Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

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Go, AJ! Sharni is pretty hot. But more importantly, if they've fallen head over heels in love, that's a beautiful thing and I wish him happiness.

5 year contract with CSI:NY, huh? Wow, Fay must be one happy fangirl about now. ;)
Aww, good for them! :D :D :D I hope things work out despite the distance.

And yay for a five year contract! *spazzes slightly* :D
I absolutely LOVE Adam...and AJ Buckley does a great job portraying him on the show =] I've actually never seen him in anything else, but he seems to fit in perfectally with the cast...and i love him interacting with Danny--theres some good friendship building stuff the writers could do there, ecspecially after the season finale.

Speaking of, AJ did excellent there too. I really hope the writers carry over his trauma to season four...i've heard background stories somewhere that people suspect he was abused as a kid...and if so, that would make for a great storyline for him as a series regular :D He's done so well so far, and i think he could go far with any storyline given to him.

Yay for AJ! =]
i've heard background stories somewhere that people suspect he was abused as a kid
Yeah, in "Some Buried Bones" he tells Stella and Danny that his father was a bully. He was talking about the way Ava Brandt (Nelly Furtado's character) jerked away when someone raised their hand near her (as if she were about to be hit). Plus, he clearly got flustered in "Past Imperfect" when Mac was angry with him.

So yeah, I'd definitely love to see them explore that further this season. :)
Faylinn said:
i've heard background stories somewhere that people suspect he was abused as a kid
Yeah, in "Some Buried Bones" he tells Stella and Danny that his father was a bully. He was talking about the way Ava Brandt (Nelly Furtado's character) jerked away when someone raised their hand near her (as if she were about to be hit). Plus, he clearly got flustered in "Past Imperfect" when Mac was angry with him.

So yeah, I'd definitely love to see them explore that further this season. :)

Hehe one thing off my wish list...more Adam =] I really hope the writers choose to use him alot this upcoming season, he really brightens up the show when hes on it.
The character is definitely full of potential, that's for sure--and the actor is more than capable of handling whatever the writers dish out. So I'm right there with you. *crosses fingers*
A.J. surely does a great job on the show and his scenes are always fun to watch. His scenes with Danny are my favorites too. It’s hilarious when they geek out about something. I loved the ‘moon rock scene’ in Consequences. :lol:

I hope they'll explore the storyline of his father being a bully. It would give A.J. great material to work with, but knowing how continuity is handled on the show we’ll probably never hear about it again. :rolleyes:

Five year contract? That’s great! :D Hopefully the show will do it that long.
Dynamo1 said:
Ask and ye shall receive.

From Pic and Bio

Thank you! :D Awww, she's pretty. Cute that he's going over to visit her--hope they can make the distance work! :cool:

Faylinn said:
i've heard background stories somewhere that people suspect he was abused as a kid
Yeah, in "Some Buried Bones" he tells Stella and Danny that his father was a bully. He was talking about the way Ava Brandt (Nelly Furtado's character) jerked away when someone raised their hand near her (as if she were about to be hit). Plus, he clearly got flustered in "Past Imperfect" when Mac was angry with him.

So yeah, I'd definitely love to see them explore that further this season. :)

Me too. I kind of suspect Danny was abused, too (from his behavior and also the way he looked at Adam when Adam mentioned his dad) and it would be interesting to see some sort of discussion about it. It's interesting that Adam is willing to bring it up--that suggests he's not in denial about it and may have come to terms with it/gotten some sort of closure with regards to it. I think Adam's tougher than he looks--he really rose to the occasion in the finale despite being obviously scared. I love how complex he is!
Top41 said:

Faylinn said:
i've heard background stories somewhere that people suspect he was abused as a kid
Yeah, in "Some Buried Bones" he tells Stella and Danny that his father was a bully. He was talking about the way Ava Brandt (Nelly Furtado's character) jerked away when someone raised their hand near her (as if she were about to be hit). Plus, he clearly got flustered in "Past Imperfect" when Mac was angry with him.

