#1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written off

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Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

Hi :D

I want to start by saying that, the reason I ship Snickers is (and it might have been said by others) because it is the ship that represents a lot of things I most enjoy, first, Nick, he's the kind of guy I want to eventually find, he's exactly the way I like men to act, in all his glory that's' makes about 35% of the ship, then there's Sara, she's a strong woman, who thinks for her self and is not afraid of any thing, and women need to be more like that, and that makes up another 35% of the ship.
then there how they look with each other, they share this chemistry that is so natural and so sweet, it's really nice, unlike any Ship before, that makes up about 20% of it. then the last 20% (yes 110%) it's just every thing they have done on screen is more then any other ship on the show, they have had more lines, moments and cuteness between them than any of the other ships, from the first season, to the well when the last happens the Snickers will still be there ;)

ok that was my piece, and I'm glad there is a place to throw down with the other ships, but I always get mad when I go into places like that, so you guys just keep fighting it all for me :D

ok I'm done, oh wait and George and Jorja play the parts beautifully, if they were played by different actors, it would be completely different, they are good, and they look really cute together :D

ok now I'm done :)
(and I hope my math was correct :D )
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

Yep, your math was spot-on!

And so was your logic, too.

Honestly...Snickers really is the easiest way to go as far as discreet office relationships go, because it's not that big of a stretch for them to work a case and then be all

"Well, we're going to go home and sleep in the same bed now, see you guys tomorrow!"

Snickers can so EASILY drift the line and become a ship that isn't the whole show's focus, like about 80% of the other ships would be. Snickers isn't high-profile OR high-drama.

It's simple, plain, clean fun, and that's how I like it.
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

i was thinking, how would nick treat sara on a date?? I bet i would be like the queen song "good old fashined lover boy"

"dining at the rits we'll meet at nine precisly, i'll pay the bill you taste the wine, driving back in style in my saloon would do quite nicley just take me back to yours that will be fine"

i can see him treating her old fashoned like brass said "he's the old fashoned type"
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

nicksarafan2 said:
I want to start by saying that, the reason I ship Snickers is (and it might have been said by others) because it is the ship that represents a lot of things I most enjoy, first, Nick, he's the kind of guy I want to eventually find, he's exactly the way I like men to act, in all his glory that's' makes about 35% of the ship, then there's Sara, she's a strong woman, who thinks for her self and is not afraid of any thing, and women need to be more like that, and that makes up another 35% of the ship.

I agree. The two of them have a friendship that has extreme value from the very beginning. They were equals, they fought, they teased each other and they were there for each other.

I like what youu said about Nick being the guy you wou would want. Because that brings me to another topic...women don't see guys like that in the beginning. :D It's really strange, but we're attracted to insecuity, drama, angst...and then it all hits us in the face, we can emotianally careful and only after a while we notice that one guy who was there for us when we needed him and he never asked anything in return. And I think Nick is that guy for Sara. And she is that woman for him.

Another continuity moment I would like to see:

Nick comes back to work after the wedding he attended:
S: So, Nick, how was the public declaration of love?
N: (chuckles) It was great. You would hate it.
S: Don't be so sure. (turns around and leaves)
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

I'm a Snicker because .... I don't exactly have a reason. I think it's like their chemistry itself; it's natural and it's easy to see and feel the electricity between them. That's why it's not hard to pair them up.
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

they balance each other really well. first you have sara, who's a strong woman, but she's very introverted, and almost anti-social. she doesn't really like to deal with people, other than the ones she works with, she almost sets herself up to be a hermit of sorts, only venturing out into the world when she has to. she looks for approval in ways she shouldn't almost because she hasn't had that interaction with people to show her how she should.

and then you've got nick, this guy who can't help but get along with people. he's a people person. he's always trying to save people (kristy, cassie, etc). and because of that aspect of his personality, where he always needs to be around people, he brings sara out of her shell a bit. he brings out things in her that could be said that she never knew she had. and in turn, she doesn't make him seem as people-seeking as he can be.

a balance.
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

ooh nice topic guys.
i ship snickers primarily because they're so cute together and they look gorjuz together with all the smiles, look in their faces says alot, the teasing and flirting. the simple gestures are much reassuring for them.
when i first saw them i thought were couple but then i found out they're not. but i still like them together. theres no denying that they fit together perfectly.
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

Loving your icon LMS! :D

Very well-put iluvroadrunner! That's exactly it. I love the balance they create for one another. They can help each other out in growing to be better persons.
Misery said:
Another continuity moment I would like to see:

Nick comes back to work after the wedding he attended:
S: So, Nick, how was the public declaration of love?
N: (chuckles) It was great. You would hate it.
S: Don't be so sure. (turns around and leaves)
I'd love to see that! Oh you know another thing that would be awesome as well, one more continuity on the 'getcha' thing. Probably something like...

