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  1. B

    Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

    That interview was so adorable! GE looked amazing, and he did seem a lot more relaxed than last year. He even stuck his tongue out a few times. :D
  2. B

    Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #12

    I've never seen that pic, that just became one of my new faves. :) Things are going well Baba, thanks for asking. :D
  3. B

    Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #12

    I like him beefy. :D I saw pics from the TCA tour back in July, he likes like he's put on some muscle.
  4. B

    "Rashomama" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

    I agree, I love the new haircut! "Hey, Jim, I need a ride." :D
  5. B

    "Peoples Choice: CSI LV" Discussion *Congradulations*

    Re: 32nd Annual "Peoples Choice" Awards Discussion Ah, they all looked so good up there! I saw everyone but Jorja Fox, was she there and I just missed it? Gary Dourdan's daughter went up there with him and was standing next to George and Gary, that was sweet. I'm glad the fans recognize...
  6. B

    The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

    Sorry if this has already been discussed, but here goes. One of my favorite parts was the relationship between Nick and Warrick. I love that QT played up how close the two of them are. We saw that closeness a lot in the earlier eps, like "Anonymous" and "High and Low." They have a sibling...
  7. B

    The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

    I'm ITA with ford on this one. I think Nick was concerned that Cavaliere was jumping to conclusions, and he wanted to make sure the brother wasn't railroaded into confessing. There was actually a case a few years back (and I wonder if the writers used it as inspiration) where a girl was killed...
  8. B

    The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

    OK, I just checked. It's a bed that has storage underneath it, with drawers and such. I guess it's a bed and dresser combination? Saves space, I guess. I've never seen one before, I didn't notice it in the ep until Baba pointed it out.
  9. B

    The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

    Hmmm, I'm not sure what it was then. I guess I can sacrifice and watch "Compulsion" to find out. :D
  10. B

    The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

    I agree with everyone else's points. He didn't let himself get railraoded by Cavalier into assuming that the brother committed the crime. He did his job thoroughly and didn't jump to conclusions, which shows how much he has matured as a CSI. I think earlier in his career he may have been more...
  11. B

    "Still Life" discussion Thread **Beware Spoilers**

    That's a good point about Nick wanting to stay in the lab after thinking (and in the end being correct) about seeing Kelly at the crime scene. Like other people have said, Kelly's "perfect" gave me the creeps, but I didn't realize why until someone pointed out that was the word on the tape.
  12. B

    The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

    "Snakes" was one of my favorite eps of the season. In the commentary they talked about the real-life stuff behind the story, and I guess that made it even more interesting to me. To me, his look was perfect for this ep. The buzz cut and the leather jacket gave him an attitude of toughness...
  13. B

    The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

    Yeah, he does the commentary with the director and the writer/story editor. I swear I would pay to hear that man read from the menu at McDonald's. :) He said that he was actually going to start growing his hair out at that point, but the writer/editor guy said that they pictured Nick with the...
  14. B

    The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

    The commentary on "Snakes" makes the ep even better! :) They give a bunch of insight into Nick's character on this one.
  15. B

    "Dog Eat Dog" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

    I found myself laughing out loud a few times during this ep. Greg and the hot dogs, Hodges and the clothespin, Doc Robbins and his pie. I loved Nick's snarl when he called Animal Control! My favorite line was Nick telling Hodges, "Heel, or better yet play dead." You could just tell from...
  16. B

    The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

    Good point, Nick's pretty much lost the naivete he had those first seasons. And now after "Grave Danger," I don't think he has any of it left. Of course, what will the rest of the team make fun of him for now?? :D
  17. B

    The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

    He called the hotel room the "P. Diddy Suite." That's about all I remember. Of course, this was before P. Diddy dropped the "P" and just became Diddy... :)
  18. B

    The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

    Going along with this theme, and I know I'm OT since we're up to Season 5 on here, but they're going through Season 1 on Spike now and I got so annoyed watching "Crate 'N Burial" tonight. Grissom treated Nick like he was dumb, and Nick was like a loyal dog following him around and trying to get...
  19. B

    "Secrets and Flies" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

    I missed the scene with Hodges and Warrick and the flirting comment. Can someone please explain what happened? Thanks! :)
  20. B

    "Secrets and Flies" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

    He was too distracted talking to Nick about dry humping... I wondered that too, you'd think he would have mentioned something along the lines of surrogacy. "Lindsay told me that when she was 3," LOL! :D