Search results

  1. W

    Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

    *shifty eyes* Uh, confussion alert. I mean that the pic in the upper right hand portion of the ET vid involved Stella, Danny Pinto (?) and the wrods "maybe linked romantically". I apologize. If that is to be true, then wrath be upon the TPTB. We shall revolt!
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    Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

    Holy forensic science. I HAVE MISSED A LOT. *cries* A hot SMACKED kiss. (For me it is hot. Damn I have missed too much SMACked.) Good grief. I hyperventilate. I've watched in ET that a detective would soon be romantically linked to Stella? The pic was not Mac... Soo... Hmmm... ETA. So that's...
  3. W

    Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

    OMG. Badly need a lot of catching up-ness. *cries* I just had to experience college work right now! The pics. The Posts. Make me SQUEE. Missed SMACked. Accept a prodigal shipper!
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    Mac & Stella #6 = "I'm Glad You Stayed."

    ... :confused: I think that's me. *cries* chaoes, I admire you so much. Despite the activities in college, you still manage to pull through. Me? Neh... OMG, they have done the split? *happy shipper dance* Yay! Uhm, I mean... Too bad... They might have been so good together. The terms you...
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    Bones *Spoilers*

    Though I'm still at season 1, I can't help to look at spoilers. Heehee! Wait a sec... If Cam stays as a main character, what will happen to Goodman? NOOOO! They need to bring back the tension of Hodgins and Goodman!
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    Mac & Stella #6 = "I'm Glad You Stayed."

    Curse you gutter! *shakes fist* You have bestowed uponeth me such quiddities of gutterness!
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    Bones *Spoilers*

    Bones is like CSI, only with a fun side. Oh, and limited to bones. Heehee. I'm getting re-runs from my network provider. *cries* At least you guys get to watch the latest bickerings. Funny when Booth mentioned a Scully/Mulder reference. I kinda see my "first ship" in them!
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    The Craziness Continues-Caption Contest 2

    HAWKES: Don't you DARE go to the broom closet! DANNY: And who made you God to decide who goes in? FLACK IS WAITING FOR ME THERE! HAWKES: Trust me, you don't wanna see what Mac and Stella are doing there!... On second thought, let's go! ---------- HAWKES: Danny! Relax! The slathering of Olive...
  9. W

    Mac & Stella #6 = "I'm Glad You Stayed."

    I think it's because we take things slooowwwly, absorbing every essence of SMACked goodness. Also, we bear witness to al things Olive Oil, so we kinda slip on the way back to the computer units. :) Since chaos started it, I might add in my own SMACked product experience. During a school fair, a...
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    Mac & Stella #6 = "I'm Glad You Stayed."

    Didn't Mac "rescue" Stella in All Access? *thinks hard* That's what my memory tells me! Blame my memory! Come on guys! Let's put aside our feelings of Angst... Can't we have at least 3 pages of Gutter!Action? Please?
  11. W

    Mac & Stella #6 = "I'm Glad You Stayed."

    Oh please? The best SMACKed moment was all those moments in the evidence room with the good ol' robospanker. *gets drowned in cold water* *smackpalm* Whoops. The IDS and EGOS are clashing in my mind again. Someone bring in some gutterstuff! Seiously, it has to be the kiss, the Rambo!Stella...
  12. W

    Mac & Stella #6 = "I'm Glad You Stayed."

    *cries* I have missed a lit in the ship. It's been so long. *Blames memory for forgetting her password* What's this I hear about Marriages and Payless? Grr-ness, where did all the guttery stuff go? Why are we fille with angst!?!? Bring in the guttery-ness! *whispers* Before the PG13 meter gets...
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    Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

    ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES. Man, that ROCKS! I mean, try saying it seriously, then think about SMACked-ness. While, Meet *me* in the shower, is verrrry guttery. MAC/STELLA #6: Because Melina spoiled us already. MAC/STELLA #6: We overuse the use of the spoiler. *huggles to all* Oh, and I am...
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    Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

    Mel23, argh!!! Teh Robospanker! DnA!!! *cries* The only moment we got was the cool, olde, robospanker *weeps*. Chaos! Heehee! You're 18? You are now responsible for all the things you do! Cheers! You guys do realize that my fingers are all sore with all the dragging to see the spoilers and...
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    Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

    I think they have the patern of Mac+Unknown individual=Wont work. Until they realize that Mac+Stella=teh love. Gimme a bat. I will bonk 'em to the reality. teeheehee. *hugs all MS shippers* Stay strong we will!
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    Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

    ^ Mee too. I can't manipulate to save my life. But I shall manipulate to arouse, err, save my ship. You're "Related" to a Greek? Wows. Manipulate (TPTB or pics-wise) volunteers, anyone?
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    Flack #6 - Your Handcuffs or Mine??

    Chaos, what is that University? My college (I think) doesn't have the faintest idea what CSI is. (I think) All they know of me is a CSI addict. *cries* I wanna hug Flack. SHrapnel!!! *cries more*
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    Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

    *heartattack* *dies* NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Say it isn't so... *Weeps* *fans herself* Anyways... Come on... Join the Manipulating Force... It's fun! And you need not be an expert! (Borrowing Adam's (of mythbusters) words) WE REJECT YOUR REALITY AND SUBSTITUTE OUR OWN!!! Oh, and where did you get...
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    Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

    RANMA!!! WHO IS THAT HUGGING MAC? IS THAT STELLA? Ikaw na ang hari/reyna na photo-manips! (You're ARE TEH king/queen of photo manips!) See? Avies make us crazy, what more on big, wallpaper sized manips!??!? *mwuahaahaaa!* Make more! *pouts*
  20. W

    Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

    iheart, yes, I am back... Send in the calvary! We need troops to storm the TPTB!!!!! I can see it now... Adobe-photoshoped SMACked smut... The writers will drool, be swept-away and be inspired! Their eyes shall be opened and they shall see the error of their writings and ways! *evil manical...