Search results

  1. C

    Problems with my father.

    I needed some place to get advice from unbiased people, couldn't find that so I'm coming here instead. I am having real problems with my father right now. He's constantly berating me, and I've been talking to my mom about this and she's saying that it's getting to the point of being abusive...
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    Favorite Webocomics

    So what are everyone's favorite webcomics. I have a couple that I read more often than others XKCD The other one I really like is SMBC What webcomics are your favorites?
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    Do you believe in God?

    I thought this would be an interesting thread to see everybody's religious beliefs. Please don't post if you don't feel comfortable talking about your beliefs on here. Personally I call myself a spiritual atheist. I don't believe in a God however I do believe in finding your own route to...
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    Hypathetical Question

    Here's an interesting hypothetical for you guys. If you were to discover that you were an alien dropped off on this planet at birth but could go back at any time would you? If you leave you can't come back or ave any contact with people here.
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    I have a question about DNA. I'm a little confused about something can you get DNA from sperm or semen or can you get it from both? It seems as if in the show and in novels they say DNA is extracted from sperm but sperm is only a small part of an ejaculation. So is DNA in sperm, semen or both?
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    10 Dumbest and Smartest Shows of All Time

    10 Dumbest: Walker, Texas Ranger The stories were simpler than a Deal or No Deal contestant. Zero plot intricacy, even less character development—just Chuck Norris karate-kicking dudes toting uzi's. And it kicked ass. Saved by the Bell Just think what you could have made of your life had you...
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    The West Wing

    Sorry if there's already a thread for this, I did a search a nothing came up. I found the first season DVDs in my house have gotten completely addicted to The West Wing. The acting is great as are the interactions between the characters. I've been watching pretty much all day and well into...
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    Anti-Valentine's Day

    This thread is for those of us who either are single or don't care about celebrating a Hallmark holiday. So do you not like Valentine's day?
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    Interesting Crime Facts

    I found these online and thought that since this is a very international board people would find these statistics interesting. * Per capita, South Africa has the most assaults, rapes, and murders with firearms. * Two-thirds of the world's executions occur in China. * Two-thirds of...
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    I wrestled this winter and I love the sport, it's my new addiction. Are their any other wrestlers or former wrestlers on here? If their are I need advice for something regard the sport. I wrestle JV and the matches are unofficial but whenever I wrestle I usually get pinned quickly what do you...
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    What would need to happen.....

    What would it take for you to quit watching any CSI series?
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    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread #2

    First Rant Thread Please try to have your posts have details and not just one or two simple sentences with no details. Edit: Sorry, just tweaked the title a bit -DaW
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    I hate to admit it but I have gotten really addicted to this show. I love the crazies they arrest and their excuses you can't make this shit up. The cops' reaction are always so stunned at the excuses people come up with. Am I alone in loving this show.
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    The Big Bang Theory

    This is one of the funniest sitcoms that I have ever seen. The characters interact perfectly and the stories are always perfectly done. Anyone else here a fan.
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    Holiday Card Swap

    Like the NY forum is doing I thought we should have a volunteer card swap for the holidays. I'll run it, if you want to participate PM me with name and address I'll create a master list and send it those who are part of the card swap. After the card swap just destroy the list of addresses. I...
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    I May Be On TV Tommorrow.

    tomorrow (November 16) I might be on the Boston area show Chronicle. The show is doing a feature on special education and one of my classmate's mother runs a non-profit group that advocates for special ed students. They were at my school filming and if I am on I'd be in the background. I...
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    Kids Can No Longe Be Kids

    Is it me or is there something seriously wrong with this? I heard something about how now in school children can no longer play 'original' tag which is what we all probably played. But schools now have 'compliment tag' which is when you tag someone you also have to compliment them. Also...
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    Veterans Day

    For veterans day I thought that there should be a thread for veterans and to honor them. This is a fact I learned the other day that I think you all should keep in mind. 25% of veterans are homeless.
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    Best Protest Songs.

    What are your opinions on what the best protest songs of all time are. Eve of Destruction by Barry McGuire would be on the list.
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    How many members of this site...

    This is something I've wondered for a long time. How many members of this site know each other in real life? I don't know any members but I suppose I could not realize it, but as far as I know I only know you all online.