#1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written off

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Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

wo what's going on? why are people saying there sorry, i'm confused!! (and that does happen often ;) )

oh and that reminded me of something funny:

Nick puts on Sunglasses and starts acting like Ozzy Osborn,
"Sara!! I'm so confused!"

Ok i saw it on a show but it's funny :D

And here he is being confused :D
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

(thoughts in italics)

N: oh shit we are so busted hey gris
S: nick you are so dead
G: lemons why is their new sex toy in a hazard bucket? ok actually, i dont want to know
N: lemons? yeah lemons, gotta go
S: whats lemons? bye

nick and sara rush off

S: lemons?
N: no idea, i just didnt want him asking what was in the bucket
S: good thinking, tricky nicky
N: tricky indeed *pats the lid of the bucket :devil: *

Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

I agree with the reason why she's with Grissom (I like to think its a dream but thats just me) she confuses his fatherly ness to her for love she never had anyone to show her otherwise and because of her past shes not that good in the Love department (I mean look at Hank)
I think Nick can change that I truly believe that somehow she'll realize how much she loves him,break up with Grissom and happily wind up with Nick
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

nicksarafan2 said:
I believe that nick would never not give Sara a case, because that's something Grissom does, and Nick is nothing like Grissom, and Nick is a special guy, he'd know how to be boss like and turn it off.

Yeah, I think that Sara would be "forced" to tell Nick about her past if he became her supervisor. Maybe she will be feeling weird at the beginning, but I think that the weirdness will disappear after a few seconds, cause Nick has the ability to make people comfortable around him.

And he wouldn't be like Gris, pulling her from certain cases, or giving her cases that would bother her, but not acknowliging the fact.
I think that he would tell her how he understands and that he trusts her enough to go to him if something starts to bother her in a certain case.

And I think that after that, Sara won't have any problems telling Nick if she begins to feel awkward because of the case. And I think that she won't even have to tell Nick anything. He would know.
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

Hahahaha... I thought they were both up for it. I expected Sara to be a tad bit disappointed. I pictured Nick taking her out for a treat. What that treat is... well....;)
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

ooooh nice what if they both put in for the promotion of being a supervisor (like they both did before in one of the eppie) .
would they bet on it who will get the job?
who would impose the bet?
and rashomama in now on nick and sara are so cute together specially the one the both turn around to look at the window and there sitting reaallly close. so cute. im still watching this.
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

I don't think they would impose the bet...the job is a big deal, and I think that no one would even mention it until one of them gets it. But, I think the both of them would be happy for the other.

Although, I think that the supervisor job isn't something they would want to do...the paperwork, dealing with Ecklie...:D
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

Hmm....my God this is a good question! Nice one, cofi !

Okay, so, in the fevered, CSI world of my mind, I'm thinking if Nick got the promotion in the first place, Sara would be upset. She was, after all, "handpicked" to be there and I think she'd be offended that Grissom doesn't think that she has the chops to make it as a supervisor or anything more than a subordinate.

And, I think Nick would feel bad that Sara's pissed off about it, and, not wanting to be the bad guy (especially around her), he shows her that their friendship is worth more than a stupid job and he lets Warrick or Catherine take it OR allows Sara to be cosupervisor with him. In the end, he'd do it because he would miss having that equality with her, and her snarkily calling him "boss" every night isn't his idea of a good time.

And, I can see all of this going down with a big fight/makeout session in the break room. I don't know why, it's just how my mind works I guess!
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

I agree with you ,I actually can see their situation being like Gris and Caths now half the time she acts like a cosupervisor with him ,I can see Nick and Sara being in a similiar situation
so because of this heres MY question?? how do you think the others would feel if this were the Case would they be Jealous? or would it not really matter to them
For me for like Warrick and Greg I dont think it would Matter I believe they both know how much Nick and Sara care about eachother and they'd adjust to the new situation
for Cath however I think she'd be a bit jealous because she might feel as if she'd been demoted
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

I'd like to think that Sara wouldn't be pissed off if Nick gets the promotion instead of her. I think she has grown a lot ever since Season 4 and wouldn't be as narrow-minded as before. Also, knowing that Nick has gone through GD, she might actually be sincerely happy for him.

Anyhoo... wallpapers :D

Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

I really like them, cofi ! Simple and that what makes them great! You chose 2 great scenes. :D
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

Yay thanks! Isn't Nick the cutest in the first one? LOL. They're both so gorgeous... just imagine how cute their kids would be. The tension is so hot in that scene that's why I picked it. Kinda angsty. *shuts up*
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

*smirks* I dont have to imagine I have atleast one of them that could pass of as thier child around me all the time
but I digress
I agree with Mis CS your wallpapers are awesome
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