#1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written off

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Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

wow...i have a TON of catching up to do...but anyways what are we all talkin about...i have seriously not been here since...well the finale...they better change 701 ((premire)) or i'm done with CSI :p
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

Nice wallpapers! :D

Yeah, I think at first Sara would be upset and all. But I know she'll understand. Nick will be the first one there to comfort her.... :)
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

adore the wallpapers

hey i was thinking, what if instead of getting promoted one of them got fired???
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

That would be hard on the other I think they'd have a hard time not having the other one around but then they'd have the "coming home from work" sex so it would be okay
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

cofi_shot said:
I'd like to think that Sara wouldn't be pissed off if Nick gets the promotion instead of her. I think she has grown a lot ever since Season 4 and wouldn't be as narrow-minded as before. Also, knowing that Nick has gone through GD, she might actually be sincerely happy for him.

Well...I agree that Sara has grown a lot from S4, cofi , but...I still think she'd be upset. But, I don't think her overemotion would be driven by the fact that Nick got the promotion, but that Grissom didn't think she was competent enough for the job.

Sara's life has been her work, and I think she'd be upset at Grissom for snubbing her and basically throwing her work in the garbage. So, sadly, Nick would kind of have to take the brunt of the emotions, since Grissom would've left and she couldn't take it out on him. I just think Sara would think she was shunned from a reward that, in her mind and through her work, she deserved, and that Grissom, by shutting her out, stabbed her in the back.

So, I don't think she'd be mad at Nick, I think she'd be generally fraught with emotion, and some of it would leak into work. I don't think Nick would ever want Sara to be that way about something she's devoted 99.5% of her life to.

As for one of them getting fired? I think it would be a great wake up call to Sara if Nick was fired and vice versa. It would lead them to realize that without each other....they're missing something. I think as coworkers they have a special spark and tandem work ethic that no other pair have, and they would miss it. They would realize that they miss the other person so much, that I believe they would maintain a friendship and then a relationship. Also...I guess the professional compromise wouldn't be there either... :devil:

(Edited to add the sidenote that it's almost page 20 of the thread, so we might need to decide what the lovely 19th thread is going to be named!)
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

sorry to dissapoint everyone, but its now only 40 posts per page not 50, so we gotta wait till page 26 for a new thread instead of 21 :p
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

I want a new thread too. Btw, glad y'all liked the walls. :D

Yeah I figured Sara would still be pissed off, I just like to think she won't. I'd like to think she no longer seeks assurance in stuff like that. And besides, she would have expected it since Nick was supposed to get promoted before anyways. But then we have yet to see Sara like that. Still I'm hoping they'd turn her character for the better in the following seasons. :)

Even though we're still far from getting a new thread, I'm just gonna pimp these previous suggestions:

Public Declaration of Love

Double Double Animal Style

Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

Hola Chicas!! :D

I think that Sara would act upset that she didn't get it, but I have a feeling Catherine will get supervisor and nick will get her place as lead CSI, and Sara will be a little up set but then she'd get over it, she's a big girl and I think she'd prefer Nick over Warrick to lead her, and Nick wouldn't really care I think he'd be shocked that he was chosen and would be wary about it at first hoping every one wouldn't treat him different, I wonder if they'll do an episode where like in "ellie" Grissom leaves nick in charge, i bet he wouldn't loose it, nick's calm, cool and collected :cool:

And you ask what would they do if one of them were fired? I'd stop watching :lol:
No actually I think they would try really hard to get the other rehired, like how Nick was going to talk to Ecklie for Warrick, see Nicky's a good leader :D

oh and Cofi I liked the wall papers too :D they were very pretty :D

And I like "Double Double Animal Style" i loved that episode :D

and what was the name of the episode were Sara kept asking for nick's opinion on a case, and he was so cute and listened and gave his opinion?

oh and see even when there not working a case together, we get Snicker scenes :D so we will totally get them next season :D
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

i love that episode too she always turned to him

what about based on pirates of the caribian
"are ships got cannons others got forks" :D i dont know i suck at these
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

nicksarafan2 said:
and what was the name of the episode were Sara kept asking for nick's opinion on a case, and he was so cute and listened and gave his opinion?

oh and see even when there not working a case together, we get Snicker scenes :D so we will totally get them next season :D
One Hit Wonder. :) Yeah even if they're not working together, one of them finds a way. Like Nick in Last Laugh.
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

"One Hit Wonder" ok thanks Cofi :D

yeah that was cute, and just the way he standing and listening to her was adorable, it was to cute, I must say if a different actor played Nick I wouldn't ship this ship, the same for Sara, the two actors just add this chemistry that is missing from most other ships, it is too cute and oh so natural :D love them what can I say :lol:

and I like the 'forks' thing I thought it was funny :lol:

what about: 'he thought she'd never ask' or 'she needs his hands'?

I don't know just ideas :)
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

csikicksurass said:
lol i love the "he thought she'd never ask" :lol:

Yeah, I like that too, or: We knew she'll ask.

Another suggestion: She needs his hands. I just love Rashomama, can't you tell? :D
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

hi everyone :)

cofi - loved the walls :)

about the promotion, I do think that Sara would act upset 'cause the writers do have a liking to make Sara act infantile. that's why Sara isn't one of my favorite characters. I love her in a combo with Nick but there are many times when her character just annoys me and I think that she needs to grow up.

but well, since Cath is the leading lady, I'm sure she'd get Grissom's office

she needs his hands - is my favorite :D
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