*:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

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Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

They hurt, but he doesn't complaint because it's Catherine.

Yeah, thats his girl :D

She's got him marked, but I have too.

Tiny marks so Cath don't come after your ass huh?

Aww nice names. I'm sure Cath and Nick would agree

Yeah, they would... I think in my CSI/NCIS/NY fic, I'll have Cath get pregnant and name her Kate... since I'll kill Kate off to have things still connected... Leave me alone.

Haha, see you know I'm right.


*gets feet under you and pushes you into a rollover* Hah, got you. Nope, mine!

Oh I'll haunt your ass!! *chases after you* MINE.

LOL you and your HEGM you are evil you know that don't you?

*smirks* You still love me though Melly.

Yes she does have hidden cameras. Their house, Mac and Stella's, the broom closets...she sees all and knows all where they're concerned :p

Melly your not supposed to tells. :D

**Mo nods happily!** I knew you would!

I heart my catnip what can i say?

Yay! **Mo does a happy dance!** Lynny said I'd find out...YAY!!!


Lol, yeah I agree with Kels on this one hon...you totally have their houses staked out with cameras and you know it!

Maybe one or two. *coughsoneineveryroomcoughs*

She's got their houses covered...and I've got the broom closets... I'd deny it but why bother, we're quite proud of it...right Lynny?!

Its not stalking yet right?....*whistles*
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

I heart my catnip what can i say?
Don't gotta say anything, I'm totally with ya! ;)
Hey as long as you don't say NEVER, I'm all good! :lol:
Maybe one or two. *coughsoneineveryroomcoughs*
Heehee...now that's dedication! ;) *High five!*
Its not stalking yet right?....*whistles*
Nah! It's not stalking until you follow them around and memorize their every move and every wor....oh wait....we do...that...um....eh...a coupla stalkers never hurt anyone! :lol: ;)
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Don't gotta say anything, I'm totally with ya!

CatNip is Love. :D

Hey as long as you don't say NEVER, I'm all good!

I hardly ever say never, for some reason, except to Melly, who's trying to steal my Macky!

Heehee...now that's dedication! *High five!*

*high fives* Gotta love our ships. ;)

Nah! It's not stalking until you follow them around and memorize their every move and every wor....oh wait....we do...that...um....eh...a coupla stalkers never hurt anyone!

Yeah, we totally do that.... yeah I'm sure our ships just love to have us around.. even though we plot to expose their in a relationship and all.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Lynny said I'd find out...YAY!!!
I'm okay with letting you know as long as I get CatNip out of it. But the rules still the same, CatNip have to admit their together and kiss, on screen.

Tiny marks so Cath don't come after your ass huh?
Yeah, I have to be careful or she'll kick my ass.

CatNip is Love.

They'll come round to the idea about having their relationship exposed.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Yup yup. On screen kiss and "we're together" or even "I love you".. but the kiss has to be there. {See thats where Kels getcha. They can always say those words, but the kiss has to be there}

Yeah, and not to mention the fact you can't claw where she's clawed, she knows her marks. Trust me on that one.

You think they would?
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

*high fives* Gotta love our ships.
Totally! :lol:
Yeah, we totally do that.... yeah I'm sure our ships just love to have us around.. even though we plot to expose their in a relationship and all.
**Mo giggles!** That's why they love to have us around...cuz secretly they want their secret out and they know we will "out" them, so they love us hanging around! ;)
I'm okay with letting you know as long as I get CatNip out of it. But the rules still the same, CatNip have to admit their together and kiss, on screen.
**Mo does the happy CatNip dance!** I'm so finding out...lol...I'm so finding out! :lol:
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Our Ships = Teh Sex

We're the secret breaking group. We find a ship that has a secret and expose it... plus the whole fact I have cameras in every room of their house/work.

You do that, Mo. :D
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Is that why you don't get any Nicky time now? Cath found the marks you'd left and kicked your ass. I'm being very careful.

They're too scared to admit they're together, but if we do it for them they'll be happy with that.

You and those cameras.

They are teh sex.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

*sighs*.. She didn't completely kick my ass...more like almost KILLED my ass. Total difference...Thats why I always make sure she's working over if I get Nicky time...

See with Stella, I just tell her he's with Melly, lmao!

I just got the cameras in the work place, See I got Danny {since Flack's still in hiding} to help with NY office, but since he's got his own little thing going on, he wouldn't do all of the rooms, but my buddy Hawkes helped us out. for LV. I got Sara to help, and since she does want her ship revealed, she helped even in other rooms to help, isn't she nice?... then for NCIS, Tony did it. I didn't even have to ask....I think he's got a way to view my tapes, bastard... Miami, Natalia helped :D

See.. I've got the work place down, Denali's bugged, Hummers bugged, other cars bugged, Houses bugged {had to play inspector to get in houses, that was hard}

Next:: Bugging phones.. I need McGee.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Cath's very protective when it comes to Nick.

Aww poor Mel, that's mean.

You got everywhere covered. ;)

Damn, I missed Rashomama tonight. Why did I choose to watch something else? I must have been crazy.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Very protective? *scoffs* more like possessive!

..Yeah yeah, poor Melly..

Yup, Thats why when one of them does something, I already know.

Phone's bugged, all except Flackie's. which Danny's doing. I gave him something of Flack's to blackmail with.

oh while McGee was at it, he got the computers hacked into, We're in their cameras, muahawhaw!..

Told ya, they can't hide from me. ;)

Rashomama is love, as me and Cassie talked about the other day. Shirtless!Nicky, Cath and Nicky fun times... At least you can watch something else, my box still isn't showing the time/shows.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Cath is a bit on the possessive side.

Just remember and share anything you see/hear. :D

Shirtless Nicky, damn he's hot. Favourite scene is still the one where they bring Nick's car back. Cath rubbing Nick's back, and then the playful hit.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Now if only she'd admit it, then we'd get along fine.

Now why on earth do I wanna do that?

The playful hit is love. She's so cute doing that. ooh Kara watched that ep last night, she was so funny she goes, OMG are they together?.. I told yeah. :D
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Howdy my lovely Gutter buddies! **Mo tackles and huggles her Lynny and Kels!**
Lynny you don't have a Mac/CatNip icon?! :eek: Although I gotta say that is still hot...gotta love the "Heroes" girl...Ali Larter? right?
Kels love your icon! She is so gorgeous in that pic! And the snow coming down...nice! :devil:

Okay y'all so I sat down this weekend with the PTB of CBS and we discussed CatNip and came to a happy conclusion about them as a couple and announcing it as a Christmas present for us after kissing under the mistletoe and it's all set! :D (Okay really I threatened and pleaded and blackmailed them until they agreed to consider it to get me to leave! But hey whatever it takes....!) :lol: ;)
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Now if only she'd admit it, then we'd get along fine.
She'll never admit it.

Now why on earth do I wanna do that?
Hey, don't be mean.

The really looked like a couple in that scene. It was cute.

Hey Moriel and thanks. Cath's cute in a hat.

Oh now that would be a great christmas present.
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