So yeah, I'd definitely love to see them explore that further this season. :)

Me too. I kind of suspect Danny was abused, too (from his behavior and also the way he looked at Adam when Adam mentioned his dad) and it would be interesting to see some sort of discussion about it. It's interesting that Adam is willing to bring it up--that suggests he's not in denial about it and may have come to terms with it/gotten some sort of closure with regards to it. I think Adam's tougher than he looks--he really rose to the occasion in the finale despite being obviously scared. I love how complex he is!

I remember disussing the theory that Danny was abused a while ago, and the fact that Adam probably was too would make for an awesome dynamic between the two of them. They are so much alike in a lot of ways, and I think some good interaction between the two of them would give Adam a good start as a regular and maybe bring back the old Danny.

The writers will probably never mention the abuse thing again...sadly....but i think it would be a shame not to. It would be a good way to let us learn more about his character and see some more of AJ's excellent acting =]
Last night it was 'Consequences'; and the scene where Mac was wanting the photfit to go in the paper but wanted it done properly and poor Adam trying to joke with Mac said 'It's the New York Weekly' or something like that. Mac glared and poor Adam just crumpled; it seemed so sad (especially as we learn later on that he was bullied by his father) but was so naturally done. I think it must be difficult to go from one emotion to the opposite one in the blink of an eye, but he did it so incredibly well.
I hope he gets some really good story lines in the next series, as he clearly has the talent to cope with them.
I loved his few little scenes in "Cold Reveal"--gotta love boys and their mad math skillz. ;) And listening to his music when Sheldon called? :p How cute is he (and not just in the cute=attractive way ;))?

By the way, there's an elimination game in the GenCSI forum (first forum under the announcements on the main page), and Adam is currently up against the coroners and techs from the other shows. So go over and give him some love. ;) (The rules are that you can vote two times in 24 hours, and that you must wait for 3 more people to vote before you can make your second vote. :)) Go forth, my lovelies, and show the bummfluff some love. :p
Somehow I missed Cold Reveal, so I haven’t seen those scenes, yet. I guess German TV will show it in January or February… :rolleyes:

I’m doing my best on the elimination game; they voted Flack out twice while I was asleep. That won’t happen with Adam… :p :lol:

I just looked for screen caps and recognized that AJ had a lot of screen time in Some Buried Bones , definitely a great episode for Adam fans. I loved when he scanned Danny’s ass… priceless! :lol: :lol: And we also got a little bit of his back-story, very nice… :D
The ass-scan scene was priceless. :lol:

I found this on The Futon Critic's website, issued by CBS.

The Futon Critic said:
A.J. BUCKLEY will become a series regular after recurring for two seasons as Adam Ross, a CSI Tech guru out of Seattle. Specializing in Computer Forensics, Ross is the go-to scientist for the latest technological applications needed to solve crimes in Manhattan. "He was hired by Mac Taylor to stay 'one step ahead' of the criminals in New York City, who often use more complicated technology than the average crime lab in the country. Therefore, Ross is the X-factor in crime solving and necessary 'ringer' to fight the most complex and sophisticated crimes," said Anthony E. Zuiker, Creator and Executive Producer of the CSI Franchise.

Ok, that's nice, but since when is Adam from Seattle? :rolleyes: Let's hope the writers remember that they said he was from PHOENIX in season 3. Also, is 'computer forensics' really accurate? *scratches head curiously*
Maybe he worked in Seattle before coming to NY, and went from Phoenix to Seattle to NY? The background sketches on the characters are laughably bad--either they forget where exactly they're from (Danny? Flack? Stella?) or it's thrown in our faces--Lindsay is from MONTANA and Mac is from CHICAGO and was a MARINE. :lol:

OK, this has nothing to do with Adam, but I saw his predecessor, Chad (the lab tech from s. 1 who had a crush on Aiden), in the grocery store yesterday. :lol: I didn't say anything, but mentally, I was like, "OMG it's Chad!" :lol:
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