*:·.CatNip.·:* #7: Lets Take This In The Shower

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*claps* Glad you finally made it in here Michelle! We hope you come out and hang out with us more often. :) We love talking to other catnippers. I agree, I hope TPTB give in and let us have Catherine/Nick!
Lol, Lynny lookie honey bunny...you said anyone who called you a Fluffy had to come in here and since I already love it in here, and come in all the time, I figured that gave me license to call you a Fluffy anytime I want! Heehee! *Huggles!* :D Then again, you actually ARE a fluffy in here, so that doesn't count! :lol:

CatNip rocks and needs to show us some hot action by the finale dang it! Come on PTB, bring on the CatNip love already!!
yeah haha you got nothing on me in here! I'm already a fluffy in here! thats right, everytime you call me a fluffy, your ass better post in here. :D

I bet Catherine and Nick are gonna be on a bed this finale. lol. Except they'll be way more... in the bed, or off, depends on what they feel like.
^^Does it really have to be a bed? I mean they've done it enough in a bed, and the shower, a big ass hotel, and probably a time or two back at the lab. How about in Texas? :cool:

Can anyone tell me the name of Cath's mom? Has Nick met her yet? :confused:
Lol, you know I can't resist CatNip Wynny wub! ;) So I can pretty much call you fluffy all the time, cuz I can't stay away from you or our lovely CatNip! ;) Heehee! :D

As for CatNip on a bed...oh yeah baby, pretty please!! :devil: That would be freakin' awesome!! :D

Aud!! Did I catch you? :D Heehee! Okay now that's just teasin' us...I like them doin' it anywhere...but Texas works for me! ;) Now write that fic for us already honey bun! :lol:

Lol, I can tell you that the woman who plays Cath's mom plays Miss Mitzie in "Shall We Dance"! :lol:
wow i haven't been here a very long time. and the thing is, i don't know why....but the important thing is that i found my way back here, to my beloved couple! :D

audacity said:
Can anyone tell me the name of Cath's mom? Has Nick met her yet? :confused:
her name is Lilly Flynn (spelling???) and i don't know if Nick ever met her. but as he spent a great amount of time at cath's house (as we all know don't we ;) ) then i'm sure the two of them have met.

oh and btw, yay for the fanfic :lol:
Hello...guys I found this on page two!!! Well according to Cath and Nick they needed some quiet time...because this thread is still hot from *coughs* Their action *coughs*

Would it be okay if I borrowed Nick for a night? I need me a texan boy for one night!!! Country dancing... :lol: amongst other things. :D
Does anyone have any cute adorable CatNip animated GIF's?

What kind? .. I have all kinds that Kels has made. Theres a few on my LJ. la la la. I might be nice and share some of the non-shareables with you. and I think cathwillows might make you one if you ask her nicely and give her cookies :D hehe.

I'm sure Nick has meet her mom, we all know Catherine has meet Nick's parents. so :D

I love my thread... You'll have to ask Kels and Cath on borrowing Nicky..
I turned on my Tv and caught the last 20 mins of Crow's Feet, but it comes on later so I programmed the tv to change to the channel so I can see the good parts.

One thing I noticed was when they were in the dr's office and Cath was questioning the doc, Nicky was playing with the pretty silver statue thingy. I thought it was Danny Messer's job to get distracted by shiny objects? :lol:
Ah. Nicky and Danny are influencing each other here lately. They talk on the phone and plot behind my back. Bastards.

CF rules. its one of my favorite CN eps.
Ohhhh, CF rocks! I wubs it...Lynny's right it's an awesome CatNip eppy! :D

Lol, yeah Danny and Nicky have been plotting together...but I gotta say that's never a bad thing in my book honey! ;) All that talking on the phone, they're bragging about their girls...now all we gotta do is get that phone bug working and we are golden! ;) Heehee! :devil: :lol:
I'll get Flackie on that :devil:

For me its CF, LLV, BTK, Snakes, RIBSC.. thats all I can think of at the moment. My brain is to busy picturing Catching Danny and Nick on the phone.. Mo, this would almost be a good time to get me on HEGM.. I said almost :D
Ohhhh, forget a wire tap on the phone we'll just work on Flackie until he tells us...he's a pushover, he'll cave and give us all the details! :lol:

HEGM...wait what was that again...I don't remember? Refresh my memory hon...pwease...*Just keep picturing Danny and Nicky talkin' on the phone...catching them..."Dude Cath is so hot when she...." "Yeah dude, but not as hot as Linds when she..."* Pwease honey...remind me again! :D
I love Crow's Feet. Definately one of the best CatNip episodes.

kissmesweet, I've made loads of animated CatNip icons, but I don't have them all posted together anywhere. If there's a particular scene you want, just PM me and I'll make you one.

I'm not sure about sharing Nicky. I used to get my fair share, but Cath's been so greedy these days.

Nice try Moriel. :lol:
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