Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

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Jag Lady said:
Well, to all you lurking E/C fangurls: Be sure you finish all your homework before you stay up for S9. I'll be investing in the dvd's of S2 and S3, when Eric and Calleigh were Eric and Calleigh.

Delynn said:
I do wish they would think about the increase in hostility all of the gloating is generating. If they truly wanted this to be better received, they'd try to be a little more generous in their "victory." It does comfirm my belief that we are talking about younger girls who live in the moment and love to get their "na, na, na, na, na, na's" in when they win a round. (Apologies to the moderators in advance. If you want to slap me, I'll understand.)

Again, let's remember what we're truly supposed to be discussing; the Eric/Calleigh relationship, not other posters and/or their supporters. ;) Hopefully this is the last time it has to be said in this thread, yeah? :)
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Again, let's remember what we're truly supposed to be discussing; the Eric/Calleigh relationship, not other posters and/or their supporters. ;) Hopefully this is the last time it has to be said in this thread, yeah? :)

Yes, ma'am. :)

My apologies to E/C fans. Momentary lapse. :(

Procter wanted her character sexed up, toughened up and she wanted a romance. Well, she got every last thing she asked for and who cares if the show suffers for it.

I thought the early Calleigh WAS strong and sexy. Beautiful, hair in flattering styles, smart, strong, looking out for her dad (whom I also miss). If you ask me, the DuCaine interactions were pretty sexy and could be naughty without being in-your-face. At this point I know better than to hope for her dad to come back, because they might play it like Valera or Rick Stetler--one little scene and not a very important one at that. I guess when the writers do that, we should thank them for throwing us a bone.

She wanted a romance?? Hmm. John Hagen, Jake, Peter Elliott. Were none of them good enough? Actually, Rex Linn wanted a romance, too. Couldn't they just kill two birds with one stone and pair up Frank and Calleigh?
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She wanted a romance?? Hmm. John Hagen, Jake, Peter Elliott. Were none of them good enough?
Of course not. I recall the interview she gave a few years back during the triangle; she said she asked TPTB for a boyfriend & gloated "and they gave me two!" :rolleyes:

Wonder if tptb know of her wanting Calleigh to leave in a body bag. Tie that together with her request of action-packed Calleigh jumping from buildings, & voila, she'll get both *SPLAT!* :p
If you ask me, the DuCaine interactions were pretty sexy and could be naughty without being in-your-face.

Agreed. The best chemistry on television is when two people AREN'T getting it on. When heat develops with subtlety (sp?), that's when its gold. For example: Mulder and Scully (The X-Files), Booth and Brennan (Bones), etc.

I may get flamed for this but I thought the chemistry btw Ryan and Natalia was gaining some decent momentum in S5 and S6. Then it was like TPTB said "Ha ha, just kidding" and stopped giving either of them real screen time. That was disappointing b/c at least THEY were interesting to watch together.

She wanted a romance?? Hmm. John Hagen, Jake, Peter Elliott. Were none of them good enough? Actually, Rex Linn wanted a romance, too. Couldn't they just kill two birds with one stone and pair up Frank and Calleigh?

I would RATHER see Calleigh with Tripp than with Eric. :shifty: At least THAT would be entertaining (more in a comical way but still better than the E/C melodrama we get now).

Wonder if tptb know of her wanting Calleigh to leave in a body bag. Tie that together with her request of action-packed Calleigh jumping from buildings, & voila, she'll get both *SPLAT!* :p

:lol: I can only hope. I don't think I'm that lucky though.
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There is some nice friendship/sibling like chemistry between Ryan and Natalia that I really enjoy, but I can't see it as romantic chemistry. I just really don't want anymore pairings between main characters (that is characters currently in the opening credits) on this show. Ever. :lol: It is more than possible for men and women who work together to remain platonic... but sometimes tv shows act like its virtually impossible. :lol: Like they think that everyone that works together wants to jump into a relationship or at least into a one time encounter. :lol:

I would RATHER see Calleigh with Tripp than with Eric. :shifty: At least THAT would be entertaining (more in a comical way but still better than the E/C melodrama we get now).

Calleigh/Tripp would be an odd pairing, but kind of comical. I still can't get over how he has to lift her every once in a while and always seems to be taking a peek at her rear. :guffaw: Makes me giggle every time. I kind of have a feeling though that any main characters tptb put together they'd create drama for them in some way. :lol:
I may get flamed for this but I thought the chemistry btw Ryan and Natalia was gaining some decent momentum in S5 and S6.
I won't flame. However, I agree with GNRFan, I haven't ever been able to view them anything more than just friends. I think alot of the reason we got the two grouped up so often was because of TPTB's determination to pair E & C into nearly every work scene -- they had to attempt selling this relationship every chance they could get.
It's as if TPTB had to pawn them off on each other (Ryan & Nat) & then pawn H off into his own little world....heaven forbid anyone step in between E/C.

That's why I was enjoying this season the most, it felt like a real team again (w/ the exclusion of Calleigh who I feel is just there to be there).
Ryan and Natalia is an example of how two people of the opposite sex can work together as friends/colleagues and yet have good chemsitry. They have more depth and their relationship as friends/colleagues have moved and progressed to what it is today. Definitely way, way more depth than E/C and they do it without much drama.

