*:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

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Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Yeah, that meter has a tendency to make sure we don't go overboard. yup. if by chance we happen to dodge that meter with our lives, theres always Modie on the other side to give you that good ol' whack.

It could possibly be in your top 5. :D

I love caps too. Aren't catnip caps cute. Speaking of caps, I just sent all of the links for Kels to post After The Show on stokesnwillows :)
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

MINE *Kicks Lynn* hands off grrr

LOL we get our thrills playing meter chicken sometimes I think *giggle* Nah, we know what the line is though we love to push it :devil:

*agrees about CatNip being just fine* BTW Shouldn't that stuff be in tags?

Nice caps :)
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

You're still dreaming, you know that. *whacks you*

We love to push the line, even though Modie's behind us ready to whack us when the meter misses, but she knows we mean well :D

I thought so too. but I guess...not. *shrugs*. I say we start talking that ep in spoiler toys so we don't get yelled at.

You saw them?

Cath and Nicky will be fine. Keppler {sp?} can just kiss their asses. little angst for them. I heard he's supposed to die either in the same ep or a few after it anyways.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Lynn what scene did I make you remember?

It's not our fault the meter almost whacks us, it's CatNip's. They make us that way. :D

CatNip angst is good, we may even get some great scenes out of it. We know they'll make up afterwards. Ooh he's meant to die?
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

You reminded me of the Phone Sex. :D ..

Am I the only one that thought they looked like they got caught, when they were looking at the pinic table?? {I'm adding that to the list too.}

Ali read somewhere that he was supposed to die, so thats a plus. I already hate him.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

I'll add the phone sex into your banner. ;)

They totally looked like they got caught, are you meaning this

I don't like him either. Don't like the way he's made the team turn against Catherine. I was looking forward to her being in charge, but that's spoiling it a bit for me.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Can we add the caught too?.. What? They do look caught!.. We all know it.

I think this guy is gonna cause trouble, especially for CatNip, and then die, and leave Cath wondering how in the hell is she gonna get her team back, hopefully she can get Nicky back first {since he's the one saying it in the clip} But we know she will get him back, just he's wanting to be a little angsty.... *whistles* what? Its not my fault he hangs out with me!... wait, yeah yeah, it is.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

*kicks you* no YOU'RE dreaming. MINE!

I think they'll be okay too...even if he gets mad at herk, she can punish him and then they'll have hot makeup smex :devil: And I dnoi't like Keppy much either. I wants my Billy back!
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

I'll add in that scene too. They look guilty in that scene. :D

Nick probably gets pissed because Catherine isn't including him, but hopefully she'll see sense and the team will be okay again. And listen out for Keppler saying CatNip in his first scene with Catherine, I'm sure that's what he says.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Keep dreaming Melly.

Thank you Kels,

I don't like him either, be nice if he does die. *evil laugh* Catnip will have makeup smex they'll be fine

I say thats why Nicky gets pissed too, but he knows in the end Cath's only doing it to protect them, I remember Ali mentioning thats probably why. ..ooh he says CatNip? Whats her reaction?
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

i just watched the vid from sweet jane on whoiskeppler.com and he really says CatNip!
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Mo leaked our ship name again to the writers. lol.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

No you keep dreaming. *kicks you* MINE

I'm a bit nervous but pretty sure they'll make up. Nicky will understand when Cath explains it,and then comes the kissing and the :censored: lol
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

*kicks you back* Mine dangit!

I know my ships not going to let this guy get in between them or ruin the trust they have. Nicky's been near me to long he wants angst. so he's giving Cath angst. She'll get him back. ;) and then ::censored::
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Lol, yeah I leaked it to the writers again...I mean wait, what...ummm, no...it uh....wasn't me! :lol: I can't believe he said that though, that rocks! :D

Okay so Lynny it's in my top 5?! Yay this is good...so that means it's one of these:
Home, Heart, His, Hers, He, Him right?! (By the way, if you're just messing me...I'm so coming after you! :p )

Yeah I like Liev Schrieber okay...but as of right now, not so much! :p How dare he mess with a good thing, turning Cath against her team...even Nick? :eek: That's just wrong and evil of Kep-Grrrr! :mad: As for CatNip angst...seriously, all my other ships have angst, I'm over angst, done with it...give me smut and fluff and smex! :devil: NOW! :lol:
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