*:·.CatNip.·:* #7: Lets Take This In The Shower

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Hello, hello! I'm baaaaaaaaack! :lol: *Mo runs into the thread and tackles Lynny, Kels, Mer and everyone else!* What? You know you missed me! :D
Wow, y'all are flying through the alphabet game...and I'm back just in time...S...oh the possibilities! ;)

S.....SMEX! (Cuz they are so doing it!)
S....Secret (what they think they're hiding from us, but SOO aren't! :lol: )
S.....Shower! (Lynny's favorite CatNip location!)
It's late and my mind is blanking on more which is sad cuz I KNOW there are a ton more possibilities! :D
^^ WOW, WE'RE ON 'S' already! We're ahead now, aren't we?
Oh and Mo--YOU'RE BACK!!!! I'VE MISSED YOU soooo much! I love your Shower location. ;) I needed a consult on a case I'm working on and I tried to find them all day and I couldn't! So they must have been inside the Shower or maybe going at it in the supply closet!
Lol, yup I'm back Del, hi honey! :D (Lol, like how I keep shortening your name! ;) :lol: ) I missed you all too...my gutter buddies just make me happy! Well done, y'all! ;)

Yeah if CatNip can't be found usually that means they are in the shower...or Denali....or Cath's office...or well anywhere they can't easily be found...and doing something they don't want to be caught doing...unless they're feeling dangerous, then maybe they want to get caught! :devil: :lol: (Right Lynny?! ;) ) But then again we have the whole lab wired for video...so really there's nowhere they can hide! ;) :D
Hey guys check out this poll!!!!

Jump the Shark

It's just a poll so it doesn't mean anything, but I was thinking that if you don't think CSI has jumped the shark...vote if you haven't. Pass the word. Let's get CSI on top!!!!!
I think Squishy made me vote in that a long time ago.

No worries people, Everywhere is wired. if CatNip's doing something.. *evil laugh* .. I'll catch your asses, and then I'll pwn you damnit!! *calms* So.. Mo, welcome back, how was your trip? Did you bring me back something pretty?

Ahh the Shower. How I love thee showers. :D

*tackles gsrLOVE* You did good for your first R, babes!
I think Squishy made me vote in that a long time ago.

In the words of Chandler Bing "I have no idea what's going on, but I'm excited." :lol:

Hey Catnippers, any good CatNip stuff coming up that I don't know about? And because I'm too lazy to look, what are we doing with the letters? What do I just take the letter "T" and make a CatNip word with it? HUH? :confused:

Okay, I say Tongue :p
*scratches head* You make me wonder about you mommy. You really do.

What we're doing is :: Taking the letter, and coming up with something catnipish for it.

See your getting it. Tongue works for T :D

What do u mean catnip stuff? like eps? I dunnos. I wish I did, but I don't.

I'm hoping CatNip does SOMETHING this season. :)
Lol, of course I got you something Lynny wub...shiny new toys to play with and spy on CatNip with...the latest night vision goggles...and the newest camera's... ;) Heehee! They're so caught! :devil:

Aud wow Fluffy Twin...nice goin' on the T there...awesome and totally CatNippish! Good one! :D

I'd do U but I think I'd get myself whacked... :devil: so maybe someone else should! :lol
U - Undressed... Eerrrr.. 'Cause we'd, uh, love it?

(I hope I don't get fish slapped by a mod for this.. I seem to have a thing about fish lately :eek:)
^^ haha, I love that. :) So adorable. :)
Mwahaha, thanks. You really can't do bad when it comes to catnip
I know! They're just so perfect and cuddly and adorable. I wanna hug them and kiss them! :) (Nicky mostly, anyway. :lol:)
*whistles* Go Undressed!!.. Can we be team undressed, cause we want them undressed?? No?? Well crap.

Yeah, Nicky's cuddly. Catherine has those claws that will use at any given time.

Ooh new toys to chase CatNip with. :D You always know whats to gets me :D
Sorry guys but I have to add an S!!! Please tell me its okay!

S for Soul Mates!!!! I couldn't let that go unnoticed...it speaks volumes about our fav couple. BTW...I will be working on a petition soon enough!
Soulmates is completely correct. they really are. they can tell each other things, they know each other, Nick was the only one that figured out Catherine was lying in Redrum. He knows her, she knows him. They love each other, care about each other, Complete chemistry. :D
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