*:·.CatNip.·:* #7: Lets Take This In The Shower

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Lol, I'm sure you're image is fine honey! ;) No worries! :D Heehee! :lol:

Thanks for the "info" about tonight hon...wohoo! ;)

Okay....X is it? Well....let's just say...
X....X-rated cuz let's face it...CatNip is SOOO that! :devil: Heehee! :lol:
ooh they had scenes in xx too :D and theres xo :) but yeah xrated totally pwns my answers.

Your welcome. :)

Good, I hope its safe.

ooh looky page 10! whoo, and they thought we'd never last.
Lol, yeah I figured you'd heart the X-rated! :devil: Heehee! :lol:

Lol, not only page 10 but page 10 of thread 7!!! :lol: We SOOO rock and by the way...who said we wouldn't last cuz I'm so gonna kick their butts across the room and then let Cath take a couple whacks at them for doubting her and her boytoy! ;) :lol:
I'm a gutter girl, what do you expect? :D

eh, just some bitches thought CN would stay on thread 1 forever, but look at us, we're on thread 7. Wow. thats a long time. I love the fact that CN's growing. :) and plus think. season 7, thread 7. CatNip started off season 7. Thats gotta be a sign.
Nothing less, love...nothing less! ;) Heehee...and *high five on being a Gutter girl!* :D

Lol, CatNip's totally growing...it may be partly due to us dragging people in here, but hey they don't really complain about it right...and they stay so clearly they fall in love with CatNip...so yay us! :D
*high fives* We gutter girls gots to sticks togethers :D

Anyone who comes in here, who feeds off us, knowing how much we love them, feeds off that energy. even when we don't get a scene, we're still happy about our ship. :) and it shows, and Catherine/Nick have such great chemistry with each other, people can't help but notice it and love it.
Yeah we do baby! I'm watching the eppy by the way...and can I just say how gorgeous Cath is...I mean really, she is SOO freaking gorgeous! Wow...and here comes Nicky...ohhhhh, phone sex heehee...Nicky in the woods talking to Cath, SOOOO phone sex! :devil: :lol:

Yup CatNip's contagious...lol, it really is, it's a proven fact! ;)
I'm telling you, their phone sex is hot. they have alot of it. He wubs her. He loves to be near her and talk to her. She's his soulmate :)

Cat loves her Nip. and Nip loves his Cat. and we love our catnip! :D hehe.
What the... Mo, you've watched two eps as they've aired this week? I'm so proud of you! (too bad you missed MIA altogether, otherwise I'd give you a gold star!)

Might I just say Nicky is looking awfully fine in this eppy? *stares at tv* (i had to work my day off, so I taped it and am watching now).
Lol, yeah their phone sex is waaaaaayyy hot...but then again they are them so anything they do really, is HOT! :devil: And yeah Cat loves her Nip and vice versa...and Cat loves to nip her Nip... :lol: :devil:

Lol, yes Mer you should be proud of me, I'm doing well actually watching eppy's! :lol: And yeah I didn't catch Miami...but I caught the part that mattered...but if I squee about that part in here, Lynny will hurt me, so that's all I can say! ;)
Hey guys! Mo, Lynny, you win! I promised (in the SMaCked thread) that i would come in here and i have! You win! :lol:

I have to admit, i'm more a SNickers gal, but ever since i met Mo and Lynny, CatNip has grown on me. I think they've brainwashed me :lol: I think Nick and Cath do have chemistry and always seem to work well together. I love the fact that Nick couldn't let it go that Cath had betrayed him in Redrum. I think he felt so betrayed, i felt so sorry for him!

Anywayz, Peace dudes x
I'm glad we got a scene, even if it was a shared one. I'm still hoping for some scenes alone before the end of the season.

Catherine called him while he was out on the case, we know they didn't just talk about the case though. :D
Maybe it's all leading up to one big bedroom, hot steamy smex scene :devil:

Random, but, everytime I listen to "Mad World" by Gary Jules - I think of CatNip.. And I really don't know why :lol:
*whistles at Soph* That's my doll! :D brainwashing? me?? *whistles* why never! *hides brainwashing machine* I have no clue what you mean, at all.. *nudges Mo* Do we? Yes! Your admitting to chemistry! :D .. I so love you.

Why yes Mer he was extremely hot! :devil:

CatNip never talks on the phone and just talks about a case.

ooh I hope so gsrLOVE that would be a great finale!

aww Kels has caps :) He made her laugh, I love them. They are so adorable with each other, and their almost matchy. :D Cept she's in a darker blue then he is, but still they in matching colors :devil:
Hey CatNippers! :D

Fluffy Twin said: yeah their phone sex is waaaaaayyy hot

CatNip phone sex? I bet they do. :devil:

Cath/Nick matching? That's so fluffy. How about some CatNip angst smex? Or maybe just some tension going on with a pool, some baby oil, and a six pack. :D :cool:

In addition to slowly writing my C/N ficcie, I've been pondering what will finally bring Cath and Nick closer than they have ever been before. :confused:

Happy CatNip Dreams! :)
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