08 Presidential Elections

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what people sometimes fail to realize is that the presidential influence goes out waaay beyond America. i'm Canadian and we're effected greatly by the Americans choice, so it sucks that we cannot vote, but w/e. i am SO happy that Barack Obama got elected. in Canada there's alot of speculation and STUPID bets over "will he be assassinated" and i have to say it's a possibility due to the fact that in some parts of America the KKK is still being followed by some people but, if that were to happen America would fall apart. they would probably fall right into a racial based war. Obama has had a huge effect on the world, and i think he is very brave and support him 100%

as long as we remember not to love him because he's black and he's the first african american president in US history, let's see what he can do first, non? :bolian:
what people sometimes fail to realize is that the presidential influence goes out waaay beyond America. i'm Canadian and we're effected greatly by the Americans choice, so it sucks that we cannot vote, but w/e. i am SO happy that Barack Obama got elected. in Canada there's alot of speculation and STUPID bets over "will he be assassinated" and i have to say it's a possibility due to the fact that in some parts of America the KKK is still being followed by some people but, if that were to happen America would fall apart. they would probably fall right into a racial based war. Obama has had a huge effect on the world, and i think he is very brave and support him 100%

as long as we remember not to love him because he's black and he's the first african american president in US history, let's see what he can do first, non? :bolian:

I've heard a lot of talk about how people think he'll be assassinated, especially from many of my black friends. But as to what would happen, I really doubt that the U.S. would fall apart. I was standing in an area with mostly other people from the District, which is, I think, about 90% black. People in the crowd love Obama, but they also cheered like crazy for Biden. I think Obama was prepared for the possibility for violence, as sad and disturbing as that possibility is. No doubt that's one of the many reasons he picked such an experienced, knowledgable and sharp veep in Biden, rather than a Sarah Palin type who probably wouldn't do so well (IMO) managing the country.

As upsetting as it is, this country still has a lot of racists. Maryland and DC are both fairly progressive, but I definitely still see racism on far too regular of a basis. I just pray that nothing happens to our new President.
Lets not go here, it's a horrible thought and negative, especially when he just got this high position. and the security was tight, all day they were on his coattails everywhere.. and we know that other countries love him too, that's wonderful:bolian:( He'll be fine.. here's a cool site~

^^ and according to this article they redid the oath of office in private this evening to make sure that no problems arose from the first one.
I thought that they would have had them practice it for like a week or so before the inauguration. They'd have to if it was me anyways :)

Thanks for the link Jacquie.
It's actually been bothering me all day whether or not they could accept that as the oath. Now he's in the clear just in case.
What really sucks about the swearing in mess up, is that was the moment that normally would have been played over and over....him taking the oath. And that moment in history was flubbed. I mean, I know it's minor, but c'mon....Obama obviously knew what he was supposed to say, and then Roberts screwed it up and it was like the brakes on the car screeching to a halt. :rolleyes: Disappointing, but oh well.

Did anyone catch Al Roker leaning over the barriers yelling "Mr. President! Mr. President!! Say something!" and Obama responding, "It's warm!" LOL! :lol: The NBC folks were having a field day with that! :guffaw: Here's a link to it. The video is about halfway down. :lol:
Actually, I think Obama threw Roberts off by jumping in too soon at the beginning, which you can't really blame the guy for- I'm sure he was bit excited! :lol: After that, I think Roberts (who has never done this before either!) was nervous now too.

I think they both screwed up a little, but it was a nervy moment and we should cut them some slack. They're only human. ;) I'm just glad he's in! :)
Actually, I think Obama threw Roberts off by jumping in too soon at the beginning, which you can't really blame the guy for- I'm sure he was bit excited! :lol: After that, I think Roberts (who has never done this before either!) was nervous now too.

I think they both screwed up a little, but it was a nervy moment and we should cut them some slack. They're only human. ;) I'm just glad he's in! :)

Exactly, everyone screws up, and they both were nervous, and re-did it as a pre-cautionary measure, to cover all bases. NO biggie, and glad your thilled that he's in. We're all estatic. He already signed a bill to close down that horrible torture base in Cuba. GITMO:thumbsup: as promised in his campaign, GO OBAMA
I agree too. :)

They both just jumped the gun a bit.
With so much excitement and hype it would've been hard to focus, so I can understand how it happened.
But it's official, he's in, so it doesn't really matter much now.
It might have made it a little less "pretty" but in the long run it's not a big deal.
Yeah, it's pretty exciting to see that he's already gotten the ball rolling a few things, like Gitmo, and putting new, stricter regulations on Lobbyists, the capping of White House Aide salaries, etc... Yeah, baby steps I know, but at least they're in the right direction! ;)

I'm super keen to see what he's going to do in Iraq and Afghanistan. As a Canadian, I'm definitely interested in Afghanistan, since we've been taking a beating over there, and our country is constantly at odds over whether Canuck soldiers should even be there. These two warfronts are not going to be easy to sort out. Not to mention how he's going to have the US approach the whole Gaza Strip issue.

Man, the world's a messy place.
We're all interested in all those issues, and I think he'll pull it off:thumbsup:

OBAMA'S FIRST WEEK PHOTOS;) His smile is so sparkling, he's the man!



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