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  1. catey1234

    Which character...

    The tattoo question, I went with Sara, I just think she would have one. As for the singer with a few drinks in him, I went with Ryan. I don't think Greg would have to have a few drinks in him, I think he would go ahed and do it without needing drinks. Ryan, I think would need a few drinks to...
  2. catey1234

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    Tonight's episode, All in the Family
  3. catey1234

    Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

    Terrific interview with Anna. Like has been said, interviews with her are rare, and it's refreshing to hear from her.
  4. catey1234

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    Well, I have a few of those moments,Dutch. The Lying game is one of them(that exact moment, good pics Dutch), but I also find Love Run Cold to be a heart breaking/tear inducing moment. I felt so bad for Danny when Lindsay walked away from him. She had her reasons, but the look of...
  5. catey1234

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    You know, that's the first time I've seen that picture of Danny and Lindsay. I must say, it's a cute one. Thanks for posting it, Stuffy! As for thread names, I have one, but it's kind of dorky. Thread #21: Love Handled! I'm sorry, that's all I've got. My imagination has gone on strike.
  6. catey1234

    Happy 30th Birthday to Eddie Cahill

    Happy Birthday Eddie! Here's hoping you had a terrific day!
  7. catey1234

    Why Lindsay Must Stay!

    As much as I like Lindsay/Anna, I don't so much blame her acting, but the writing. One of the biggest complaints is that Lindsay jumps to conclusions before the evidence supports her. Well, on Miami last night, Calleigh, whom most would agree, is a well-rounded and liked character, was pulling...
  8. catey1234

    Why Lindsay Must Stay!

    ^^^Don't worry, we aren't angry. This is after all, just a healthy debate on the why or why not a character should stay on the show. Some love her, some hate her, some are indifferent. Either way, this is just everyone's opinions, for better or worse.
  9. catey1234

    Why Lindsay Must Stay!

    Okay, to answer question #1, yes, I would still like Lindsay if Danny and her broke up. I liked her before they were paired up, I will like her afterwards. As for some of her behaviour, yes, it has been less than sterling on occasion, but she's a supporting character on a tv show. Not every...
  10. catey1234

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    Here's a pic from the Niagara Falls concert last year that I found. Notice the CSI:NY shirt he's wearing?
  11. catey1234

    CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to ____________!

    Re: CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to __________ A: Rear end B: garage(??? I have no imagination today).
  12. catey1234

    Why Lindsay Must Stay!

    I like how Lindsay gets excited about the small things. One of her best scenes was when she first started on the show, shooting that crossbow. Her excitement was amusing, as was her interaction with Mac. She really interacts well with Mac and Stella. In some ways, I wish the show had kept...
  13. catey1234

    Just a kiss...

    Well, from NY, Mac or Flack. Original CSI, I'd have to say Nick.
  14. catey1234

    Which character...

    Make it another one for Nick!
  15. catey1234

    CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to ____________!

    Re: CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to __________ A: Mandarin B: Hair colour
  16. catey1234

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    This is the LtDan Band website: Here's the link to the concert info:
  17. catey1234

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    I got my tickets today to see Gary in concert! Seriously cannot wait. By the way, MacsLady, nice pics! :D
  18. catey1234

    Shedual Change for CSI:NY (Canadian Viewers)

    It's on Spike, Showcase and Showcase Action here in Canada. On Showcase, it's airing twice a day.
  19. catey1234

    How old are all CSI fans?

    I'm in the 36-45 category, and that's all I'm saying!
  20. catey1234

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    Well, not