08 Presidential Elections

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The debate was rather dull, and I tuned out after the first thirty minutes to be quite honest. If I were an undecided voter, I would still be thoroughly confused after that exchange. I'm not at all certain that I like that Town Hall format considering that Brokaw picked the questions anyway. I hope that next week's debate is a little more riveting, and possibly entertaining.
It was great for insomnia, I just about fell asleep and I wasn't tired when it started. So I changed the channel.
OMG, what are we coming to? Foxnews big debate of the day: did Newsweek dis Palin by putting an unretouched closeup on the cover? :wtf: I looked at the magazine today and my first reaction was "Great photo; I wish I looked that good close-up." I think their real problem was the cover caption dissed her folksy image.

Then, the next Republican move: Palin is related to Princess Di! In the details, they're tenth cousins! Come on! I would guess all of us with any British heritage are somehow distantly related to her! Remember the "six degrees of separation" theory? So now it's vote for her because she's a woman and because she's distantly related to Princess Di? :brickwall:

I'm more concerned that the Republicans really believe the American people are so stupid we would vote for the ticket because of this. Getting desperate because they can't beat their opponents on the issues?
Not to get off topic about the debate but....dude! has anyone other then me seen the obama girl video's? they are pretty good and I like them but am I the only one whose seen them?

But back on topic,I missed the debate again I got caught up in RL issues and didn't get a chance but from what I herd it Went over pretty bad and something about McCain walking around while Obama was talking with the crowd.I"m no tto clear but from what I've seen people aren't really concerned with the Canidates rigth now they are more concerned with the econmical downfall that's happening right now.
NO, I haven't seen the Obama girl video" but I'm sure it'll be all over the place, and we all will catch it!

Obama polls give him a clear edge!

Ya know what.Here's something I'm really sick of seeing.I went on a photobucket search to find an Obama Icon.I came across a few pictures that really made me mad.One in particular was one that used words that I find offensive,especially one many people come to learn and you know even if I wasn't the color of skin I was,I still wouldn't find such words to be something used,especially when Obama isn't only African-American,he is a biracial man.He's White and African,quite like myself,these words though,they are being over used and it's ridiculous and another thing I'm tired of hearing and seeing is he didn't put his hand over his heart.So what.I can give you a list of people who don't do it.It's ridiculous to what politics have come to now.They need to pull their heads out of their behinds and quit slandering each other and talk about issues that are really happening.For example this economical down fall,and the war.Talk about how they can help us since tax payers are the ones paying for the wall street bail out.I'm just tired of all the name calling and nonsense words.
So you guys have heard about how Palin was found guilty of abusing her power? I don't understand why there isn't more news about this. If Obama was found guilty, it would be everywhere.
Finally, John McCain tried to ratchet down the personal attacks on Obama. But, given he is a Washington insider, letting his VP candidate do the dirty work allows him to seem above that kind of activity. However, Palin hasn't made any outrageous statements in the past 24 hours (a record?), so maybe McCain means it (or she's too busy trying to deflect her Republican state legislature's findings against her in the "troopergate" scandal).
It's over for oldie but not goodie McCain, he's dug himself to deep on the negative comments, go way Jose, and walk on the beach and mumble to yourself and leave us alone, tomorrow is the last debate, so all of you watch this, and right now on MSNBC Obama is ahead by 14 points:bolian:
As much as those polls fill me with hope, it's still not over. I mean, people may say one thing when it comes to the polls, but once they are behind the curtain, they can say whatever they want. I just don't want to get my hopes up too high. As much as I am SOOO excited he is up, nothing is guaranteed.

McCain keeps digging himself a deeper hole. Stanford did an experiment and showed that ALL of McCain's ads are negative. Only 35% of Obama's are. Most of Obama's speak of hope and change. McCain's simply talk about all of the horrible lies that he has been talking about lately. People don't respnd well to negativity, especially when we are in the turmoil we are in now. Does he honestly believe people want to hear about how bad Obama is and does he really believe people want to hear those personal attacks? I don't think they do. People want to hear what the next president is going to do to help us get out of this rut we are in, not only economy wise, but on other issues.

McCain's advisors need to be canned. They are not helping him at all. I mean, who would really let the candidate they are advising get themselves this deep in crap?
McCain keeps digging himself a deeper hole. Stanford did an experiment and showed that ALL of McCain's ads are negative. Only 35% of Obama's are. Most of Obama's speak of hope and change. McCain's simply talk about all of the horrible lies that he has been talking about lately. People don't respnd well to negativity, especially when we are in the turmoil we are in now. Does he honestly believe people want to hear about how bad Obama is and does he really believe people want to hear those personal attacks? I don't think they do. People want to hear what the next president is going to do to help us get out of this rut we are in, not only economy wise, but on other issues.

Well, it's how the Republican party has won the last 8 years-tell people the world will end if a Dem wins. I don't buy it, but I guess it works for those who are undecided (or overly paranoid).
True. If it's three things the American people (specifically republicans and undecided) respond to most, it's negativity, superiority, and fear. I mean, why do you think we're in Iraq?
i just saw a video interviewing mccain supporters at a palin rally, and it was appalling! i cant link to the video, because of a word they were calling obama. im sure you can guess what it was... it is really unfortunate that in this day and age that people still think that way. its also kind of scary to me that people who are so ignorant of the facts, they kept calling obama a muslim and saying his family were terrorists, will decide the next president.
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