"A La Cart" Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*

korbjaeger said:
Well, most of my "Night of the Living Rehash" observations have been amply covered by the rest of you eagle-eyed folks...I do have to comment though, their experiment of firing the piece of steel-belted truck tire from that sort of a contraption at a ballistics gel dummy? Nearly bit-by-bit identical to an experiment done on Discovery Channel's "Mythbusters", about the urban myth of such an occurrence possibly being fatal to a nearby driver. I swear - IDENTICAL.

The least they could do would be to have Adam and Jamie do guest bits on "CSI"... :lol:

Interesting cover of "Running Up That Hill", one of my fave songs (the original, anyway) when it came out...I still have "Hounds of Love" on vinyl! :D

I'm glad to see I'm not the only Mythbusters fan here. I knew right away that I had seen that experiment before and it just took me a second to realize that Adam and Jamie had already done it before. Seems like TPTB should have included a Thank You to the Mythbusters.
Something else occurred to me here. Grissom admitted his feelings for Sara in front of Nick, Warrick, Greg and Catherine.

How did Ecklie find out?

Somebody narked? Somebody overheard? Ecklie's psychic? Come on, I need a little clarification here...was there something in "Dead Doll" that indicated it that I missed?
I liked this epi so much better then the season opner. Heehee. Bomb Making Greg, that so cute. Nick looked at him and he was like "Little Ones" it was too cute.
ejacksonian said:
I think you are guys are missing something here. The question is, what does Grissom consider "intimate"? It seems implicitly different from Sara's definition.

Actually, Ecklie never ask Grissom when they became intimate... he just said "when did you..." I think that sara's "we're always in a relationship" is not inconsistent with Grissom's 9 years ago.

And when Grissom explained is 9 years time frame in the car... it's clear that it wasn't "intimate" in the same way as when Ecklie ask Sara.

Funny moment anyway :D
It was nice episode. I love Sara and Grissom ... but it was nice to see their situation take a back seat and allow the cases/investigating take the main staqe. Seeing them ride the Go-Karts in the end was nice ... the idea that they are a family shows well.

When Doc Robbins was shown riding, my dad was like ... who is that? He just saw the crutch, and didn't realize that Doc Robbins has them.
I am a huge GSR fan but I was glad to see Grissom and Sara take a back seat this episode.
I loved Nick and Greg together! They have great chemistry.

My favourite scene though was Grissom and Sara in the car. Sara's laugh is lovely and infectious in the sense that I laughed out loud with her. It was the most "intimate" scene yet, in terms of closeness. I loved seeing them like that.

the whole team Go Karting was SO fun! I wish I could do something like that with my coworkers. I agree with Alyssa, about the whole scene with Sara standing back and watching them was heartbreaking for me. It was the sudden realization that she is left alone on the sidelines. These people are her life.

Does anyone know that particular song that was playing right at the end?
Alyssa said:
Sara's on the outside now, to an extent. She's on a different shift. She's with different people. She just came through one of the most harrowing experiences of her life, and now she's stepping back and taking the brunt of the punishment for her and Gil's involvement. She loves him, and you can see her smiling at him when he looks her way, because she really loves him. You see her smiling at her friends when they wave. This is her family, and she doesn't want them to see her cry, but it's breaking her to feel like an outsider.

Someone else pointed out that she's on the outside "again." It's true, and I believe that's part of her reasoning for wanting ot be the one to switch... This team was together before she came along. She became a part of the team, she integrated, but now she's pulling herself out. And, it breaks your heart. When things like this happen, you start wondering if you were ever part of the team to start with. It's irrational and out of place, but pain will do a lot to the memory, sometimes. You start confusing what's real and what's perceived, and it's heart breaking.

And that's what worries me most for our dear Sara. I don't think she'll fall apart, since it's clear she's still able to laugh and smile, but I do think she's going to be aching for a long time, and I can only hope that she doesn't have to be as alone as she believes herself to be at this moment.

I think your analysis is on target, but keep in mind that Sara has no other choice now because of the choices she made in the past. She chose a relationship with Grissom over the team. If Grissom moved to swing, the team would probably have moved heaven and earth to transfer with him, and she would still have been alone, or else they would have been sad and blamed her, and she knows that. She knows who holds that place together.

So I feel sorry for her a little, but I think she made the choice. That's the reason that the two of them kept it a secret, not for the administrative punishment, but because they valued their parts in the team, and wanted to eat their cake and have it too.

I still don't see how Gil is getting off scott-free, but it looks like he is. I don't even see them getting any flak from the team. Even Ecklie was nice to them. Is that the last we are going to hear about it?

Question: I thought the first scene with Sara walking into the lab, and everybody staring at her as if she were a stranger, was the first foreshadowing of her coming isolation. But I see lots of other people that are just so sure that Wendy and Hodges looked proud of her and admiring. That's not what I saw, exactly. What do other people here think?
I enjoyed the episode!!!!!!Greg and Nick scenes were nice. The look Nick gave Greg after he said he made bombs when he was younger was great. I liked both cases but the whole eating in the dark is beyond stupid!!! I also enjoyed Cath and Warricks little up close and personal scene......cute!!! Let's give Rick's divorce a standing ovation!!

