Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Milo Shot! Morris doing whiskey shooters!
Lennox doing the double cross. Chole doing the double take.
Reed gonna kill the Prez. Daddy Bauer done killed a Prez.
Marilyn spills the beans about the call. Jack makes a call to OMG! not him :eek: NO! not HIM. Oh, NO! He's back.
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

jazzfan said:
Milo Shot! Morris doing whiskey shooters!
Lennox doing the double cross. Chole doing the double take.
Reed gonna kill the Prez. Daddy Bauer done killed a Prez.
Marilyn spills the beans about the call. Jack makes a call to OMG! not him :eek: NO! not HIM. Oh, NO! He's back.

----- Season 6: 3:00pm - 4:00pm -----

Howdy "24" Fans! What an hour! :eek:

I never would have thought Phillip would be so evil. It shock me at first but now I love it. Hehe.....he even looks the part. :devil:

So it was Milo's turn to bleed. Yep, he got shot Jazz. :eek: Gee, did Nadia have to rub it in on Morris? Do you blame him for leaving CTU and buying some whiskey? I don't. :)
I didn't realize employees of CTU could just walk out of the building during a crisis? :eek:

Since Josh overheard the conversation, why didn't he run? I would have been out the door.
How many of you thought Philip would be waiting for Marilyn at the Hotel room? *raises hand* Me. :lol: Oh Grandpa is so dang evil and damn smart. :devil: :devil:

Whooohooo I don't feel sorry for Tom. Not one bit!!! Did he deserve it? Oh you bet!!!!!! :D Serves him right for going behind the POTUS. :mad:

So why didn't Phillip kill his second son? Not that I'm complaining. After all we know "24" is all about Jack. :D

Well, well, well I've been waiting for Logan to appear. :lol: So....Papa Bauer and Logan were working together. I like calling him "Papa Bauer" 'cause he's a Grandpa. "Daddy" works too.

Hmmm who do you think will get to Gredenko first Phillip or Jack? Touch call. :rolleyes:

So how do you guys feel about another possible assassination? Would that be too much? :eek:

I can't wait for next week.

BTW, in a couple of weeks, "24" will officially be half way through the season. My, time flies when you're having fun!

Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

I got my 24 magazine yesterday :D and it says that Jean, who played the First Lady last season will most likely be playing a senator this season.
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

So how do you guys feel about another possible assassination? Would that be too much?
I hope it doesn't happen. I think it would be a bit over the top even for 24.

I'm glad Jean Smart is coming back. I really liked her last season.
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Another assasination would remind me of David Palmer last season, and this time it would be his brother dying, which seems too cheesy for 24.
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

-----Season 6: 4:00pm - 5:00pm -----

13 hours to go my 24 fans and I've lost track on how many explosions have gone off so far? :lol:

So how serious is Palmer's injury? It didn't look too bad to me. I bet he'll come back before the 13 hours are up, right? :)

Now that Wayne is down his VP Daniels takes over. What will he be up to? Good or bad?? :eek: One things for sure, it's going to be very interesting the rest of the season. I'm actually looking forward to someone else in charge of The United States. Do you? :D

ITA with what Tom said about Reed being just another Fayed. A traitor!! :mad: Sure Tom got on our nerves, so what now? I'm wondering if Daniels was involved? :eek: Of course I wouldn't be surprise. :devil:

And what about Logan? Do you really think he has changed at all? Besides the physical appearance, is he worth trusting? For all the crimes that the Ex-President was involved in, he's under house arrest? Seriously?? :eek: Don't cha think that's like a slap on the wrist??? :mad:
Look, as long as Jack is going with Charles, I feel safe. Though, I think Logan has something up his sleeve?
I think his deal has something to do with Martha?

Chloe or Morris, I don't know who's going crazy? Their personal fighting is starting to get on my nerves. :mad: Is it really necessary? And where was Milo?

The beauty of "24" is that we don't have repeats!!!! YAY!!!!!

Half way next week. Woohoooo!!

Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Chole and Morris... WHO CARES? Enough already.

Reed,"We are not cold-blooded killers." :rolleyes: uh, ya think?

And what about Logan? Do you really think he has changed at all?
Well, he did find Jesus, but so did James Cameron. :lol: :D

I don't think they killed Wayne. At least I hope not. I'm not too thrilled with him as the president, but he's better than that dictator guy.
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Excellent episode!

