*:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

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Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

But you know that someone would "accidentally" slip something about it to another team member and then Cath would have to kick all of our asses.

Which is why I always have my running shoes on...

Well part of their problem in the car is deciding who gets to drive, Nick likes Cath's driving...but Cath likes not being the one in charge sometimes.

I thought Nick likes when Cath drives "stick" :devil:

Will someone please tell me what the hell HEMG means without CatNip kissing!(although I wouldn't mind seeing them kiss

It'll spoil the fun for Mo. haha.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

LOL I thought they like it when someone else drives...then they can make out in the backseat :devil: Oh I misread it...yep bet he loves the stick too ROFL

lol Lynn you're evil. We may wind up massing on you to make you tell. hehe
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Hello my Gutter buddies! :devil:
Nah, I usually lose her up by the curve there. She gets tired out.. Sadly, I usually have Stella waiting on the other end, but luckily for you. You don't have to outrun Stella too.
Dually noted! :D Yeah, don't have to outrun Stella...I'll leave that to you! ;) I just have to stay away from Linds at the moment and she's starting to get possessive! :lol:
Nope, its the ep after this weeks, I think.
Yeah it's the "Leaving Las Vegas" epi.
Awww okay! Good, I was afraid I missed it and then I would have to cry! :( :lol:
As long as you're not trying to steal Nicky, Moriel go for it
Nope not trying to do that Kels! ;) No worries hon, he's yours! :D Just trying to distract Cath for y'all! :lol:
Love the new name Lynn
Me too Lynny! :D
Will someone please tell me what the hell HEMG means without CatNip kissing!(although I wouldn't mind seeing them kiss
Yeah good luck with that one! I already tried that approach and they won't budge! :p :lol: :lol:
It'll spoil the fun for Mo. haha.
Man! I was so hoping you'd just spill it! :lol:
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Cath will probably get to drive, but Nick will persuade her to pull over on the way.

Linds is probably getting possessive because you've been spending so much time with Danny. Kinda the same way Cath is about Nick.

Nice try Moriel she'll not give in that easily.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Melly said:
LOL I thought they like it when someone else drives...then they can make out in the backseat Oh I misread it...yep bet he loves the stick too ROFL

Well they like that too, of course. the backseats alot of room for the two of them to do their thing. :devil: ..

lol Lynn you're evil. We may wind up massing on you to make you tell. hehe

I'm evil. But You love me. :D .. Sure, you know that dreaming thing you're doing over Mac?? Yeah. You do that over HEGM too. Told yall.

Kiss/Relationship Reveal = We tell you what HEGM means

Aunt Mo said:
Dually noted! Yeah, don't have to outrun Stella...I'll leave that to you! I just have to stay away from Linds at the moment and she's starting to get possessive!

Hey Mo! :D ... yeah, well at least you'll have a week or a few weeks free with Danny won't ya? :devil:

Awww okay! Good, I was afraid I missed it and then I would have to cry!

Awws, You don't have to crys, it hasn't been shown yets :D

Me too Lynny!

Thanks :D

Yeah good luck with that one! I already tried that approach and they won't budge!

Yeah nice try though :D

Man! I was so hoping you'd just spill it!

Keep tryin' chica. ;)

Kels said:
Cath will probably get to drive, but Nick will persuade her to pull over on the way.

He likes it when she pulls over. They get to have CatNip time and make kittens :D

Kinda the same way Cath is about Nick.

At least Linds doesn't have claws like Cath does.

Nice try Moriel she'll not give in that easily.

CatNip make out sesson followed by "we're in a relationship" or vice versa and I'll tell.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Catherine and Nick love the back seat of their car.

Cath has claws and knows how to use them.

I'm looking forward to lots of CatNip next week. Let's hope nothing's been taken out.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Cars.. They have several cars. 2 work vehicles, and 2 play vehicles. I'm sure of it.

On us and on Nicky. Nicky's lucky he gets teh smex claws, happy cath claws, and we get the pissed off cath claws, but Nicky has seen those on ocassion.

I hope nothings been cut out.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

no you're the one doing the dreaming, Lynnie. Mac. Is. Mine.

