Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

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Did you guys read the actual one on ZapIt site itself? I don't know which is a better word, ridiculous or insane? See, see, it will never end and according to her, the day it ends will be the day the show ends. Wow, what a statement. Seems to be saying the show is nothing without them.

Thanks for pointing that out, Michya! I just assumed that the entire interview had been posted. Interesting they would edit that part out.

I think in the past 4 years Ms. Procter's sense of her own importance has become greatly enhanced. Every interview with her that has anything whatsoever to do with the show revolves around Calleigh and her love life.

I just finished reading the interview. It seems like every opportunity she gets; she promotes this ridiculous romance. :wtf::wtf::wtf: But, it seemed to me that Adam in his last interview with zap2it, was kind of downplaying it. Maybe it is all Emily, trying to keep this going or maybe they are all just messing with us to keep us stired up. :lol:

And I think that's because nothing else on the show exists for her character. Calleigh is a one-trick pony at this point. If she doesn't have the E/C storyline she really doesn't have anything to keep her front and center and apart from the other actors.

I also have believed for a while now that Procter's constant harping on E/C in every interview she gives, a romance the article admits has mixed acceptance with fans, might be TPTB trying the keep the fans "interested", which means they are purposely dividing and causing hostile and negative feelings in their fan base. I've seen this done on other shows with devastating consequences.

And what about the 'Mr & Mrs Smith' thing, so this show is just about these 2 characters, is that it? Yeah, add in so called "glimpses" of their lives at home, the fantasies and heck Jake?!

Oh yes, & let's not forget she thinks Jake will return. Can't have a complete soap opera unless she's having every guy in Miami pining after her.

For the love of GOD I don't give a shit about her love life -- get it off this show!

Again, I think that the enhanced self-image and believe that her character is more important to the show than anything else is what drives her thinking here. I'll bet you if you asked her and she was totally honest with you, she would tell you that Calleigh is more important than Horatio to CSI Miami.

She DOES think that every guy on the show should be hot for her. And if they're not, or not someone she deems worthy of Calleigh, they rarely get to be seen with Calleigh.

You do realize the interviewer is given the questions to ask. That's why the interviewer is there.

Sadly, I don't think most people realize that. These interviews are set up by the network/PTB to promote the show and nothing is left to chance. They are not going to let an interviewer ask Procter how she feels about so many fans complaining about the soap opera aspect of her little "romance" and how they feel it has negatively affected other characters/actors on the show. NOT a chance!

I agree that small personal glimpses are an asset. Emily's gone well beyond that. Every chance she gets, she touts Calleigh and her love life.

That's ALL she talks about with regard to the show. That's because it's all she has. Other than E/C, Calleigh no longer has a viable place on the show. She's become a cold, boring one-trick pony.

Bringing in a new character as an ongoing romantic interest is one thing; foisting two established characters into a poorly executed relationship is quite another. I doubt many objected to Hagan, Elliott, even Jake. Their presence, and the relationship, didn't infect the entire show.

The same cannot be said of Eric and Calleigh.

"Infect" is a perfect word for it. No other character has a storyline that has ruled the show for 3.5 seasons already and it appears they are now gearing up to continue in season 9.

I never objected to Hagan, Elliott or Jake. I enjoyed the brief moments that her relationships with those individuals were visited. In my book she was pretty promiscuous, but it wasn't an overwhelming, in-your-face every episode issue.

Ms. Procter seems to want the entire show to revolve around Calleigh's bed partners. Not interested now and never was. I never watched this show to see their love lives be the focus and that is where she apparently wants the show to go.

Any contention by her that the show will alway be a police/science drama and the romance is a side issue is lip service.
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Well, I have only read the little snippet of the article, but all I can say is please dont bring back Jake! I couldn't stand a love triangle story. E/C get plenty of airtime as it is, but to add that dimension. No thanks, it was bad enough the first time, weeks of Eric gawping at Calleigh and looking all sorry for himself.
I know EP is probably instructed on what to say about 'the romance', but it does seem that it is all she goes on about in interviews. I agree Delynn- it does seem to be the only thing Calleigh has going on. And it is a shame, because I used to really like the character.
Without that personal element, the characters seem kind of hollow and one-dimensional to me. Love (whether parent-child like Horatio & Kyle or romantic like Eric & Calleigh) is a huge part of life, and it would be unrealistic if it were left out altogether from any TV series that hopes to approximate the real human experience.
But, there are FIVE other main characters that can bring just as much (actually more imo) realism to the show! EP's comment about love being so powerful & a "must" for the show is in part true, but it DOES NOT always have to be about HER. This is what I find very grating. With 5 main characters & plenty of people in the city of Miami, I am 100% sure that TPTB could create some romance ON THE SIDE for these people & still fullfill the excitement that Emily seems to think only she can provide.

