Adam/AJ #2: The X-Factor - Must. Fight. Crime!

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Ok, seriously, what's with the necklace? :lol: He could wrap it around his neck a few more times. :p

[random] I'd feel awkward taking freebies at something like that - like 'oh hai, gimme stuff.' :lol: Maybe that's just me. I can be odd. :p [/random]
Aww, he looks so cute, like he always does!! :D Thanks so much for the pics Perfect Anomaly, it's great that we've been getting more pics of AJ of late. It makes me very happy. :D I love his sunnies, he looks so cool with them on. :D Thanks again for psoting them. I feel a new batch of AJ icons coming on. :D
Ok, seriously, what's with the necklace? :lol: He could wrap it around his neck a few more times. :p

[random] I'd feel awkward taking freebies at something like that - like 'oh hai, gimme stuff.' :lol: Maybe that's just me. I can be odd. :p [/random]

The necklace is interesting. :lol: I'm with you, Fay, I'm sure it's great to get free stuff, but I'd find it really awkward and embarrassing.

Thanks for the pictures, PA. :)
Thanks for the pics PerfectAnomaly !!! :)

Yeah, it seems that as richer a person is, more free stuff he/she gets, unfair.

A few hq pics from the SPN ep, Ghostfacers !!!

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Aww, he looks so cute with those glasses on. He looks kinda a geeky but adorable none-the-less, I love the geeky look and those glasses are hot!! :adore: Thanks for sharing these with us Daquien. :D
Aww, he's such a cutie, he really has a huge admiration for Gary, which is totally adorable, I mean who doesn't. :lol: But aww, he just seems like such a sweet guy. :adore: That was a really cute interview, making me even more excited for the new season now... :lol: Thanks Daquien. :D
AJ is so adorable. :lol: I'm glad he's excited about the season - it sounds like we have major things coming up.
I agree with you Fay, I'm so excited for the new season, and it sounds like our AJ is too. :adore: I'm hoping that we'll get to see lots more of him this season, and by the sounds of things we will. *Happy Dances* One way to make Steph very happy - give her lots of Adam scenes. :D :D :D
Thanks for posting that! I agree, it sounds like there are some big things coming up. And AJ is just adorable. I'm looking forward to more Adam screen-time :adore:
Ok, just finished watching the premiere.

AJ is in the main credits! And so is Robert, which is awesome. :D *pets my avatar*

There was a TON of Adam in the premiere, and he had good scenes throughout - luckily, he didn't disappear halfway through like he usually does (once they have what they need from him). He appeared close to the end with a crucial piece of information. That's our boy!

I loved the scene of him with Flack - he's such a sweetie. And the scene with Mac later on where he 'fessed up? ADORABLE! :lol: I love Adam's nervousness and that he felt guilty but still went to Mac and told him. I'm also glad that Mac didn't ream him out this time. I loved his little look at Adam there at the end of the scene and Adam's 'That went well.' :lol:

So yes, awesome episode for Adam - I hope this is a sign that he'll be a more solid presence for the show from now on. :D
Yay for AJ being included in the opening credits. Didn't he look great? :lol: :D

Adam was fantastic in the premiere. It was great to see him get some screen time. He was amusing, cute and I really wanted to hug him. His scene with Flack was great, I'd like to see them interact together more often. His scene with Mac where he explained what a naughty boy he had been was completely fantastic! :lol: I loved that he said he'd do the same thing again, and if it was Mac's sister he would have told him. :lol: Ah, Adam. How I love thee. :adore: He's one of the best things about this show.
Hurray! AJ definitely deserves his place in the credits. He's such a great part of the show.

And yes, Adam was fantastic in last night's premiere. I especially loved his scene with Flack in the precinct. He looked like he felt so out of place in there. And then when he went to Mac, he was just so nervous, but still stood up for his decision. :adore: :adore: Oh Adam, what would we do without you?
Oh, yayyy, AJ did it to the credits !!!! *claps*

How adorable was he this episode? So out of place in the police station with Flack and when he told Mac about releasing info in his back, I thought Mac was going to kill him but he didn't say anything and Adam was all "Oh, that went well". So cute !!! :lol:
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I agree with was has been said before; He was fantastic, cute, amusing and adorable. I'm hoping he and Flack will have more scenes together this season.

My favorite scene of Adam was not the one with Flack but the one where he confessed to Mac what he had done. He looked like he was afraid Mac was going to hurt him. :lol:

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