Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

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Oh yeah, after the storms comes the actually showed up breifly today, then the temperature dropped, gotta love the British weather!
im dreading going on holiday with my family in march, even though in going to the canary islands (first time abroad :D ). everytime someone goes on holiday with my aunt it always rains, i go to butlins every year, never a drop of rain, we go with her in august and it rains all week!
A branch just about impaled me on the walk home before. It had probably been blown into the tree during the 130 km/h winds that were going on (thank you, hole-in-the-ozone) and just gave loose today.

The slush that's been falling isn't all too pleasant either.
It is sunny and actually not that cold (in my opinion)here (Portugal)...Yesterday my friend was just wearing a T-shirt, and we are in the middle of january...
Lovely blue sky this morning, although still pretty windy. Finally had some snow on Thursday :D Although I do wonder why in a country where crap weather is the norm public transport seems to be incapable of running on time or properly as soon as the first snowflake falls??
wouu.. huge wind outside and its snowing. and we are waiting for another storm in here at night :p i live in 4th floor and if there is going to be storm with snowing then tomorrow i will open my window and its going to fall in my room :lol:
Ewww, it's all hot and humid here today... and sunny! *dies* I WANT SNOW!!!!!!

I can't wait for it to be winter... even though there won't be snow... it'll still be cold-ish!
the sky is dark but it's still very sunny ... it looks beautiful when the sun breaks through the clouds
:rolleyes: raini and stormy weather here in germany and 11.5°C tomorrow we should become a littlebit snow and shower of soft hail.
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