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  1. Court

    Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

    I'm with you there. Love triangles are cliche and boring as all get out. I can only PRAY that TPTB don't go this route. If I want to watch a soap, I'll watch All My Children re-runs. Maybe THEN I'd get to see more of Eva. That's the kind of triangle I can get behind ... a triangle of hotness...
  2. Court

    Episode 8x16 - "LA" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I'm a huge Rob Zombie fan so I was totally geeked out by this ep. The "Nosferatu" scene with Horatio in the shot had me practically jumping up and down on my couch and when H told Enright to shut up, I was like "Yea!" at my tv (I've been submerged in snow for the last four months so try not to...
  3. Court

    Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

    I couldn't agree more, though I don't know that it is possible for anyoe to match the kind of chemistry that Mulder and Scully had - Duchovny and Anderson were way too good. I could watch their interactions over and over. I've tried to give the E/C storyline a chance - I really have. I forced...
  4. Court

    Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

    Agreed. The best chemistry on television is when two people AREN'T getting it on. When heat develops with subtlety (sp?), that's when its gold. For example: Mulder and Scully (The X-Files), Booth and Brennan (Bones), etc. I may get flamed for this but I thought the chemistry btw Ryan and...
  5. Court

    Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

    :censored:! I threw up a little when I read the news. Seriously? TPTB are going to force this melodramatic, nauseating, bad soap opera romance down my throat for yet another season? Eva doesn't ever have to do anymore work for All My Children. She's already on a soap. Why not bring Susan...
  6. Court

    The Jesse/Ryan/Walter Comedy Hour

    If it was written properly, it would be win. Though, I would like to see what would happen if they threw Tripp in there once in a while. That has hilarity potential.
  7. Court

    The Jesse/Ryan/Walter Comedy Hour

    Maybe someone has already posted something about this, if so I apologize, but I LOVE the way Jesse, Ryan and Walter play off each other. They are a hoot and a half. Though last night's ep was a rerun, it just reinforced to me how much I've missed "buddy comedy" moments in the show. The scene...
  8. Court

    Your Favorite Tim "Speed" Speedle moment

    Aw, I miss Speed. Let's see, one of my favorite lines was from "Entrance Wound" (I think): "Never go naked on the hotel bedspread." I think the banter btw Speed and Delko was at it's best in "Blood Brothers" when they were talking about finding the owner of the yellow Lamborghini Diablo and...
  9. Court

    Episode 8x15 - 'Miami, We Have a Problem' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Loved this ep. LOVED IT. It was fun, had good writing (Ryan: I'll be gentle) and was science-centric, something I've been missing for a while. I loved the banter between Ryan, Jesse and Walter. And Dr. Tom was hilarious. That guy is growing on me more and more. Plus Lt. Caine in a...
  10. Court

    Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

    :guffaw: You are two kinds of awesome! :guffaw: Seriously, black on Horatio = good (though I personally think he looks good no matter what. I wouldn't mind seeing the return of the light gray suit though). Black on Calleigh = bad. For the love of God, give the girl some khakis and a white...
  11. Court

    Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

    I know! When exactly was it that TPTB decided Calleigh should always be wearing black? I remember when she actually had some color in her wardrobe and a personality that didn't make me want to abuse myself. *Sigh* I miss old-school Calleigh. :(
  12. Court

    Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

    Yeah, it sucks when you need a bottle of Pepto Bismol to get through an episode - or at least I did to get through the first few minutes of 'In the Wind.' :wtf: There is no way that so-called "romance" started in Season 1. The dymanic was built around Calleigh, Delko AND Speed as a team. It...
  13. Court

    Get Your CSI:Miami Pictures Here! ***Possible Season 8 Spoilers***

    When I saw the promo, i squealed with glee. The Star Wars nerd hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up. Can't wait until next Monday night. :lol:
  14. Court

    Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

    I hear ya Flo, and I am right there with ya. When H started taking a back seat to E and C ... well I think it affected the quality of the show and that makes me REALLY sad. Horatio is the MAN. :cool: I LOVED the early Calleigh stuff (Kill Zone is one of my favorite eps EVER) but in the last...
  15. Court

    Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

    That is HILARIOUS. :lol: This is my first official post at Talk CSI and (while I may get flamed for it)I'm using to say that the whole E/C on-again/off-again thing is annoying the crap out of me. I just don't like those two together. It's just ... ew. So when I saw the leggy-bedroom scene...