*:·.CatNip.·:* #7: Lets Take This In The Shower

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*blinks* .. That's right, I want a CATNIP fluff!. They deserve it. I love them angsty, fluffy, I love them. ... I didn't say I wasn't an angsty anymore. I still adore my angst. more for other ships, but I still like my angst :p
Fine! I love you for your angstyiness though, honey. :D But I totally agree, they deserve the fluffiness once in a while! I want a kiss or a relationship, screw it! But haha, I know that you're still an angst no matter what!
Hey and we deserve the angst too now, don't we?
It must be bad if Lynn's asking for fluffy scenes. The last scenes like that were in Leaving Las Vegas which was what, 8 episodes ago. That's just not fair, we deserve something good before the end of the season.
^^ Ahhh, I love your baner. Wait. I've said that before--but I really do! It's so stunning! :)

Leaving Las Vegas... Oh yeah with the case of the schizophrenic who killed the family. :( That was such a great episode! I loved it when she said, "Perfect timing" in her sexy, alluring voice. Nicky must have been intrigued!
But we do, we desperately need a great scene before the season is over which isn't far.
Delia of course we've converted you into a Catnipper honey...it's not possible to resist the seduction of CatNip once you are in here! ;) Heehee!

Yeah it's bad Kels hon, but Lynny's always been a fluffy where CatNip's concerned! ;) She's just admitting it more now! :lol:

Okay what letter are we on now...J?? Hmmm....

J....jumping eachother you know that thing they do every chance they get! ;) :devil: Heehee! :lol:
My computer is taking like 5 mins to load each new message, damn dial up. I can’t keep up with y’all tonight, which is a bummer because there are actually people in here! :(

*runs around in circles*
Here comes Cath, she’s catching up fast! *sticks out foot and trips lynny* Oops.

K - Kicking A**... cause Cath is gonna kick the posterior of anyone who gets in the way of her and Nicky

*hides in lurk and whispers “aw, lynny is so fluffy"*
Ohhhhh Mer you're SOOOOO getting whacked for that! :lol: Cath's gonna get Lynny and then Lynny's gonna get ya! ;)

No whispering necessary babe...LYNNY'S a FLUFFY!! Heehee heehee! :lol: *Mo huggles her Lynny wynny!* :D

Yay I get L... :D
L....Leaving Las Vegas (cuz that eppy rocked for CatNip!)
L...Lust (no explanation needed!)
L...Lindsay (CatNip baby!)
L...LOVE!! (again, really self explanatory! ;) )
I allow Fluff for CatNip. I like them fluffy. I gets to make funny faces at Catherine. la la la.

Oh Mer. I'm so going to get you after Catherine's done kicking my ass. You better run man, Delurk baby. Cause I'm coming after yous.

My Kels knows I get fluffy with the CatNip. :D

I love your L's. Their very nice :D

I want: Kiss. Smex. Relationship. Marriage. Kids. ... or however they like to do it, its good with me.. just as long as that Bitch and Bastard do it. :D
Ahhh, I love your baner. Wait. I've said that before--but I really do! It's so stunning!
Thank you. :)

Lynn doesn't mind admitting to being fluffy where CatNip's concerned.

I want all that too, although I think you've got a better change of them admitting it if you talk nicer about them. :p
Fine... please Catherine and Nick go canon for me????

I never mind to admitting to fluff where catnip's concerned.

Ooh Hey Mo, I know what we forgot for H..... *coughs hegm coughs*
Yeah Lynny I was conveniently forgetting that particular H since you're not being nice and STILL won't tell me what it means! I think you just like me begging you...that's what it is! Well I just had a talk with Cath...(she actually talks nice when you flatter her nicely! ;) ) Anyway, she said that she agrees it's not nice of you to withhold what HEGM means...so she's not gonna give you a CatNip admission until you tell me what HEGM means...so since we'd both get all that we want out of this, may as well just tell me what it means and then it will ALL be good! ;) Right? Right!! :D

After all...love, marriage and more babies in a baby carriage...sounds like great CatNip to me! ;) :D

ETA:Oh and just so y'all know...I'm actually gonna be gone for the weekend...I'm leaving with my friend in the morning to go check out more wedding stuff...and I'll be gone until Monday...so make sure you keep a close watch on Cath and I'll see y'all in a few days! ;)
Fine... please Catherine and Nick go canon for me????
Ahhh me too and YES, guys. CatNip is so hard to resist when the chemistry is so hot. :)

Okay, I'll start on the M's.
Marraige--we love a beautiful Cathy in a white wedding dress and Nicky in a yummy tux.
Mommy and Daddy--we'll love to see CatNip with adorable kids!
Morning Breakfast--they must be sad to leave each other for their shifts every morning! :( But kind of adorable too, because they'll be so happy to see them tonight!

Anything else? Please contibute.
aww Mo.. I'm gonna miss yous. :( but I hope you have a good time though!

You so didn't talk to Catherine about HEGM. She probably smirked at you. You do know the little bitch knows what it means right? la la la la. Sucker!

M - :devil:
Movies -- They have late night movies, and family time :D
I feel so bad! :(I haven't been here for like ever! How come Cath knows what HEGM means I don't? That bitch better tell me!* runs away before Cath finds out I called her a bitch* I'm so mad! I can only post on weekends now when I'm at my grandma's, my computers still all messed up! sorry CatNip, please forgive me! I guess i'll have to wait to next weekend to get on the computer! :mad: :mad: :mad:
Yeah.. You might wanna run. She's probably stalking. Remember, don't go down any dark alley's. or Mer, she'll trip you.

aww we miss you. we like having you here :D
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