#1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written off

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Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

i'd say something about it just being because GSR shippers are stuck up c bomb's but that would get me in trouble.

so ill say dont worry about it, when gsr dies (which it will, because its just WRONG, and gris is leaving) they wont be so happy then, but seeing as we wont sink as low as to go and bash them we wont spam them. its just the type of people they are, selfish immature fucks.
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

lol yeah that is so true, because really all they say over and over again is gsr is the best and i go and make all these good points on snickers and one time when someone said they were brother and sister i was like "dont you remember in pleading mr johnson, what kind of sister compliments her brothers pecktorials" and they where like "... gsr is the best ship"
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

csikicksurass, in the forum guidelines, lament and I asked that people leave arguments/problems that occur outside of this board outside of this board. TBonz further drove this point home in one of her announcements here:

TBonz said:
- Bring trouble from other boards. People, do NOT do this!!! I can't emphasize this enough. I don't care if someone is a wanker elsewhere, or two of you can't get along elsewhere, keep it off of here.

heartagram69 said:
i'd say something about it just being because GSR shippers are stuck up c bomb's but that would get me in trouble.

You're right it will. And you just said it. Considering how many friendly warnings lament and I have given you, I would have thought you would have had the good sense not to make comments like this. Since you haven't, I see no other option than to give you a warning.

So heartagram69, this is an Official Warning for Flaming for the quoted statement above.

I'd also like to point out that we have provided you with a thread in which to debate the merits of other ships, in a POLITE manner. If you wish to discuss GSR, or anyother ship, do it there please.
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

ok fine. but i didnt say it, i said that i would but didnt. anyway, i wont mention it again.

its impossible to talk anywhere about disliking a ship coz we all get in trouble, even if we are doing it in a civilized manner.

anyway back onto snickers.
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

for now i'm waiting for season 7 and our next favourite Snicker scene, i got the feelings there will be more powerfull this time:
see in season6 , we get a lot of Snicker scenes and snicker subtext, we enjoyed it a whole lot...Hoping next season will give us the same satisfaction
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

Me too! I want season 7. I'm also expecting lots of snicker scenes. I'm also curious as to how Nick would react to the recent developments. :)
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

I hope Sara will come to her senses and realize that she and Nick are meant to be together.

I would love to see more Snickers moments. Sara should be modelling more lace teddies at Nick. Nick should do more 'buttering of that toast' (no, I don't mean that in a perverted manner) at Sara.

Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

I've noticed this thread has slown down quite a lot, I know I haven't been posting a lot in here either. Even temptations of other ships have attempted to sway me but do you know why I come back?

This is the only ship that I truly believe is right, I'm not gonna go through ALL of the specifics because lets be realistic, it would take up like 3/4 of the Bible in space. :lol: With all the rubbish that goes on in everyday life, with all the fights and obstacles in their way they always overcome them together...either as co-workers/friends, they are close regardless of what people think; however, people have noticed this, it's just interpreted differently.

I'd have to agree with what people said in the Shipper Debate Thread about how some people are in denial about the Brother/Sister relationship. People are only in denial because they're scared, mostly I think they're just scared that they'll like it more than what they're 'supposed' to like. Snickers has a real possibility of working, it's just the writers haven't completely clicked on to the idea yet, maybe they're following the "If you love something, you'll let it go" principle, and that one day it will return.

I'll always have hope.

Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

Anna! Your net's back, then? :D
I skipped the last scene of that eppie, but I still heard their voices bursting up the stairs from the telly. Heh.
According to my teacher, who loves CSI, there is only an 8 year age difference between Gil and Sara. That makes him forty six, people! Uh, I don't think so. :rolleyes:
Dear GOD, I am SO glad we don't have CSI for another year now, I can put my mind to my own writing ( non-CSI/ CSI )without moaning to my pen and paper about the last episode after a few weeks of freedom.
I have no idea what i just said :confused:
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

I completely agree with you annalysse .

The brother/sister vibe has been pulled on Snickers bunches of times, but what I've learned is that even though most people say they think Snickers is brother/sister, it's pretty clear they don't act that way.

I already said it earlier, any of my brothers OR my guy friends who act like my brothers would NEVER act the way Nick does to Sara around me if I set it up the way she does or vice versa.

The way I see it, the brother/sister accusation is basically a cover for the fact that some people just plainly and simply refuse to see the flirting.

But, from all the information I've gathered on the Great Ship Debate (which...I love), I've come to the conclusion that many people KNOW the flirting is there, it's just they're a one-ship kind of person and/or they don't want to entertain the possibility of Nick and Sara being together.

But....again...it's all about perception.
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

it's definitely about perception. because different chemistry is seen different ways. like i, personally, don't see certain ships at all, while others (such as Snickers) are so blatantly obvious. and then there are people who don't see snickers, who think that the other ships are blatantly obvious. it all depends on which POV you're looking from.

Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

The way I see it, the brother/sister accusation is basically a cover for the fact that some people just plainly and simply refuse to see the flirting.

But, from all the information I've gathered on the Great Ship Debate (which...I love), I've come to the conclusion that many people KNOW the flirting is there, it's just they're a one-ship kind of person and/or they don't want to entertain the possibility of Nick and Sara being together.

But....again...it's all about perception.

I couldn't say that better, that's EXACTLY what i think...When you think they are just like brother/sister , there is no way out, there can't be more ....But if you state there is a really strong friendship , then ther eis a possibility for more and that's what most people are scared of.
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

You're right, sissi , but Snickers in itself goes beyond a great friendship.

I think what people are afraid of is the fact that Snickers happens to be the classic television relationship. They're great friends, they work together extremely well, and it does no harm to them if they drift over the line to engage in a hugely flirtatious, majorly obvious interlude where they trade smiles and playful jibes.

I think it's funny though, people don't usually deny the chemistry that goes on between the two of them. I assume because it's such a plain-sight kind of thing, that you can't help but acknowledge it.

Even people who say they can't see Nick and Sara as a couple say that they flirt a lot more than all the other ships combined.
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

we get a lot of Snicker scenes and snicker subtext, we enjoyed it a whole lot...Hoping next season will give us the same satisfaction

i dont know for a greg/nick shipper i say they have more subtext but thats only because like i said im a g/n shipper for me snickers takes home the gold in cutest couple and chemisty
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

when i say "subtext" i'm talking about the episode "spellbound": even if they weren't there, the dog was called Sneakers :Dor Sneaker but that sound similar :lol:
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