Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Hot

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i didnt know it was his bday but happy birthday sexy and u were great on the show last nite! i think he was so sweet to cal also! i just wish that he would have kissed her......
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Adam was amazingly sexy and sweet in last night's episode. Man, that man can act!! He did an awsome job conveying Eric's concern and tenderness!!! The man is just plain freakin' amazing!!! :D :drool:

I always just pop into this thread at random times!Happy Birthday Adam![Also, Calleighismyhero, your banner is not sized correctly. It needs to be 220x75 or smaller :) ]

did anybody notice in the begining of the episode when eric dropped the piece of paper and calleigh picked it up?
did anyone realize what was on the back?
it was like how to proccess a crime scene and all the general stuff that they all do daily
but like it seems to me like his memory is getting worse
wat do u guys think?:confused::wtf:
Yeah, I noticed. I hope they are going to make something out of it. I want some Eric drama, because I think that we are all sick and tired of H drama. Adam is great actor and I think that it`s great that the writers are letting him show that.
calleighismyhero your banner is too big, can you please use a smaller size? No bigger than 220x75. If you have any questions you can PM speed_cochrane or myself. :)
DAMN I forgot.....Happy happy late, (sorry) Birthday Mr. Yummy Rodriguez!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:angel:

Yeah, I noticed his "cheat sheet" & leaving evidence behind at the crime scene. I can't imagine where they will go with that as far as where his job is concerned. I hope if anything he will just have to take a step down from his level & go back into some training or something 'til he gets it all back.
i don't see him getting fired or anything, but I have a feeling this "towel" ordeal will resurface & be bad for him. :(
I`m really looking forward to seeing where will they take Eric`s character from here. I think that they developed him a lot over the years but it can always get better.
:eek::confused:yeah mjszud im scared for eric because i do agree with you like this could mean something worse like i don't know but i know they will bring it up and stuff so i guess all we'll have to do is wait and see. Adam is a great actor when it comes to this stuff so we will see.
They'll have to do something. It would ridiculous for it to be blown off, but it was ridiculous enough that he came back to work after only 2 weeks also.:rolleyes:
Im hoping they will just send him to a treatment center or something, then he can recover & come back next season & we won't have to miss him!!!;)

H will never let him get fired & TPTB already went down that road w/ Ryan just last year, that would be so lame if we had to watch that again, but w/ Eric instead. Don't know, but we'll see.:)/:(
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