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    "Hurricane Anthony" Remake - DuCaine, Angst, PG13

    Okay, all my buddies in the DuCaine shipper thread have known about this idea for some time, so I finally decided to do something about it. This is my first fic in a long, long time so please excuse me if I'm a bit rusty ;) LuvingmyHoratio helped me with some ideas for it when I suffered...
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    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    Okay, here’s to the 4th thread, *raises glass* lets have some fun and hopefully we’ll get some DuCaine love this thread ;) Hanging by a Moment That was a DuCaine WP I made. It is kind of fanart, so that’s my welcoming of the new thread present :p Thread One Thread Two Thread Three Have...
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    Sketch of Emily Procter

    It isn't quite finished, but I wanted to get your you think it's very good? She doesn't have any mouth at the moment, because it's still a Work in Progress :) I apreciate all comments, just no flames or...
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    Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

    This thread is yet to be named because the end of the poll to decide this is not over yet. I am just so happy for y'alls and I'll add some piccies to the thread when I get home! YAY for the new thread! *cheers*
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    The wheat fields are calling......But so is my heart - D/L

    I got the name for this when I was chatting with a buddy on MSN. :D This is kissmesweet's and my own first co-written ficcie! I hope you like it and don't forget to comment! We love your comments haha :lol: It's got a little coarse language, but none of the F word.... Which I am immensly proud...
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    Talleigh Love Soundtrack

    I pm'd a mod about it and I got the OK. This is the place to post all your favorite Talleigh songs. Here's one to start off: SNOW PATROL LYRICS "One Night Is Not Enough" You left your door wide open Couldn't help but walk in It's the last place I should be But I'm dying to see you Have I...
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    GSR RP!!! Everyone welcome!

    **This has been approved by sissi** CHARACTERS: Sara Sidle – Grissoms_Angel Gil Grissom - open Nick Stokes - open Warrick Brown - open Catherine Willows - Mini_Catherine For any other minor roles, I’ll accept requests for them if we need them, but otherwise, the existing RP’ers will double up...
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    The 'have you ever?' thread

    I got bored so here is the 1st 'have you ever?' thread. this is something stupid I did once have you ever ran around your house all day wearing knee-high stockings just so you could slide on the wooden floor?
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    Marg Helgenberger montage thread #1 - Marg is Love

    To start this thread off, heres a few variations of one picture and enjoy :D
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    Calleigh Montages and Drawings Thread #1

    I noticed there wasn't one, so here it is :D heres my own little contibution to the CSI: fanart world it's cute, but some notes on it: I left some of the background Calleighs nose in the pic, I didn't want to make her look...
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    Fan fiction challenge! Challenge Grissoms_Angel

    I made this board so I could get people to fic challenge me. I'll do any ship except for Gil/Lady Heather and Horatio/Yelina, I don't know why, they just freak me out. the stuff my nightmares are made of. Anyways, I hope the wonderful sissi doesn't bite my head off over this, since I'm not...
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    No. for 911 GSR fic! ones posting here atm, so I thought it'd be nice to get another story out goes *cue corny CSI stylse 24 opening, then fade to story* 9:00 P.M. Sara Sidle is standing in line at her bank waiting to deposit her paycheck. She turns around briefly to check that she...
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    If Sara has PMS, how would Grissom deal with it? GSR FIC!

    ok, this is a reply I haven't quite finished for a GSR fan-fiction challenge. It's about Sara having PMS and how, if at all, wil Grissom deal with it? It's supposed ot be a comical fic, but we'll see.....muahahaha....ok, here's part of the first chapter. :) PMS - Reply to fan-fiction...
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    Calleigh/Horatio fic - 'WOMAN'

    I named this fiction after my favorite Wolfmother song, 'Woman' Hope you enjoy!! :D Here's the first Chapter, I'll make more if you like it :) CHAPTER ONE – MAY I? *Bang! Bang!* There’s nothing more Calleigh likes doing after a tough case than squeezing off a few rounds in the ballistics...