Ups And Downs For The Day #4

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congrats to ya, Jayne . and buena suerte to you, wibble.

up: had a blast in class today :lol:
the downside of it: didn't listen to a word the prof said, thus didn't understand anything about resistors :confused:
up: it's finally friday
down: only 2 weeks left to study for my exams *panic*
up: got a job for the summer
up: stayed at a friends place
up: learned a bit :D
up: watched a few episodes judging amy
Up: only one class today
Up: I was made a Music Director at the radio station I work for
Up: I've discovered so many great new music acts today
Up - had a great night out last night
Down - hung over like a dog today, had to send husband out for a Greggs fix
Down - my phone has no network coverage WTF!?! how am I supposed to function with no mobile? Wondering if antena tower thing has perhaps been blown away?
Yup, Lizzy, they were good. :)

Down: This morning there was a convention to say goodbye for the last time to my dad's sister. It was so sad.
Down: I'm so tired.
Down: I have a lot to do for school, but I cannot force myself to do it somehow.
Down: Today sucks.
up: Weekend!!!
down: I got food poisoning and woke up with a horrible cough and nausea
up: I'm supposed to go the movies later
down: I hope I feel completely better by then
*hugs Sarastar* A belated 'I'm so sorry for you' from me. :(

Up: Weekend!
Up: Had the half day off from work!
Down: Lots of homework.
Down: I hardly did any :eek:

Major up: I'm finally getting married in the CaRWash RP! :D
Thanks, Nikki! :)

Up: I've written the prologue to my new Sandle fic.
Down: Since I didn't do any homeworks today, I'll have to do everything tomorrow.
Up: finally get to sleep longer..
Down: i was planing to get done some homeworks, but i was too lazy.. so everything goes for tomorrow.. ehh.. :rolleyes:
Down: i was sitting all day at home.. niiiice.. >_<
Down: why storm is from Saturday's night till Sunday, why it couldn't be from Sunday till Monday.. i need another free day %$%$&#^ :mad:
down: it is 23:51pm and Saturday is almost over and i didn't do anything :rolleyes:
Up: My mom waked me this morning with a kiss and a hug. Such a good way to wake up on a Saturday morning :D :D
Up: Don't have school Monday.
Up: Actually, I have only 7 hours of school this week..
Up: I changed the sheets on my bed, so I have a clean bed to sleep in tonight.. there's nothing better than a clean bed :D
Up: That also means that I'm going to read in bed when I wake up tomorrow morning
Up: Work wasn't all that bad today
Up: Had a nice evening with my sis
Up: Just went through old pictures with my mom. Gosh, I've looked horrible when I was *cough*younger*cough*

Down: Those 7 hours of school this week are actually all tests.. and the rest of the week I have to use to study..
Down: Still have to read 150 pages before I finish my book
Down: No idea what I'm going to do tomorrow.. well, there are things I have to do, but I don't feel like it
Down: I went to the McDonalds today. Baaad Lizzy!
Down: I'm tired and my bed looks really really good, but I'm still having too good of a time to go to bed
Up: Had so much fun today and yesterday
Up: Hung out with friends
Up: Went shopping :D
Up: I am very content at the moment
Down: It's extremly dark! (Haha, guess I could turn on a light :p )
Down: I'm home all alone
Down: Now I have no money
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