*:·.CatNip.·:* #7: Lets Take This In The Shower

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Lol...Lynny you are adorable! Have I said that yet today? Well you are! :D I love how much you love your ship...it rocks! ;)

And yeah....nuff said they totally rock the Hot chemistry! :devil: Hello...."Make a Muscle..." and we're swooning! :lol:

V....Voracious! (as in...they want to do it ALL THE TIME! :devil: :lol: )
^^ :lol: I've never heard about that word until now. Learn something new everyday. Soulmates, whew.. They are nothing less.
Lol...basically it means "insatiable"...or they can never get enough of eachother...basically! Which lets face it, for CatNip...that's SOOO true! ;) Heehee! :devil: They will want eachother all the time for always and as often as they can have eachother! :devil: :D
I know I haven't been in here in a while. Do you watch CSI tonight on Spike. Nick and Catherine working together and they at the burning house that killed the girl. The boy didn't mean to killed his sister, it meant for his grandmother. I can't remember which episode it was now. I keep missing at the end.
Bad Words??


Did I also mention that CN had to have made up after Redrum. cause I mean Laws of Gravity was NICE. Nicky was even nice to Keppler. Nicky's not the type to just get over it, cause Warrick even told him to let it go..Catherine did some making up :devil: He forgave his girl. She can never stay mad at him long and vice versa. :)

Nuff said!!! Complete HOTTT chemistry.

that is true, waiting that is very true.

Lol...Lynny you are adorable! Have I said that yet today? Well you are! I love how much you love your ship...it rocks!

Everyone thought I was crazy about Bangelus, but they say if I'd jump ships or if I just stopped shipping CatNip, they'd have me put away. lol.

I'm so not swooning.. okay yes I am..

V....Voracious! (as in...they want to do it ALL THE TIME! )

I agree with gsrLOVE on that one, thanks Mo! :D
Lol, you are swooning...and you SOOO know it! :lol: But that's okay I'd be more worried if you weren't swooning over CatNip! ;) And yeah if you jumped ship...I'd be checking hell, cuz it definitely would have frozen over completely! :lol: The day you jump ship...well, it won't happen...so no worries! :D

We SOOO need some new CatNip...NOW dang it! :D
I think the whole world would fear me if I jumped ships. because I'd be so freaking lost without CatNip. I'd be so snappy. *snuggles CatNip and pushes them in HEGM* hahaha. Of course HEGM goes with CatNip.. so I can't lose HEGM either. Its my favorite little thing :D

LOL. Hell would probably freeze over if I jumped ships.

We really need something new in the CatNip land. They deserve some scenes alone. not shared, and not a minute.
^^ Welcome and honey, I'm warning you before hand: don't let CathStokes turn you into a angsty! :lol: (I'm kidding!)
V....Voracious! (as in...they want to do it ALL THE TIME! )
Great. I love that work, it's just so... sexy.
I'm going to continue...
Very much in love--self explanatory
Very much together--same!
Vicarious--surprising and spontaneous! I love things that are unplanned (Like Nicky's amazing "perfect timing"!)
Lol, actually Del in here, Lynny fully admits to being fluffy...but only with her precious CatNip, right Lynny babe! ;) Her OTP brings it out in her! :D

And before I go to work here's the perfect W for CatNip...
W....Worth the Wait!! (because it is worth it to wait for the PTB to finally show them together like we know they are! ;) )
Yeah, Cordy I allow my OTP to have fluff. I like them fluffy. I like them angsty. nerner nerner ner! :p

*waves* Hello undercover_agent Welcome :D We hope you enjoy it here, and definately come back often! :D

gsrLOVE I agree, they need another episode to themselves.

Nice V's Cordy :D I agree with them.

..shh Mo don't tell them that, we don't want them to know we know!.. Nicky's already looking over his shoulders looking for camera's. :D
Lol, let me rephrase that for you there Lynny...you like them angsty...you love them fluffy! I think that's a bit more accurate! ;) Heehee! :D

Ohhh another just CatNip eppy....okay! Yeah baby, I'd LOVE that! :D
Shh Mo, You're ruining my angsty image!

So Nick mentioned Catherine after he got off the phone with her earlier on. and then they had a scene at the end, with Grissom, but they were on the same side, standing close {my opinion anyways} and he made her laugh :)
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