#1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written off

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Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

Hmm..I know it's early but I'd thought I'd put mine out there just because I was upset I missed it last time:

I thought of this based off of the infamous GE "You've Got Male" Interview:

Just One Good Roll in the Hay...

And I was shocked to see this was never suggested for a thread title:

Flirting Over a D/B

I'll probably have more later!!
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

Lol.... when Nick said, "I thought you'd never ask." I immediately thought....

"hey, so he HAS been thinking about IT lol..."
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

I'll write them all down, so in the end we can make a poll with all suggestions.

Of course he thought about it. :D Probably he had a flashback from the last time she showed him a teddy. Poor guy, she doesn't keep things simple for him. :D
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

chaostheory08 said:
"hey, so he HAS been thinking about IT lol..."
Yeah total squee moment! :D So Nick has been in the gutter himself over Sara.

I like Roll in the hay also. How about Flirting over lace teddies?
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

I like Flirting Over Lace Teddies , too!

I wanted to say that my new fic, Playing House, is up on FF.net. It won the fanfiction challenge, and I would love to hear real feedback from all of you guys!
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

Congrats LittleMissSnark! I really liked it. I already left you a review there for it. Good job!
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

i know it might not be that great but in the season of pirates

A captin goes down with his ship
A shipload of chemistry
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

I dont know what name to choose I Love them all
I gotta say I dont understand why People Dislike Sara so much because of her Personality I love her I wouldnt change her at all and Nick with her compliments the whole thing even more (but then again I probably feel this way because I can Relate to Sara I act just like her *shrugs*)
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

Sara is just one of those people who doesn't want anyone to know she cares. So most people she her as uncaring because of the walls she builds around her. But Nick gets in and softens her. But not really he helps people to see her other side. ;)
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

CSI_Watcher_8 said:
Sara is just one of those people who doesn't want anyone to know she cares. So most people she her as uncaring because of the walls she builds around her. But Nick gets in and softens her. But not really he helps people to see her other side. ;)
see and I'm just like that some people think i'm a snob because of it thats not the case i just build up walls
and her emotionalness I'm just like that as well people mistake it for immaturity I think its just that people like us Care so much
but I digress cause well I"m out of topic

back to the next thread Name for some reason My brain wont come up with any good ones I like the Lace teddy one though we should use that one
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

^ Great pics Pandora! :D

I discovered a Snickery Song the other day whilst going through some of my old CDs from my preteen days and I found this song by NSYNC. Its called "This I Promise You" :

When the visions around you, bring tears to your eyes
And all that surrounds you are secret and lies
I"ll be your strength, I'll give you hope
Keeping your faith when it's gone
The one you should call
Was standing here all along...

And i will take you in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
'til the day my life is through
This I Promise You..This I Promise You...

I've loved you forever in lifetimes before
And I promise you never will you hurt anymore
I give you my word, I give you my heart
This is a battle we've won
And with this vow
Forever has now begun..

Just close your eyes each lovin' day
And know this feeling won't go away
'til the day my life is through
This I Promise You
This I Promise You

Over and over I fall
When I hear you call
Without you in my life, baby
I just wouldn't be livin' at all..
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

cofi_shot said:
chaostheory08 said:
"hey, so he HAS been thinking about IT lol..."
Yeah total squee moment! :D So Nick has been in the gutter himself over Sara.

I like Roll in the hay also. How about Flirting over lace teddies?

Lol.... and the way Sara cleared her throad (sorta) when she replied to his comment (not to mention his roaming eye, checking her out) -- Lol, what if Greg wasn't in the room. What would've she said? Hahahaha....

How about, "I thought you'd never ask."
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written

if greg wasn't in the room it would have went a little like this

s: "i need your hands"
n: "i thought you'd never ask"
s: "save it for tonight nicky"
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