I love seeing Logan back. On that note:
She should be back by episode 13!!!!

I seriously doubt Palmer is dead. I doubt they would kill the whole Wayne and David clan! :rolleyes:

And where the hell is Karen? I think enough time has passed to get from Washington D.C. to Los Angeles! :eek:
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Wow, I forgot about Karen? :eek:

She should be showing up any time now.

Now that we have Charles,
I'm looking forward to seeing Martha again. Do you think they're still married? Yes, No???

Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

WP_Rocks_MY_World said:

Now that we have Charles,
I'm looking forward to seeing Martha again. Do you think they're still married? Yes, No???

They're divorced now.
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

And where the hell is Karen? I think enough time has passed to get from Washington D.C. to Los Angeles!
She must be flying on Jet Blue. :lol:
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

jazzfan said:
And where the hell is Karen? I think enough time has passed to get from Washington D.C. to Los Angeles!
She must be flying on Jet Blue. :lol:

That is so weird. I think it took Assad 3 hours to get from CTU to the White House, which is impossible. Karen is travelling in the oposite direction and she still isn't in LA. What plain did she took? Did it crash? Or did it run out of fuel or something?

About 24 season 6 in general, so far IMO it is very dissapoiting. I knew it was gonna be hard to beat season 5 (my favourite), but so far the story's are lame and pretty unbelievable. Shame, there was more possible :(. But were only halfway, I hope for a better 2nd half.
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Daisy said:
jazzfan said:
And where the hell is Karen? I think enough time has passed to get from Washington D.C. to Los Angeles!
She must be flying on Jet Blue. :lol:

That is so weird. I think it took Assad 3 hours to get from CTU to the White House, which is impossible. Karen is travelling in the oposite direction and she still isn't in LA. What plain did she took? Did it crash? Or did it run out of fuel or something?

I think by now we would have heard of a crash, but I have heard of:
karen will be returning to CTU, so that kind of dumps your theory :lol:

About 24 season 6 in general, so far IMO it is very dissapoiting. I knew it was gonna be hard to beat season 5 (my favourite), but so far the story's are lame and pretty unbelievable. Shame, there was more possible :(. But were only halfway, I hope for a better 2nd half.

I agree. And that's why I'm finding this season now up to par, because of season 5. Season 5 was fantastic, the whole Logan relevation and the cast was just perfect. :D But we have 12 more episodes to go and I heard more characters are to return. So let's just hope. "24" and "CSI" are my favorite shows so I can't have them disappoint me!

btw happy birthday Daisy. :)
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

----- Season 6: 5:00pm - 6:00pm -----

Ooooh Noooo!! Not again Jack? :eek:
A prisoner once again, this time it's the Russian. I'm looking forward to see how he gets out of this mess. :D

OMG, Karen was still waiting at the airport? At the airport people?? :eek: I wanted her back at CTU. Darn, She's going back to the White House. :(

I don't think Palmer's injury is that serious? I think he'll be back in the end. I actually like Assad, too bad he's dead now.

What do you think of Vice President Daniels? I wouldn't be surprise if the assassination was his plan all along. :eek: I don't trust him.

I'm glad Tom did the right thing and turned in Reed and Carson.
Reed was a fool to think Tom would go along. A fool. :lol:

I was laughing out loud when Charles talked about lying. Yeah, he should know. :lol:

OT: I just made it in time to watch Jack because I was at a meeting, The past couple of weeks have been tough and in another two I have a wedding to attend, just when you think things are going smoothly, all hell breaks loose.
Hmmm what a year I'm having! I have so much on my mind, that I wasn't into Jack tonight? Sheesh, that's a first. :eek:

Tonight's episode was like the calm before the storm. And what a storm that will be. :D
Yay, Martha returns. :p

Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

I think the Veep is a jerk. Without solid proof he accuses Asaad of trying to kill Palmer. This is just too scary.

Lennox did the right thing. But did he? I still don't trust that guy.

Hey, weren't all flights cancelled after the nuke went off? Maybe that is why Karen was still at the airport.

Jack, Jack, Jack! I can't believe you. Now you gotta go up against the Russians. Hmm, sounds like a fair fight. :D