The last scene was another great for me. Everyone having fun together(minus Sara of course). The swing shift means what,night shift???

Doc Robbins in the go-sart was awesome!! He even had his cane with him. What I would like to know is why wasn't Hodges there I mean everyone else was? He's in the credits now so what's the deal?
That was the most fun I've had watching CSI in a long time. The head rolling down the highway... funny and classic CSI.

Nick and Greg together... awesome. We haven't gotten that kind of team interaction in a long time. I loved the look between them when the kid ran.

Warrick and Cath's case wasn't as good but Brass made laugh a lot to make up for it.

Ecklie was almost human and though I haven't seen the Mythbusters episode where the Balistics Gel dude was used, it looks like somthing Adam and Jamie would do.

Greg seems more like himself then last year and the go cart scene at the end was great.

Great episode!
I wanted to say that I like the new detective! At first I thought it was Lockwood back from the dead. lol.

But no, I thought he was good. Not taking over the scenes (like Brass does so fantastically) but sort of adding a voice of reason and explanation.

I hope we see more of him - I was kind of missing the rotating detective roster.
Grizzom said:
Question: I thought the first scene with Sara walking into the lab, and everybody staring at her as if she were a stranger, was the first foreshadowing of her coming isolation. But I see lots of other people that are just so sure that Wendy and Hodges looked proud of her and admiring. That's not what I saw, exactly. What do other people here think?

In my mind, it was rather following last week's episode... Sara nearly died, and there she is, probably the first time back at the lab, so people are just looking at her "Oh, there's Sara." She's back after the whole ordeal. Maybe they are wondering how she's doing etc. I don't saw a looking at her like she's a stranger.
So I really liked this episode. I actually enjoyed it more than the premiere (which I didn't mind, but it wasn't as great as I'd hoped it would be).

The Nick/Greg (and briefly Grissom) case was the most entertaining. Lots of fun times with the boys, and Greg and Nick seem to work easily enough together now that it's fun to watch. I wish Grissom had stayed a little more involved, but apparently the whole Ecklie/Sara stuff were to be his major focus this episode. And strangely enough, I didn't mind the shippy stuff, since all of it seemed to involve the business of how to deal with it from a working perspective. It all seemed very CSI logical to me and I respected that. Plus again, they pretty much avoided the mushy stuff which is a big plus for me.

The Warrick and Catherine case was not quite as captivating, but still, it's always nice to see Warrick getting some more screen time, and I don't really mind the sexual tension between these two because I actually feel that they have some chemistry (although hundreds of thousands might disagree! :lol: ). I was tired of the drunks and the bimbos almost as soon as they appeared on screen, but then again, it's a nice representation of the idiots these poor people have to deal with on a regular basis. I definitely felt their pain! And as always, it's great to see Jim Brass at work.

So overall, I'd say: it was cool to see some actual crime solving; all the things that were supposed to make me laugh actually made me laugh, and; I didn't cringe at any point during the GSR. And I even felt really sad for Sara at the end- Jorja did a nice job with that end scene.

7.5 out of 10.

Oh, on a side note, did anybody feel bad that Hodges didn't get to go Go-Carting? Seemed sort of unfair since he'd admitted to being a Go-Cart afficionado! :lol:
To start off, thanks, guys, for letting me know what the song was that they played at the end. ^_^ I downloaded it too. "Running up the Hill"... How awesome..

By the way, for the person who asked, Marc Vann is the guy who plays Ecklie.

Okay, so, totally HATED Gil's black hat thing. The straw hat, I can deal with. Who doesn't enjoy being a dork sometimes? But the black one... just too over the top. Ick. Gross. Bleh.

The whole thing about Warrick getting a divorce was run by so fast, I didn't even know he had gotten divorced until I talked with a few people around the site. I was like, "Wait... Whaaa?" The scene with him and Cath was kind of cute... And she was looking fabulous, by the way.

Didn't like the new detective... He reminded me of Lockwood, who I thought was pretty cool. It almost seems like they're trying to replace him. Grrrrr.

The scene with the go-karts was tooooooo cute. I went *squee* while watching it, and the rest of my family were all giving me weird looks... But they wouldn't understand. ^_^
Lol, yes that did seem ucky for Hodges. I think they're all still enjoying picking on him though. They can't go from being mean to him to loving him overnight.

I rate the episode a 12 out of 10 becuase of the YoBling. But seriously, the writers are slipping. The last 3 episodes have been very poor. And the las 5 have really not been as good as the potential said they could have been. I hope that things turn around this season and we start getting more of that sweet sweet CSI awesomeness that we used to get. Eventually they have to turn out another Gum Drops, Stalker, Weeping Willows, Gentle, Gentle, I even really liked Chaos Theory, or one of the like right? I hope it's soon.
Didn't like the new detective... He reminded me of Lockwood, who I thought was pretty cool. It almost seems like they're trying to replace him. Grrrrr.
At first I thought it was a flashback and the detective was Lockwood.

Oh, on a side note, did anybody feel bad that Hodges didn't get to go Go-Carting? Seemed sort of unfair since he'd admitted to being a Go-Cart afficionado!
Yeah, poor Hodges, they never let him be part of the group.