My Miami team is the one on the left <---. ;)
I am sure by now that all have read that ego-centric interview Adam gave. Now we are going to have to endure more of the E/C garbage of the past few years. He said in the interview he wanted to take it all the way; the fans want to see; yeah right (not exact words). :rolleyes: There is a whole other fans base out there that doesn't. If there going to get married; do it then quietly slip into the background and please no baby drama. All I can see now is a whole episode with Calleigh in labor and then the switched at birth or kidnapping storyline to follow. :rolleyes: Go ahead and flame me, but this is how I see things, this is how I feel.
I think those were just what he personally thinks though. That doesn't necessarily mean that's what will happen. It could happen, sure... but its possible that the writers may have different ideas.

I don't know that they'd do switched at birth stories. They haven't yet had any drama with baby Lucy on NY yet and I feared they would (even if I'm not really opposed to d/l). So even if E/C had a baby, they wouldn't necessarily have any drama involving the baby.
I think those were just what he personally thinks though. That doesn't necessarily mean that's what will happen. It could happen, sure... but its possible that the writers may have different ideas.

I don't know that they'd do switched at birth stories. They haven't yet had any drama with baby Lucy on NY yet and I feared they would (even if I'm not really opposed to d/l). So even if E/C had a baby, they wouldn't necessarily have any drama involving the baby.

I hope you are right. If they must continue with this storyline; I hope there isn't the usual drama associated with it. Have them settle down into a normal life and not expose the rest of us to their domestic bliss.
I am sure by now that all have read that ego-centric interview Adam gave. Now we are going to have to endure more of the E/C garbage of the past few years. He said in the interview he wanted to take it all the way; the fans want to see; yeah right (not exact words). :rolleyes: There is a whole other fans base out there that doesn't. If there going to get married; do it then quietly slip into the background and please no baby drama. All I can see now is a whole episode with Calleigh in labor and then the switched at birth or kidnapping storyline to follow. :rolleyes: Go ahead and flame me, but this is how I see things, this is how I feel.

There does seem to be a total lack of acknowledgment, actually almost a complete dismissal, of anyone who doesn't care for the E/C storyline on his part. Either Rodriguez chooses to ignore that element of the fanbase exists or their concerns are of no consequence to him. He and Procter seem to be secure in their desire to have their storyline at all costs to the show and their fellow cast mates.

I'm thinking he needs to either limit his interviews or they need to coarch him much more on his delivery. A significant number of fans all over the Internet are not impressed with his "comeback" interview. The words I'm seeing repeatedly is "self-centered" and "ego."
The tragic thing is that this is no longer CSI:Miami, they have made it known that it is pretty much their show and that they are bigger than the show. Tuning in to watch feels like we're telling them we love to watch them because it is their show. I can never see Miami as it was once what it was. Shame on CBS to let this happen.
I think those were just what he personally thinks though. That doesn't necessarily mean that's what will happen. It could happen, sure... but its possible that the writers may have different ideas.

I don't know that they'd do switched at birth stories. They haven't yet had any drama with baby Lucy on NY yet and I feared they would (even if I'm not really opposed to d/l). So even if E/C had a baby, they wouldn't necessarily have any drama involving the baby.

I hope you are right. If they must continue with this storyline; I hope there isn't the usual drama associated with it. Have them settle down into a normal life and not expose the rest of us to their domestic bliss.

I think that both sides want them to have a domestic biss with no more drama :) For the time being, from spoilers and interviews, they are supposed to give it to us(well, that's what i hope by the world 'closure'). I really think that in S9 focus will be on another character then these two or Jesse. I just have a feeling :)
I think that both sides want them to have a domestic biss with no more drama :) For the time being, from spoilers and interviews, they are supposed to give it to us(well, that's what i hope by the world 'closure'). I really think that in S9 focus will be on another character then these two or Jesse. I just have a feeling :)

As someone who does not enjoy the E/C extra-curricular activities AT ALL, I must be in a third "side." I don't want them in domestic bliss of any kind. Again, I don't think they have an ounce of chemistry and neither actor looks the least bit comfortable in their supposedly passionate "love" scenes. Even the kisses are boring.

I want them to get back to doing their job. Suck it up and learn to work with other members of the team. I'm convinced they can't work with anyone else because they feel the need to cover for each others messes - especially Calleigh covering for Eric.

The need to stop with the exclusive "Team E/C", stop with all the goo-goo eyes, daydreaming at crime scenes, sickly sweet smiles that give me a cavity just watching, and IMO, extremely unsuccessful attempts to portray some kind of passion. It's forced and fake looking. I don't enjoy it at all.

If the want to marry them off and have them leave the show - I really could live with that. Really. I would support that whole-heartedly. Especially if they did it very quickly.

Apologies for being so negative this morning. But I've tried very hard to find a way to at least tolerate E/C, if for no other reason than being able to watch the show without all the fast forwarding. But I just can't do it. That relationship is just horrible to me. :(
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