Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

I knew Audrey was alive.
I'ma smart cookie. :]
Damn Chinese...they're so mean...

Last night's ep was all-around great.
Probably the best so far.
The CTU plan thingy had me fooled for a bit.
I was like "Yeah, Fayed gets away."
But then Jack was all "We're clear" and I was like "Eh?"
Then I was like "Ah. Smart."
And then Jack killed him and I was all "HELLS YEAH"
And then Audrey was alive and I screamed "I KNEW IT" really loud and scared my dog. =p
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

I gotta tell ya that was one FREAKIN AWESOME episode...I actually watched the last 10 minutes twice it was so good! For all the 24 doubters out there that was 24 at its best, I knew this season would pull it together.

I really enjoyed the President's "fake out" and the CTU scheme...tricky tricky. And Jack sitting up into the frame required a couple rewinds and rewatches...loved it.

I also loved when Doyle (who is actually growing on me) was like "damn Jack" when he looked around at all the dead bad guys and hanging Fayed. Those were some sweet moves on Jack's part, even injured Jack can pack one hell of a punch.

When Doyle passed Jack the phone I was actually yelling at the screen saying, please let it be Audrey and what do ya know....*happy dance ensues* I can't wait until next week!

To sum up that episode in three words

Jack...is...back! :D
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Fingerprints said:
To sum up that episode in three words

Jack...is...back! :D

You bet!

I am really looking forward to Audrey's rescue. You think her dad will be involved?

Did ya think Jack was going to take it easy after finding the bombs? :lol:

I still miss my Cubby boy. :(

Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

I hope Heller makes an appearence but I'm happy enough just to have Audrey back in the picture...I was actually having a really hard time accepting her death...I admit they did have me fooled :p

Does Jack ever take it easy?? 24 wouldn't be the same if Jack gave up after almost sacrificing himself, disarming a nuke, getting beat up, initiating the most awesome fight sequence ever, and other totally awesome Bauer-ness.

I'm almost finished watching season 4 again and man was Tony an awesome character, and since I kind of watched the seasons in a funky order the first time it didn't really register until this second time.
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Wow. 24 is finalllllly back! :D

At first I felt, when I thought the bad guys got the route to CTU's truck, it reminded me of last season when they got the route when Bierko was being transported, but they did add a nice twist. :)

I knew Audrey was going to be back! Hah! Nice to know that she is back, but what is going to happen?

Do you really think the L.A. crisis is over? And how about in the White House? Too soon to tell. Hmm.
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

have any of you checked out next week's trailer...I just searched it on YouTube and holy mackaroly I think it'll be a good one :p I love Audrey and I think by totally switching up the last part of the season it is even more exciting...new bad guys...new decisions...new impossible escape acts....new people to interrogate the crap out of....but the same ol' Jack that we love to see.

gotta feed the 24 addiction :D
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

am really glad Audrey is back i soooooooooooooooooooooo can't wait to see season 6
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

I'm hoping we see the old Jack now. I just love how he "interrogates" people.
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

-----Season 6: 11:00pm - 12:00am -----

Let the rollercoaster begin my friends...

Did I just see the Jackpack? Did I? Did I? :D
Could you remember the phone number Cheng gave you? Nope. Not me.
I was surprised Jack didn't ask Bill for help? Instead he went with Chloe, not that I mind? You know she's going to go along with Jack. :lol:
Too bad his sneaking around didn't get far. Darnit! :eek:

I am glad Wayne Palmer went along with Jack. It's nice to know that the bond Jack had with David, has continued with Wayne.
Do you see this as a suicide mission for Jack? Seriously, do you? :eek:
I mean, at some point our Hero will probably die, right? I know. Bite me for saying that? :rolleyes:

Damn, just when Vice President Daniels was about to resign, Palmer collapse. Damn! :mad:
Actually, that didn't surprise me at all, Palmer's health. I was hoping Wayne would hang in for another 6 hours. Clearly that didn't happen. :(
Now that Daniels has taken over, it was a no brainer when he shut down CTU's operation. I swear, Noah Daniels is evil. :lol:

For a second, I had high hopes Buchanan was going to ignore Daniels order and play along with Jack. Instead he throws in the towel. Bad idea Bill. :mad:
Now we all know this isn't going to stop Jack, right?
I wouldn't have mind if Jack shot Doyle. You know I just don't care for Doyle.

So once again, Jack is on his own. And I bet you anything Chloe will lend a hand. :D
You know....this would be a great time for Papa Bauer to show up. Help out his son. Think so? :rolleyes:

The hours are winding down.........tick...tick...tick

Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

The JackPack is back. Well, now maybe we will have some Jack Action.

Poor Wayne. You just had to have known something bad was going to happen.
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

------Season 6: 12:00am - 1:00am ------

Ooooh dirty politics! :eek:
If you had to choose between Bill and Karen, who would you choose?
My choice would be Karen. She resigns earlier, and now that Palmer's out of the picture again, why not walk away?
I'm comfortable with Bill at CTU. It was never that way when he first came aboard, but now, he's the boss. :D
Ouch.....he hung up on Karen. :eek:
I am surprised he step down so quickly. And now Nadia is in charged. She's always been in the background, so I don't know how well she'll handle the situation? Not that I don't trust her? :rolleyes:

Please tell me the Morris/Chloe storyline is over? Please!! I'm over with these two. Please transfer Morris ASAP. :D

OMG, what's wrong with Audrey? :eek:
At least she wasn't killed in the crossfire.

I blame Doyle for Cheng getting away. :mad: On the other hand, I don't think Audrey would have survived without CTU.
Now that Jack is in custody, hmm....what kind of deal will he make? We know he's going to save the world again, right?

CTU better not take away the Jackpack. :lol:

The Jackpack. :D
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Please tell me the Morris/Chloe storyline is over? Please!!
This is getting very old, indeed. Yawn.

OMG, what's wrong with Audrey?
She looks brainwashed or something.

Doyle is just too gung ho for my taste. Even Jack would have used some restraint instead of getting into a firefight with 15 Chinese with machine guns. Wait a minute. Jack against 15 Chinese with machine guns. Never mind. Jack wins again. :lol:

Jack's gonna get Cheng now.

Poor Bill. What a waste.
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

jazzfan said:
Jack's gonna get Cheng now.

Well when Jack puts on his Jackpack, he means business. :devil: And I do look forward to their meeting.

Poor Bill. What a waste.

I'll say it's a waste. I'd like to see Bill team up with Jack just to piss off CTU. :lol:

Papa Bauer....where are you?
