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  1. LtKitty

    I Can't Believe It #6

    i can't believe i'm drunk :lol: I can't believe i'm playing CS (counter-strike) :D i need to grow up :lol: i can't believe i am sitting in my bed at 22:36pm, wich is wierd, couse i always go sleep at 3:00am, and mom don't know that i am drunk :p well.. at least i hope so :rolleyes: I can't...
  2. LtKitty

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Up: slept well! Up: celebrate my cousins birthday :D Up: met old friends, we had great time together :) Up: i am drunk right now! :lol: down: i think my mom already got that.. ups :p couse she is not talking to me :rolleyes: up: i feel great, couse finally i spend some time with my friends...
  3. LtKitty

    I Can't Believe It #6

    i can't believe that teacher really canceled the lesson because we wanted :D I can't believe i was totaly forgat about physics test today :rolleyes: so i don't know how i wrote it :p
  4. LtKitty

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    still no snow, thank god, but is so cold here, -5C :D cmon, for me it is cold, i am sunshine child :p
  5. LtKitty

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Up: got my CSi book yipii! ^_^ Up: tomorrow i will go to school at 12:15pm, couse first 5 lessons are canceled :D down: hairdresser after 30 min. ... i hate to sit there, it is boring :p Up: we made agreement with german teacher about tomorrows lesson .. it's canceled yeey! :D down: but...
  6. LtKitty

    I Can't Believe It #6

    I can't believe my chemistry's teacher still don't know my name :lol: I can't believe math's teacher didn't noticed me today :p i can't believe it's already 19:51pm :eek:
  7. LtKitty

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    very nice day today was, sunny with blue skie's ^_^ and now here is beautiful evening, dark with moon up on skie's :D but, it is getting colder, today was -3C, tomorrow there is going to be -10C .. still no snow :p
  8. LtKitty

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Up: i got good mark at Chemistry yeey :D Up: CSI LV and Dr. Hause tonight Up: no homeworks wupiii ^_^ Up: finally i got an idea how to burn my cd's. and did it! :p Down: i got my new CSI Miami book, but i was too lazy to go get it on post .. oh well ok ..will do it tomorrow after school...
  9. LtKitty

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    today was so nice sunny day with blue skie's , on a moment :p now everything is dark again and it's getting colder.. :rolleyes: right now +4C maybe
  10. LtKitty

    I Can't Believe It #6

    i can't believe it, yesterday outside was so much snow, woke up today and there is nothing! :eek: No-thing! :p everything is green again :p I still can't believe about those tewo boys who drowned :( that is so horrible .. I can't believe i hadn't 'Monday Blues' :lol:
  11. LtKitty

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Up: listening paniv at the disco ^_^ Up: prison break tonight down: teacher didn't believe me .. now i will need to make that bag in school :p busted! :D Down: i went to school this morning but first leason was off..duuh.. great :rolleyes: Down: two boys from our school yesterday drowned in...
  12. LtKitty

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Up: finally get to sleep longer.. Down: i was planing to get done some homeworks, but i was too lazy.. so everything goes for tomorrow.. ehh.. :rolleyes: Down: i was sitting all day at home.. niiiice.. >_< Down: why storm is from Saturday's night till Sunday, why it couldn't be from Sunday till...
  13. LtKitty

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    wouu.. huge wind outside and its snowing. and we are waiting for another storm in here at night :p i live in 4th floor and if there is going to be storm with snowing then tomorrow i will open my window and its going to fall in my room :lol:
  14. LtKitty

    I Can't Believe It #6

    i can't believe it's already Friday and i am home from school :lol: i can't believe my dad didn't slept all night and he went to the exam :p hope he is doing well there :rolleyes:
  15. LtKitty

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    Day was ok, no wind and sun was shining but now it's snowing :( i don't want snow .. weeh..
  16. LtKitty

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Up: Friday wuuhuu!! :D down: it's snowing here.. nooo, i don't want snow :( Up: listening good old music :) last year memories ^_^ Up: day wasn't so hard as i thought ;)
  17. LtKitty

    I Can't Believe It #6

    i can't believe i got best mark in history! :D cmon its me, i'm total history's freak :lol: I can't believe i want here some storm :p just because i need day off and tomorrow is hard day :rolleyes: i can't believe my dad is still studying for exam, he startted yesterday at 22:30pm went to...
  18. LtKitty

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Down: woke up with hope that there outside is a huge storm and i can stay home .. but no .. nothing :rolleyes: Up: i got best mark in historys test! :eek: awsome!! :lol: Up: CSI Miami and CSI NY todnight wupii! ^_^ down: two tests tomorrow.. iuu :( down: lots of homeworks .. bleeh..
  19. LtKitty

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    *singing* Florida sunshine! :D ok, not exactly :p Sunny, clear sky, no wind .. can you believe that? i can't! :lol: not in here :D temp +5C beautiful day :)
  20. LtKitty

    The Poll Thread - #3

    i love to live in mess :D but i can,t :rolleyes: couse my mom is obsessed with cleaning, so i need to be that as well(at least she thinks that) :rolleyes: gosh , how i hate that! *cries* I wanna be a pigy :lol: khm.. so yeah, usually my room is clean :)