Darn, I don't think we got CatNip tonight :( Wish there was another new one soon. *sniff*

rowrrrr lol. And I'm sure Nicky likes it when she uses them on him as long as they're not her angry claws lol
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Only two play cars? I thought three, a converatble (because they're fast), a van (for extra space), and a truck (do I need an explaination for that one).

Nicky likes all the claws...even the angery claws, because angery means aggressive :devil:
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

**Mo dances happily into the CatNip gutter...!** I got to see our eppy, I got to see our eppy! Okay there wasn't any CatNip :( But Cath was hysterical in this one! I loved that she couldn't stop laughing at the dumb guy stuck in the cement, that was freaking awesome! :lol: :lol: And she looked especially hot in this eppy... :devil: You know Nicky totally jumped her in the locker room as soon as shift was over...heck probably even before it was over! :devil:
Nice try Moriel she'll not give in that easily.
Had to try Kels! :D
I'm evil. But You love me.
So true hon, so true! We can't help it! :lol:
Hey Mo! ... yeah, well at least you'll have a week or a few weeks free with Danny won't ya?
Yup I will! Linds asked me to look after him while she is away...and of course I said "Sure...I'll take good care of him!" :devil: :lol:
Keep tryin' chica.
Oh I will, count on it! ;)
CatNip make out sesson followed by "we're in a relationship" or vice versa and I'll tell.
I'm workin' on it, I'm workin' on it! :D
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

*coughsMellydreamingcoughs* Melly said:
no you're the one doing the dreaming, Lynnie. Mac. Is. Mine.

hahaha.. Thats funny I thought you said Mac was yours?! haha.

Darn, I don't think we got CatNip tonight Wish there was another new one soon. *sniff*

Hopefully we'll get our ep soon. ... and oh trust me, CatNip got it on. :devil:

rowrrrr lol. And I'm sure Nicky likes it when she uses them on him as long as they're not her angry claws lol

haha, if their her angry claws, I bet he hopes she uses them for good and not evil :lol

Meimei said:
Only two play cars? I thought three, a converatble (because they're fast), a van (for extra space), and a truck (do I need an explaination for that one).

They have a van? Hmm I thought they used the denali for that. so that means I need to wire that van thats been going over there.

Nicky likes all the claws...even the angery claws, because angery means aggressive

Are we talking during smex or when Cath's pissed?

Aunt Mo said:
You know Nicky totally jumped her in the locker room as soon as shift was over...heck probably even before it was over

I'm sure knowing Nicky the second they got there. :devil: then when he passed her in the halls, and calls.

Yup I will! Linds asked me to look after him while she is away...and of course I said "Sure...I'll take good care of him!"

Which translates to Mo's getting smex with Danny!
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

CatNip is always getting it on.

Yes they have a van. It's usefull when they drive their two secret love children and Lindsey, the known love child, around because there isn't enough room in the other cars.

Knowing me, what do you think I'm talking about?

They didn't wait until they got there.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

They can't help themselves.

And plus its quite and nobody knows about their other secret love child. so it'll be a surprise to everyone :D

Should we lock them in the room?

They went in the closet again, didn't they?
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

I'm sure knowing Nicky the second they got there. then when he passed her in the halls, and calls.
:lol: Heck he probably had Warrick drive back with Griss so CatNip could do it right there in the car! :devil: And then yeah, in the locker room when they got there...then again in her office...then well yeah you get the idea! :D
Which translates to Mo's getting smex with Danny!
I'd deny it, but really...why bother! YEAH BABY!!! :devil: :devil: :lol:

They really can't help themselves...CatNip is just addicting...let's face it, they're addicted to eachother! :D

We should totally lock them in the room/closet/lab...totally! :devil: :lol:
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Yeah I get the idea :devil: CatNip can't help themselves. They got at it every chance they get. ;) Thats why I wubs them so much. Their my little smex kittens!

Glad you admit it. ;)

I think if CatNip wasn't addicted to each other, I would be married to Flackie...and I'm not married to Flackie, so it goes to show CatNip's addicted to each other.

I say room this time. Closets occupied.
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