*:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

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Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Lol, Melly really all y'all have bots...and I've got the real versions of all our men! ;) JUST KIDDING! **Mo ducks away from Lynny and hides!** I swear Lynny I's jus' kiddin'! You've got the real Macky...now please just share with me that one itty bitty tiny weeny wittle piece of info...pwease?! **Mo bats her eyes and looks as totally cute and innocent as possible!**

So I should be able to guess what it means huh...hmmm...am I allowed to even say what it means in here...I mean can I guess or will I get whacked?
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

She does not, I DO! grr lolol

hey how about a CatNip snowball fight? *g*

I say one thing, this storm's giving me some nice fic ideas hehe...can't wait to get writing, though I've no time tonight :(

*points to Lynn* She's being evil, she's putting our ships through major angst in her fics and says she won't let them have any comfort afterward! Boooo lol
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Oh she'll let them have comfort...I'll guarentee that Melly! Besides she likes the gutter too much not to let them have some comfort! ;) :devil: Ain't that right Lynny....there's no use denying it ya know, I've got your gutter-y secret video collection held hostage! ;) (Ohhh would that help you tell me? If I hold that and your camera's hostage?!) **Mo tackles her Gutter buddy and huggles her but still won't give her vids back!** :D
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

CatNip conflict. :( My poor ship.

*gasps* You just took my tapes and cameras. I need those, dangit! .. Oh wait. You don't have ALL my cameras. I do have backup ones, haha sucker!

I do love my gutter. but my angst is going through in the fics first.

Me and Melly are gonna write a fic about us going on a road trip :D with several CSI's

Mo, You can say H here. Its nothing naughty, but the rest of it is. hahaha.

Melly, you should write the ficcie!

hmm snowball fight. I say Nicky will throw it first..

ETA: Oh yeah guys. I posted the sequel to Surprise. Cath and Nick told the team about the baby. Its at ff.net and my LJ, if anyones intersted. :D
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Hopefully everything will work out okay. I don't like watching that clip. :(

Knowing Lynn there'll be smut in those fics at some point. The fics are going great. ;)

Nick would throw the first snowball then Cath would kick his ass.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

I got this off of a George Eads Website, does it count as a relationship confession *hoping it counts so i can finally know what HEGM means* :lol:

"And something more, as female fans of the Top 5 show have already noticed. "He's cute, let's face it," says castmate Marg Helgenberger, 42. On the set, she says, they flirt with each other . "It's an ego boost (for me)," says the happily married actress with a laugh, adding that Eads, who is unattached, can also be cranky when he shows up. "George is the first to admit that he's no morning person," she says. "I don't pepper him with 'How are you doing?' or 'How was your weekend?'"
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

**Gasps!** Nick is turning against Cath? **Mo looks around in confusion...has the sky fallen? It must have...I...wow!** CatNip will recover, but still...wow. Definitely interested to see how they work this out, stupid PTB...our ship was too perfect so they had to screw with it for a bit! I guess we should be flattered, things are so obvious between them that they had to throw a wrench into our dreams just cuz they could! :p

:lol: I knew you'd have back up cameras and tapes Lynny...but it was worth a shot! ;) I'm telling ya, blackmail and I...I seriously SUCK at it! :lol:

Okay so I can say H....Home, Heart, His, Hers, He, Him, Hand, Hug, Hearty, HUGE :devil: , Happy...am I close or not even?! :D

Lol, Kels I agree...Nicky would get in the first shot and then Cath would kick his butt in a snowball fight! :lol: Totally see that! :D
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

It's called Angst Mo -- Nicky knows if he gets all pissy and such, Cath will give him makeup smex. Which is what Nicky wants. Cath loves Nicky all pissy and wants to take her.. in different places and all that. No matter what that clip says, we all know Nicky loves her and trusts her, and vice versa. CatNip will recover and be fine. :D

Well Mo. You're H is in there, but I'm not telling you which one. :D

She'll either kick his butt in the snowball fight, or she'd actually kick his ass.

hehe, CSIWillows you're really wanting to find out aren't ya? ... I love that report though. :)

I always have smut in my fics, its just who I am. :D Thanks Kels. ;)
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

LOL Lynn loves angst, she's evil.

LOL...My idea was to have her break or sprain her ankle during the fight and then Nicky takes care of her. I hope I can write it well. I'm not torturing them like I often do in fics. And no it's not from Lynn, I was evil that way long before meeting her lol.

Oh and MINE! You did not mention it but I will. Mac=MINE.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

I love my angst. I'm not evil, can You prove that I'm evil? Go ahead, prove it.

Yeah, she was evil before she meet me. Shocking really, but no I didn't give her that fate. But I think she got worser when she meet me though, Have you seen her stuff?.

I think you should have her sprain it. or fake it. She's faked a few things in some of mine to get Nicky to take care of her. :devil: My evil little Catherine.

Oh, you still like that dreamworld don't ya? He's mine chica. MINE!
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

MINE! You're the dreaming one

LOL If nothing else go check Lynn's RP board, I do make life hard for my chars. But then Lynn and I get them into hot makeup smex afterward so....:devil:

hehe fake it...*makes note* I'll give it some thought.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Kels. You know everytime you post caps that I forget about. You remind me about them and then I want them in my banner. :p

Yes, You should take Note, Melly. :p

haha. You're funny, Melly. He's mine.

hehe, she does make a little smile!. She saw her Nicky coming and she smiled. ;) She wuvs him!
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

It's called Angst Mo -- Nicky knows if he gets all pissy and such, Cath will give him makeup smex. Which is what Nicky wants. Cath loves Nicky all pissy and wants to take her.. in different places and all that. No matter what that clip says, we all know Nicky loves her and trusts her, and vice versa. CatNip will recover and be fine.
Lol, I'm not worried Lynny! ;) And I definitely agree Cath likes him pissy...he's more....vigorous that way! :devil: **Mo giggles and ducks the meter just in time!**

Ohhhh, the H was in my list??? Really?! Sweet, man I'm good! :lol: Um okay, let's play 20 questions...was it in the first 5? :confused: :D

Ohhh LLV pics...yay! I love caps...yeah baby! :lol:
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