*:·.CatNip.·:* #8: So Close, Can You Feel The Heat?

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And that wasn't me tangled in the wire...that was you, you just wanted to blame it on me so you could steal my prime spy spot on top of the wardrobe!
Umm - no, I'm not even there. I'm the tech guy, I set my vid up so I can watch from the comfort of my sofa :devil: You're the one climbin' the ropes darlin'. Maybe it's Sofia trying to find out what's going on... :lol: I wouldn't DREAM of stealing your wardrobe spot sweetie, not when I managed to find a spot in the ceiling overlooking the action. :D

*Mo gets totally excited and starts clapping her hands and jumping excitedly!*
*Liffy splats a cream pie in Mo's face with uncontrollable laughter* :p

Mo! You're supposed to be helping to get Lynny to spill. Or I'll send Stella after you! Or Linds....both one whacks hard :devil:

SOR's baaack! Me mished you shweetie :p Spoilers? Yep - we got lots. CatNip, bedroom, action, moaning, grunts, groans AND Lynny on the ceiling. Best we got :devil:
Lynny: Did I miss something? You ship M/F now? I didn't even know that.

I've always shipped M/F. Especially since my Mac!Whore thing.

*Blushes* Between moving and having a major case of writer's block, I haven't been inspired to update it. But... I could be talked into it easily.

I just have a hard time sharing my stories sometimes.

I think you should share them ;)

*bribes you with Cookies* ficcie now?

Sor, welcome back babes. I'm working on it. ;)

Mo's actually not afraid of Stella since she's not smoching with Macky. And I already promise Mo dibs first on knowing HEGM. :D
King of the Gutter and video techie Liffy laughed:
I wouldn't DREAM of stealing your wardrobe spot sweetie, not when I managed to find a spot in the ceiling overlooking the action.
That's where you are! And that explains why my second camera in the light fixture got broken! :lol: Awww well, I'm quite comfortable on top of the wardrobe, so you can keep your spot! :D For now... ;)

Mo! You're supposed to be helping to get Lynny to spill. Or I'll send Stella after you! Or Linds....both one whacks hard
Lol, sorry bud...but you can't know HEGM before me...you're cute and my fabulous buddy...but still you can't! ;) And not to burst your threat bubble babes...but I'm not so scared of Stell or Linds...well Stell maybe, but there are too many other people *coughLynnycough* who would whack me for stealing Mac first, and as for Linds well we have an agreement! ;) Now Cath...her I'm scared of! :D

My CatNip queen Lynny shrugged:
I've always shipped M/F. Especially since my Mac!Whore thing.
Yeah I can back her on that Liffy....she's pretty much shipped Mac with everyone! He's her man whore! :lol: Although Lynny hon, for how many peeps you ship him with, you don't ever share him with anyone! ;)

Mo's actually not afraid of Stella since she's not smoching with Macky. And I already promise Mo dibs first on knowing HEGM.
Yeah I'm not allowed to even try for Macky...Lynny'll whack me! :lol: And THANK YOU....now about that first dibs....now's as good a time as any babes! :D *Mo bats her eyes, looking SO innocent and cute that Lynny cannot resist!* :D
Lynny, if I give you ficcie do I get cookies too?? Oh, wait. I don't normally eat cookies. How about bagels? :D

I saw a sign today that said "Don't Mess With Texas" (quite a common sign in "Tejas"). I couldn't help but think that is what Cath says when anyone tries to horn in on her man!! :devil:

Goes to find the avvie with George on it that says "Don't Mess...." Hey Liff, didn't Sug make one like that?? Or do you remember? :)

Innocent Mo???? :lol: Fluffy Twins are hardly innocent of anything. ;)
I'll give you bagels if you give us a ficcie fluffy twin! Heck I'll give you Danny with bagels! :D

Lol, yeah I can totally see Cath saying that when anyone comes near Nicky! :lol:

Yeah...*Mo smiles devilishly!* Heehee, I guess we're fluffy, but not so innocent huh! :lol:
How exactly did the words Mo and innocent come into one sentence - hardly :lol:

I never said you'd have to be scared of Stella or Linds, and agreement or not I can still make them whack you!! :devil: See Me and Stel got this thing going on - I whack her baddies and she whacks mine :devil: - hard.

Lynny does ship Mac with practically anyone with a pulse huh - :lol: mac!whore! :devil: Me? I like my CatNip, my sandle and my D/L - I'm good. :D

Dibs on Hegm? Cant you tell us both at the same time? :D Pwease? Mo better share or I'll tell Linds she's been doing naughty things with danny that she shouldn't ought to :p (I'm still figuring that part out....) :D

Heh - why are there STILL no CatNip spoilers? Aside from our own that is. :p Come on TPTB - you're making Lynny twitch from the anticipation!! And where's Kels gone to? I thought she was off work this week and promised to be around more! Lynny!! whack her!

hehe - alrighty, im off - to go home :D As much as I love my work and my kiddies - I long for the comfort of my bed and couch. rofl :D

messermonroe said:
SOR's baaack! Me mished you shweetie :p Spoilers? Yep - we got lots. CatNip, bedroom, action, moaning, grunts, groans AND Lynny on the ceiling. Best we got :devil:

Sounds good to me! :devil: :lol: Hey, Lynny are you holding out on the ceiling, we can switch place? :lol: I'm glad to be back in this HOT thread :D
*switches places with Sor* your turn! :p I'm glad your back too, we've missed you. ;)

Mo will know, then Sor, I think I promised Sor too. and then someone else too, I forgot who.

Mommy, if you give me ficcie I'll hint to you what H means.

ETA: Boom's on Spike, yay! CatNip hottness. The Hug, who couldn't forget the hug, and Cath protecting her boy. :D
CathStokes said:
*switches places with Sor* your turn! :p I'm glad your back too, we've missed you. ;)

That's so sweet :D Thanks babes *hugs* hehe, now Sor has a nice view *woot* :lol:

I love 'Boom', I can watch the hug like forever. I always rewind back on that scene :lol:
Don't forget to film over on the corner, theres a mirror there, it'll give you another view. ;)

I do too! Its to cute not to rewind back over and over again, they are so cute in that.
You guys remember the CatNip dream I told you I had? I think I'm going to turn it into a fanfic. I have to finish one first... but I'm going to do it.

I'm stll diehard for YoBling but we can't ignore our dreams right?

I think I'm turning into a multi-shipper. That's dangerous.
Sorry I haven't been around. I know I said I would but it's been a busy week.

I love Boom, of course the hug at the end is cute but I also like it for the way Catherine wanted to take on Nick's case. She believed in him and wanted to prove he was innocent.

You should definately write that fic lostladyknight. ;)
CathStokes said:
Don't forget to film over on the corner, theres a mirror there, it'll give you another view. ;)

That even got a mirror? Wow, they are naughty :devil: :lol: Will remember your little tip *smirks* :lol:
Well let the filming continue and by the end of it all Lynny and I can edit all the tapes we got and make a full fledged naughty film. :devil:

Kels is back and gone again? heh - well I might be gone too. I'll be snuggling in gutterville tucked under every blanket I own trying to get rid of this flu thing. Meh.

Catch ya later :devil:

- Ya'll need escape routes after Nicky n Cath are done. Im in the ceiling so I'm good. :D
Well let the filming continue and by the end of it all Lynny and I can edit all the tapes we got and make a full fledged naughty film.
Sounds like one hot film. I'd totally watch it :devil:
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