Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

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Yeah, no offense or anything, but Mac was kinda being a jerk throughout the entire episode. I felt so bad for poor Adam. :( He was just kinda in the middle while Mac yelled at Stella for yelling at him for yelling at Adam. I doubt that last sentence mad sense. :lol:
Oh, and Faylinn , thanks for extending the date for the fan project. I am gonna do it but, we just finished WASL week here and it is like the stupidest test in the world. It took six days total and I felt like dying afterwards. :lol: Okay, enough with my sorrows. Gotta get to work on my project. :)
^That's true..Although I am a fan of Mac and now one of Adam ;) he shouldn't yell at him..I liked the scne Stella was trying to defend Adam and the hug she gave him was really sweet! :)

newbie here :D

from all CSI shows Adam is the best the cutest and the most charming lab geek... ooops I mean lab tech of course :lol: :lol: :lol:

You just can't not to love this man. :devil:

Totally sweeeet!!

I like it that he has such a good... eem... *forgot the word I wanted to use* .... chemisty with all the others. He has always fun with Danny. In the last episode we could see him with Stella what was sooooooo sweet!! squeeeeeeee...
And of course with Mac... except the scene in the last episode where I agree that Mac was being a jerk (I really like him but he has his moments sometimes) I like it that Adam always tries to... not exactly impress Mac, but to show him that he can do his job good and get a praise... ;)

best recurring character... with Sid

Athens and Faylinn - love your avatars!! :D :D
Welcome Messers_cupcake! His scenes w/Stella were really sweet and you're right---you can't help but to love the character!
Glad someone else is so excited about Adam! You should really do the fan project! ;) He deserves all the fan love he can get! :)
from all CSI shows Adam is the best the cutest and the most charming lab geek... ooops I mean lab tech of course

Lab geek is more appropriate (sp?)! :lol: And I agree w/ya--he is the cutest and most charming from all 3 shows. Hope you enjoy your time here. :)
peanut said:
Welcome Messers_cupcake! His scenes w/Stella were really sweet and you're right---you can't help but to love the character!
Glad someone else is so excited about Adam! You should really do the fan project! ;) He deserves all the fan love he can get! :)

Lab geek is more appropriate (sp?)! :lol: And I agree w/ya--he is the cutest and most charming from all 3 shows. Hope you enjoy your time here. :)

thanks peanut!!!

I was just jokking about the lab tech :lol: of coures it's our fav lab GEEK!!! :devil:

I don't remember if I have ever seen a movie or show with AJ but I have read his interview here and I think he's a nice and funny guy. I really love it when his a 'little' nervouse... :lol:

cute boy!!!

Welcome Messers_cupcake. :)

Everyone loves lab geeks, there's something so adorable (or is it adorkable?) about them...and Adam is the best :D

Pictures! Not very exciting really, but I saw this episode for the first time the other day and it's our lab geek out in the field! Look at the cute hat, and I have to say, the beard is looking good. :devil: :lol: I liked seeing him in the field and trying something new, but I think he is definately best suited to the geekery of a science lab.


All chilly out in the field. It's a good job he has the hat...


Very intense, concentrating on the job at hand


*phew* he made it safely back to the lab, where he belongs!
I love him in 'Obsession' he was so 'girly' like Messer would say it... but I don't have a problem with the fact that he prefers higher temperatures :devil:

totally cute to see him in the feld :D

nice pics Elsie!!

Hehehehe, Adam and Hawkes...:devil:

*whistles innocently* ;)

But really, he was so cute in that episode--totally out of his element, which I loved. I like that they gave him a slight change of scenery, which really only served to remind us that this man is king of the climate-controlled lab. :lol:

Still ~4 weeks to participate in the fan project, guys, don't forget! :D
heheheh... this man is really gooood :devil:
I saw him today in CSI... even as a baddie still cute :lol:
and he has very sticky hands :lol:
Elsie, you're the best. Lovely pics. He is just so damn cute in those pictures.
Look at the cute hat, and I have to say, the beard is looking good.

I don't know why, but the beard makes him look so much more adorkable. ;)
hehehe... Adam was so cute in the last epi... wow and such a math genius. If I had such a math teacher at school... I would even take extra hours... to learn better math of course... :lol: :lol: :devil:

he and Hawks were funny together in the lab... :lol:
*Spreads some Adam love* :D

Don't forget about the fan project guys. There are still three weeks to get me something, so that's plenty of time to participate. I said this in the fan project thread, and I'll say it here as well--this project is most definitely going to get into AJ's hands. Don't worry that you're wasting your time--if you share the love, AJ will see it. And that's worth an hour or two of your time. :D

I sorta saw a promo for "Bones" for tomorrow night and I think AJ was in it--it looked like maybe Booth was whooping his arse a little bit. :lol: I definitely want to check that episode out. :p
Booth going toe-to-toe with AJ? Mmmmm...that sounds appealing! :D
I only occassionaly watch Bones, (I think I may have seen four eps total over time), but I definitely plan to watch tonight since AJ will be appearing. Does anyone here have screen-capping abilities, or know of any sites that will post shots of this Bones ep?

Tell me someone is capping this! I am watching the ep now, and AJ is looking HOT!!
yeah its definitely different seeing our loveable lab geek as a suspect, i'll say that. :lol:

and Mercy i agree, AJ is looing hot!! :D
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