It's still very stormy. I must say that it's more stormy than on thursday when "Kyrill" 'ran over'. It's colder approx. 5 to 10°C, raining, a bit snow, and thunder! Oo
It's more like the typical "April" weather than January.
Today was the weirdest thing. Usually (because it's like January) we get snow, but today, there was snow on the ground, but it was raining! Everybody was like "it's not raining" they all thought I went completley crazy :lol: Then a teacher pointed out that it was raining it was quite weird for this time of year...
If anyone lives in the Seattle area or Washington for that fact you would know the freaken weird weather we've been having! Snow one day-sun the next! ACK!! you can't trust the weathermen anymore!!!!!!
Urgh... It's been absolutley disgusting today! Hot and humid and sticky and sunny... *sigh* Must have been about 30c but the humidity was crazy! Thank the Gods for air-con!