For the record, I have nothing against romance in a crime show, but it MUST be done properly & IN the background (& it never works with 2 main characters on the same level - save that crap for series end) -- and when it's ran it's course then it's time to move on - weed them out & bring in something refreshing to take it's place..... there is ALWAYS something else writers can bring in for a diversion, always.

I am not a huge NY fan when it comes to their characters, but I tell ya what, they at least know how to play thier romances and also keep meaty storylines available for the rest of thier cast. I happen to find Danny & Lindsay boring -- I was more intrigued with Mac's new interest in the recent episode. ;) E/C has been going down this wishy-washy back & forth BS for 3 seasons -- I highly doubt at this point they generate excitement from the average viewer. 'Shippers, of course, but the millions of average viewers - think again.
I am going to have to side with Delquesne. I admit that when they originally paired E/C, I was surprised because I saw more chemistry between Ryan and Calleigh. However, because I love this show, I decided to sit back and just see how it developed. I think it has been handled just fine. Even though it will never be my favorite pairing, I am finding myself looking forward to seeing it through to the end. And I agree with Emily, a happy ending would be nice.
Perhaps since Emily would like to see a Mr&Mrs. Smith thing,the happy ending could come with them being spinned off to their own show. Seeing it throught to the end would be seeing it just totally dominate the show over everything thing else,every story,every character,etc.Why does she feel so many are interested in that? Is that what we have to look forward to,the Mr and Mrs Delko show or CSI's in Love? I would rather see the other characters waxing a floor than to to see that week after week.
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Well, I have only read the little snippet of the article, but all I can say is please dont bring back Jake! I couldn't stand a love triangle story. E/C get plenty of airtime as it is, but to add that dimension. No thanks, it was bad enough the first time, weeks of Eric gawping at Calleigh and looking all sorry for himself.

I have to agree with this. I loved Jake. I think he would have been a good recurring detective character if they hadn't put him with Calleigh (even though at the time I did like them together). But, I'm content with the way they ended the Cal/Jake storyline and I would rather it stay that way then for him to be brought back only to serve as the third wheel in a love triangle. First of all, I really really really hate love triangles. I have never ever seen one that was interesting. They have always driven me nuts. Secondly, I don't think a love triangle is appropriate for this type of show. :lol:
Well, I have only read the little snippet of the article, but all I can say is please dont bring back Jake! I couldn't stand a love triangle story. E/C get plenty of airtime as it is, but to add that dimension. No thanks, it was bad enough the first time, weeks of Eric gawping at Calleigh and looking all sorry for himself.

I have to agree with this. I loved Jake. I think he would have been a good recurring detective character if they hadn't put him with Calleigh (even though at the time I did like them together). But, I'm content with the way they ended the Cal/Jake storyline and I would rather it stay that way then for him to be brought back only to serve as the third wheel in a love triangle. First of all, I really really really hate love triangles. I have never ever seen one that was interesting. They have always driven me nuts. Secondly, I don't think a love triangle is appropriate for this type of show. :lol:

I agree. I love Jake, but the only way I'd want him to return is if E/C flies away to NeverNeverLand & then Jake can join the team. Ooh Lala, how I'd love Jake, Jesse, & Ryan side by side :drool: Hotness overload; make MJ very happy. :lol:

On a more serious note. If Jake was just a plot device for the 2 full seasons he appeared on this show, then there shouldn't be a need for his return. It's pathetic enough as it is that Eric can't ever make a decision unless Calleigh is on her deathbed (true love my a$$); even more pathetic if they have to use the ex coming in for him to make life-long decisions.
Calleigh should feel insulted, imo. ;)
First of all, I really really really hate love triangles. I have never ever seen one that was interesting. They have always driven me nuts. Secondly, I don't think a love triangle is appropriate for this type of show. :lol:

I'm with you there. Love triangles are cliche and boring as all get out. I can only PRAY that TPTB don't go this route. If I want to watch a soap, I'll watch All My Children re-runs. Maybe THEN I'd get to see more of Eva.

Ooh Lala, how I'd love Jake, Jesse, & Ryan side by side :drool: Hotness overload; make MJ very happy. :lol:

That's the kind of triangle I can get behind ... a triangle of hotness. :devil:
Hmmmm, those three and the still ever-so-sexy Horatio (IMO), and you have a show that is covered in awesome sauce. :drool:
Hello all!
I'm new to the boards and you wouldn't believe how long it took me to read all the posts on this thread... And I'm still not done... Anyways, I was so content to learn that there are other fans who aren't hiphuggers. (I normally visit the CBS forums but over 75% of those people are hiphuggers, so it's nice to get opinions I agree with) I have to agree with everything that you all said. In short, the ECR has taken over the show and now after we got a breath of fresh air, AR is coming back to make history relive itself. I don't think we're ever going to get away from this, especially since EP wants their marriage to be the series finale... :shifty: I do understand that it may NOT be the finale, but EP seems to get everything she wants, so I'm scared that it will happen. Are we ever going to escape this e/c madness?
I love Jake too! I was so sad when he left! But I agree, if he does return I don't want poor Jake to get caught up in this "love triangle" idea again.
Let's see if I can do this right xD. I heard about the new episode, and I have to say this really looks like a rip off of SGIYC. Yet again, Calleigh is in a life or death situation and Ryan is perfectly fine... As for the Eric leaning over her bed, I saw that picture, and I hope that unlike SGIYC, we see the other teammates interactions with her, because people other than Eric care for her, but apparently the writers have forgotten about that. :angryrazz:
Ok thank you all for listening to my rant and I hope to post here often!!!
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I have no business being in this thread - my username and avatar speaks for itself. I'm just kinda disappointed on what I'm reading here. I've never ever posted here but I feel that I have to.

I know not everyone are E/C shippers and I respect that. This thread was created specifically for E/C non-shippers-- to rant and air their views, opinions, frustrations whatsoever strictly about the E/C ship. What I do not get is that a lot of the posters are bashing on the actors (EP & AR) who are playing the characters.
I think in the past 4 years Ms. Procter's sense of her own importance has become greatly enhanced. Every interview with her that has anything whatsoever to do with the show revolves around Calleigh and her love life. /QUOTE]
I do not think this is fair. Miss Procter is one actress who I find very genuine and grounded and attacking her this way is not cool at all. Her recent interview with Zap2it for me was INSANEly funny which is very typical of her. She was asked these questions and she just answered it accordingly. Some tirades are just below the belt in my opinion.

There's my vent-I'm outta here before my head gets chewed off! Adios!!!
I have no business being in this thread - my username and avatar speaks for itself. I'm just kinda disappointed on what I'm reading here. I've never ever posted here but I feel that I have to.

I know not everyone are E/C shippers and I respect that. This thread was created specifically for E/C non-shippers-- to rant and air their views, opinions, frustrations whatsoever strictly about the E/C ship. What I do not get is that a lot of the posters are bashing on the actors (EP & AR) who are playing the characters.
I think in the past 4 years Ms. Procter's sense of her own importance has become greatly enhanced. Every interview with her that has anything whatsoever to do with the show revolves around Calleigh and her love life. /QUOTE]
I do not think this is fair. Miss Procter is one actress who I find very genuine and grounded and attacking her this way is not cool at all. Her recent interview with Zap2it for me was INSANEly funny which is very typical of her. She was asked these questions and she just answered it accordingly. Some tirades are just below the belt in my opinion.

There's my vent-I'm outta here before my head gets chewed off! Adios!!!

While I appreciate your concerns; it is not just about this interview. It is about several interviews and events over the past year that has turned me off to both actors. I have always liked both. But recent events have made it clear that they are strictly self-centered with a high opinion of their importance to Miami. I blame some of it on the media for centering on the E/C romance and less on the other actors.
I don't believe anyone here is crossing the line in regard to voicing thier opinions of the actors. Everything said has been backed up with why they feel the way they do. I don't see anything wrong with that.

