Danny/Lindsay #21: The future’s in the bag!

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Well, I usually blame the guy, but I agree that in this case up to a certain point they're both to blame, just not equally imo and absolutely not to a degree where Danny can be called all that he has been called without any real proof that they are together. We should've seen Lindsay try harder to talk to him and not leave him (and us) hanging.

Although the writers may have said something about D/L, they can change their minds and their scripts as often as they like, and until it has actually been broadcasted, I'm taking all comments from writers and actors with a big spoonful of salt.

If, and it is still a big 'if', they assume that it is clear to ALL their viewers that Danny and Lindsay have been in a solid relationship since SD and he did/does sleep with Rikki, then we can call him a cheater - And believe me, I have no problems with calling him that and will certainly not blame Lindsay for it. But, like you, I don't see Danny as a cheater either, and I don't think that they will make him out to be one. And if they do, they will probably counter that quite uncharacteristic behaviour with him (suddenly completely back in character) confessing this to Lindsay, and make him the 'good' guy for being so honest.

Because of all of the latter horror scenarios I still hope that we are all wrong in thinking that this relationship is much more solid than TPTB's intention is at the moment.

I guess we'll all have to wait and see, but one thing is certain, next week will be THE turning point in their relationship...let's just hope it turns out for the best..
hmm i dont what to belief.this things really bugs me..i guess we'll have to wait for that.
if its happen (between d/l) it happens and we glad.if not:(

still,i dont know how to create a spoiler box...
Dutch---it is true that the PTB change scripts suddenly. They may have changed their minds, but after Zuiker, Lenkov, and Veasey all stated that they were together---forming a big heart or whatever and happy, then we have to assume that the writers believe that they have a good, not necessarily perfect, relationship. So the writers are going by their own remarks not by what we as fans see. The ratings haven't been all that great this year, so sometimes PTB take drastic measures...because it grabs people's attention. Yet it rarely makes for actual good, creative drama.........I don't see their relationship being strong per se, but if he does sleep with Rikki (or did), then being honest is the best way to go. It's the dishonesty or the lack of communication that will piss me off. If he needs another woman to console him or make him feel better or love, just tell Lindsay. Don't lead her on as if he is obligated to stay in a relationship that he doesn't want to be in. Let her know what is going on---be the stand-up guy. Because, in my opinion, Danny is a stand-up guy. Even if he's a dork sometimes. :lol: But again, I hope all of this is one big nightmare or something. Going down this road isn't good for anyone. I would think that most viewers would rather see other things than crap drama like this.
I know what you're trying to say in that if they weren't already in a strong enough relationship, an exlusive one where both parties actually agreed, then Danny can't be labelled a cheater. I don't want to label him as one either because, as many of you have said, he's a very well liked character. I do like the idea that if Danny does sleep with Rikki, and Lindsay finds out, it gives her enough of a push to tell Danny how she really feels about him, and Danny, will reply with his own feelings, whatever they are.

I don't believe the writers will suddenly change their minds about DL. They know DL have a large fanbase, and to alienate and insult so many people? I doubt it. Things like that are usually played out by viewer responses to the character (like Addison on Grey's) and so far, I think the overall response of Rikki is good - but not when she's romantically linked with Danny. It's too messy a storyline and things like that are reserved for the soap operas.

But still, it doesn't mean it's impossible. I do sincerely hope that this is just all one really big nightmare, because this came out of nowhere really, and up till now we've enjoyed a few small scenes between the two. I always thought the writers were saving it up for one big moment, but if this is the big moment, sorry....I don't approve.

Danny's pretty good at telling people how he feels, why would it suddenly be different to tell Lindsay he wants more? Why would it take another woman for him to realise he wants Lindsay? I'm sorry, if I had to pick a side, it would be Lindsay's. It's in character for her to hide her feelings slightly, it's not in character for Danny to suddenly sleep with someone after over a year of running after someone else.

Actually, this is all the writers' fault for not giving us those much needed behind the scenes - scenes! :mad:

I don't want Danny to cheat. Who does? But Dutch does have a point and it could lead to a better understanding and communication between the two. Danny can be pretty thick-headed sometimes too. But *sigh* yeah...I am praying that this is all one big nightmare, that wont exist come wednesday and we'll be laughing it all off due to paranoia.

Ratings haven't been good? New York has never gained as much as its counterparts have they? And I think its largely due to inconsistencies, which viewers tend to pick up on. I wouldn't watch NY if it wasn't for DL, I'd rather watch LV because it is a much more well written show. The writers must have realised by now that DL brings in alot of those ratings. Being stupid with them could be disasterous...

I do hope that Danny is man enough to admit to Lindsay if he doesn't want what she wants. To admit to her what he's done. And I really hope that 4x19 happens because they're working through it, are seeing eye to eye, and not because of Danny's pretence.

This is all going to blow over soon...I'm sure it will. TPTB have never gone such a drastic route before, and I hope they don't start now. If they want more ratings, try and fix those loopholes rather than something that isn't broke!