S: Gotcha!
N: Huh?
S: I got it. I successfully lifted teh evasive fingerprint.
N: I thought you were supposed to get me?

and then Nick sings the Blondie song :lol:
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

^^^ Cuteness!!! Haha, I bet Sara would get all blushy. :)

Anyway. Hey guys! I haven't been here for ages (AGAIN!!) *sobs* I missed you all so much lmao. But I'm alive and kicking again, sort of.

Any newbies? Probably, since I've been gone for like 200 years. Anyway, WELCOME!

I'll go with the topic now. Why I ship Nick and Sara (that is the topic right?) is because... well, where to start? They're just damn cute together, they're equals and they complete eachother perfectly. They show care for eachother, sometimes subtly sometimes clearly and they have everything a relationship needs: friendship, arguments, fun, angst, romance, whatever you say. Most important, they can be whoever they want to be when they're together, they can tell eachother their opinion and the other one will listen or tell their opinion. They can piss eachother off with their opinions, which shows that they do care for what the other one thinks, but also they can make eachother smile with the simplest (but cutest!) things. OK, now that I'm done rambling, isn't it OBVIOUS? :D

eta - this cap sorta makes me laugh, lol.
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

cofi_shot said:
S: Gotcha!
N: Huh?
S: I got it. I successfully lifted teh evasive fingerprint.
N: I thought you were supposed to get me?

OMG, that is sooo cute! And I can totally imagine that happening. :D And it's a perfect Nick line that makes Sara blush and look away.

And Mariel , that cap!!! :D It looks like she's nagging him about some trivia he did around the house, like married couples usually talk to each other. And NIck is being a good boy, and he just listens to her. :D
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

OMG, that is sooo cute! And I can totally imagine that happening. And it's a perfect Nick line that makes Sara blush and look away.

Or she would give him her famous "death glare", the same she gave him on "invisible evidence" and he laughed because of that :D awwwww i know, that's myf avourite scene :lol:

And Mariel , that cap!!! It looks like she's nagging him about some trivia he did around the house, like married couples usually talk to each other. And NIck is being a good boy, and he just listens to her

and he is getting bored :lol: so please Sara , jump on him lol

Mariel hunny i missed you so much!!! **hugs**
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

Thanks! *hugs back*

Yeah, Mis, that cap rocks my socks, haha.

Btw, I finally updated my fic, so for those who want to read:

Sooner or Later, chapter 5

Reviews are always welcome. :)
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

iluvroadrunner said:
they balance each other really well. first you have sara, who's a strong woman, but she's very introverted, and almost anti-social. she doesn't really like to deal with people, other than the ones she works with, she almost sets herself up to be a hermit of sorts, only venturing out into the world when she has to. she looks for approval in ways she shouldn't almost because she hasn't had that interaction with people to show her how she should.

and then you've got nick, this guy who can't help but get along with people. he's a people person. he's always trying to save people (kristy, cassie, etc). and because of that aspect of his personality, where he always needs to be around people, he brings sara out of her shell a bit. he brings out things in her that could be said that she never knew she had. and in turn, she doesn't make him seem as people-seeking as he can be.

a balance.
Thats the exact reason I ship them when she's upset about something he's there for her and vice versa and He does get her out of her shell (if only I could find my "Nick" *sighs*) the other reason I ship them is the way they treat eachother it goes beyond just Friendship for me They almost act as though they are newly weds ,They fight but when they do it doesnt last long and they never blame eachother and You feel as though when they get home they Kiss and Make up

anywho I have a gift for you My Friend Amanda gave this to me at a different site I'D never seen it before nor did I Have it so I'm hoping its new to all of you (if not well You'll enjoy it again)
and Amanda if you read this thanks again Hon
"Lets go Home Nicky"
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

mariel you're here! Missed ya! *hugs*

sissi59100 said:
Or she would give him her famous "death glare", the same she gave him on "invisible evidence" and he laughed because of that :D awwwww i know, that's myf avourite scene :lol:
My fave too! Alright I pretty much say that to every snicker scene. :lol: But I really love it whenever they do that. They also did that in Last Laugh I think... at least I remember Sara's glare during the bath tub scene.
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

nick was showing off his streangth, i mean he was wearing the sexxy tight black shirt, sara liked it :D
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