Welcome to the thread & board Star_Gazer. :)
Thank you for the welcome mjszud! I look forward to posting here!
Like slower said, I also appreciate your concerns and comment, but I have to agree, while reading these posts, everyone voiced an opinion and backed up their opinion with examples and convincing explanations. I also do not see any wrong in that.
What I do not get is that a lot of the posters are bashing on the actors (EP & AR) who are playing the characters.
"I think in the past 4 years Ms. Procter's sense of her own importance has become greatly enhanced. Every interview with her that has anything whatsoever to do with the show revolves around Calleigh and her love life."
Bashing the actors? I do not believe we are bashing the actors. IMO I don't find that example bashing, it's just a mere observation and opinion of her. It was not intended to be cruel or mean. Along with many people on this thread, I've lost respect for EP and AR because of these interviews and their behaviour towards this whole romance. Of course this is just my view.
I do not think this is fair. Miss Procter is one actress who I find very genuine and grounded and attacking her this way is not cool at all. Her recent interview with Zap2it for me was INSANEly funny which is very typical of her. She was asked these questions and she just answered it accordingly. Some tirades are just below the belt in my opinion.
There's my vent-I'm outta here before my head gets chewed off! Adios!!!
There were those that thought she was insanely funny before when she asked to be tougher,to have a boyfriend,to have a romance.Someone said at that time"oh she was only kidding,being funny", and those things managed to happen in spite of being"funny and kidding".Well here we are now seeing the wanting of a wedding,children and a Mr and Mrs Smith type situation,after a while,it's no longer funny. I think TPTB and writers should be funny for a change and say no to the wedding the babies and Mr. and Mrs. Smith.Maybe they should be hilarious and focus on the team for season 9,wouldn't that be funny?
While we may disagree with shippers,we don't chew heads off, we are a pretty nice bunch!
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There were those that thought she was insanely funny before when she asked to be tougher,to have a boyfriend,to have a romance.
Well at least we know she doesn't get everything she wants! She definitely isn't tough anymore, which is too bad, it's one of the qualities I loved about Calleigh's character.
Someone said at that time"oh she was only kidding,being funny", and she managed to get those things in spite of being"funny and kidding".Well here we are now seeing the wanting of a wedding,children and a Mr and Mrs Smith type situation,after a while,it's no longer funny. I think TPTB and writers should be funny for a change and say no to the wedding the babies and Mr. and Mrs. Smith.Maybe they should be hilarious and focus on the team for season 9,wouldn't that be funny?
That would be hilarious! Too bad that TPTB usually listens to EP... I don't think that the series will end on the EC wedding, because it wouldn't make sense if the show didn't end on something related to Horatio. He is the face of Miami and the leader (even though it hasn't seemed to be true in the past few seasons) so it would be odd if we didn't end it with Horatio and his personal problems. Maybe if we get another villian/nemesis of Horatio (other than Ron Saris) Horatio shoots him and the series is older. Not the greatest idea but something like that. It would be more original than a EC wedding... I've always thought weddings are for soap operas, and I do not believe they need to take place in crime dramas either. Especially a sophisticated one like CSI: Miami.
While we may disagree with shippers,we don't chew heads off, we are a pretty nice bunch!
I got the kindness vibe from you guys when I was reading all of your posts! I don't think any of us will bite your heads off, but if you feel like I am, then let me know and I'll take a step back and stop "biting your heads". ;)
I have no business being in this thread - my username and avatar speaks for itself. I'm just kinda disappointed on what I'm reading here. I've never ever posted here but I feel that I have to.

What I do not get is that a lot of the posters are bashing on the actors (EP & AR) who are playing the characters.
I think in the past 4 years Ms. Procter's sense of her own importance has become greatly enhanced. Every interview with her that has anything whatsoever to do with the show revolves around Calleigh and her love life. /QUOTE]
I do not think this is fair. Miss Procter is one actress who I find very genuine and grounded and attacking her this way is not cool at all. Her recent interview with Zap2it for me was INSANEly funny which is very typical of her. She was asked these questions and she just answered it accordingly. Some tirades are just below the belt in my opinion.

There's my vent-I'm outta here before my head gets chewed off! Adios!!!

Firstly, Welcome Star Gazer!

Secondly, since it was my comments that were quoted, I guess I should respond.

Five or six years ago I would have agreed with you completely if I'd seen someone comment like that about Emily Procter. I've come a long way since then both in front of an behind the cameras.

My comments, as slower indicated, are based upon multiple interviews, in print, on video and on radio, over the last three years. She has relentlessly campaigned for her storylines, and her storylines only. The current interview with zap2it is the first time in years I've heard her include discussion of another character other than Calleigh and Delko. Unlike Eva La Rue and Jonathan Togo who promote other characters as well all promoting endlessly and selflessly the show itself. For them it's still CSI Miami. For Procter and Rodriguez the show is E/C Miami and it sole purpose is to allow them to play out this miserable romance.

And to be honest the more I think about it there was no reason at all to even address Horatio and Calleigh's relationship. They barely functions as a team when they work together. To suggest there is or was any possibility since season 4 that anything else is there is ludicrous. So that question, for me, is highly suspect with regard to why it was even asked. It has absolutely no place in the show as it exists now or has existed in the past 4 years. I would stop watching immediately if they made any attempt whatsoever to for anything but a now distant friendship between Horatio and Calleigh. IMO Horatio deserves much better than Calleigh.

IMO history has shown that Procter's "insanely funny" comments and off-the-wall hopes for her character have a way of turning devastating serious for those of us who do not enjoy all E/C all the time. I stopped finding her charming or funny about 3 years ago when I realized that her agenda was excluding other characters who I enjoy a thousand times more than I enjoy E/C.

And we don't bite anyone's head off in this thread. We try very hard to treat visitors as we wish to be treated. With civility and respect.

Thank you for your sharing your thoughts, ec4evr.
Well at least we know she doesn't get everything she wants! She definitely isn't tough anymore, which is too bad, it's one of the qualities I loved about Calleigh's character.

You know, I've always found Calleigh attempts at being tough laughable. Mary -In Plane Sight (Mary McCormick) and Ziva - NCIS (Cote de Palma), make Calliegh look like a powder puff. When, for the first time in forever, they put Horatio and Calleigh together in a scene (can't remember the episode off the top if my head) and Calleigh was the one who tried to look tough and in control (She yelled "Gun. Everybody get down.") I actuallly started laughing. She sounded so totally out of her element and very unbelievable to me.
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