

How nice of you to single me out, though, MrsG, like I'm a crazy fangirl or something...*whistles innocently* ;)
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