But, PV wrote the episode, and this may be the deepening she promised us before, and it will all be alright if we stay light and fluffy. Now I need a drink. :lol:

None of this talk is good for my health, but oh well. DL are going to come out of this together, and besides, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger right? I'm following Dutch's list. By season 7 we've got babyBoom! :lol:
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hey dutch_treat, I am not sure how to do the spoiler thing and i REALLY want to respond to it so how do i put the box thing?
^^After clicking on 'post a reply' near the bottom of the page, you can type up your message and then highlight it. After you highlight your message, click on the little 'yellow smilie' (at the top not in the smilie box) and it will enclose your message with spoiler tags. Hope this helps. :)

NY started having good ratings during season two and three, but dropped a lot. I don't think we can blame it on one thing exactly, but inconsistencies would be a major area to look at. So the writers may feel that they need a shocking storyline to inject some life into this season. If so, that would be sad that they can't be more creative than that. But IF, D/L aren't exactly exclusive, maybe this will really push them into an area where it will be do or die. Although, I think Carmine said that they will either break up or stay together. Which who knows if he really knows or not!? From the spoilers, we really can't tell at this point---so that's why I wonder if he will really tell Lindsay about Rikki or not....or if it will come as a complete shock. I disgress though---so scattered today. If in fact Lindsay believes that it is an exclusive relationship, and Danny hasn't corrected that assumption, then it would be cheating---and completely out of character. And yes, he's emo and he operates from his gut and crap like that, but still despite popular belief, the man is not an immature guy. And as Liff said, it's not out of character for Lindsay to hide her emotions until they overflow, but it is out of character for Danny.

These writers confuzzle me. In one instance, D/L seems like they are in trouble, then the writers have them going to a ballgame feeling all 'hunky dory' and then Lindsay is sad because she hasn't been called "Montana" in a while. Whatever. That's why something tells me that this thing won't be resolved this season and that their communication might break down. We might get this 'unknown thing going again.' Which sucks. We've been going through this 'are they or aren't they' thing all year. Here's hoping that the writers prove me wrong. Sometimes, I wonder if these writers have enough talent to pull all this mess off or not. Argh!
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eveninstarz14 & tinieyhasbi, see this post for more info on spoiler tags ;)

I'm slightly partial right now regarding this whole drama plot. A part of me thinks it's just a ruse to get us all riled up and excited for the new episodes, and another part of me believes TPTB might just go along with it, thinking it might up their ratings slightly.

Seriously, if they need more ratings, they need to pay us more attention don't you think? I want my ice cream and holding scenes!! It would be completely squee worthy, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it :) Plus, it would show such a good piece of continuation because a year before, it was a similar day that Lindsay blew Danny off and told him she couldn't be relationship with him. I guess it's hard to resist the Messer charm huh? And Danny's still smitten with her up 'till now. I want babyBoom!! :p And everything in between of course :)

*sigh* I'm afraid I do sometimes feel that the writers don't do our ship justice. There are times I wish we never went canon at all, so they can just leave Danny and Lindsay alone. They pick on them like it's the only thing they know how to do and it's just...mind boggling to think that they can't find a more creatively sound way to attract viewers than a huge scandal? It's still possible that we're blowing this whole thing out of proportion, but the writers, although they have been relatively good to us, don't seem to show us that much dedication. I wish I could sit in that room of theirs unnoticed for one afternoon and figure out how they think...it's baffling; all the way from the beginning of S3. If this is how they're going to end? I don't understand what the purpose of putting them together in the first place was. DL's relationship hasn't been handled well at all, and I hope this season 4.5 will show us that the writers are serious about it, and they are going to deal with the unanswered questions. But then this comes along and you wonder if they've learned from any of their mistakes.
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*skips in and hugs everyone* Dont worry, be happy :) Even if it[promo] is what some of us are assuming, they'll work through it.

^Wow. Im entirelly too perky for this hour in the morning.
Anyways, I just stopped to reply to a thing or two
Seriously, if they need more ratings, they need to pay us more attention don't you think? I want my ice cream and holding scenes!! It would be completely squee worthy, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it :) Plus, it would show such a good piece of continuation because a year before, it was a similar day that Lindsay blew Danny off and told him she couldn't be relationship with him. I guess it's hard to resist the Messer charm huh? And Danny's still smitten with her up 'till now. I want babyBoom!! :p And everything in between of course
Exactly. They should listen to us! We are the viewers and proud D/L shippers, they should give us what we want. I know that D/L wont be broken up, it just wont happen. Im pretty sure there are way too many shippers of theirs. Even my dad likes them together :lol:

Lets see if this works...
Dear TPTB that cant read a gosh darn message board to please your viewers,
Hi. Im a viewer. Im upset. Ill be even more upset if you dont make D/L reconcile. Im just giving you a heads up ;)
Have a great day
^My mom is a DL shipper, and that's the most hilarious thing of all. She thinks they're cute together and have great chemistry. I couldn't stop grinning at her when she said that :lol:

They wont break DL up. They'll have rough patches but they'll work through it. Yes. Because they belong together :)
Auda said:
They may have changed their minds, but after Zuiker, Lenkov, and Veasey all stated that they were together---forming a big heart or whatever and happy, then we have to assume that the writers believe that they have a good, not necessarily perfect, relationship.
I know they said that, but what really confuses me is why we haven't seen anything to confirm that (yet).

I think the overall response of Rikki is good - but not when she's romantically linked with Danny.
That's what I'm counting on. It would be such a cheap move to use a character with such a dramatic storyline as a prop to create even more drama...
It's in character for her to hide her feelings slightly, it's not in character for Danny to suddenly sleep with someone after over a year of running after someone else.
Yes you're right, but this time it's Danny who has been through something really dramatic in his life, while she is healing more and more...Which could lead to a possible reverse LRC scene this time around...
These writers confuzzle me.
Me too...What do they have in mind? Lindsay confessing she has falling in love with him, Danny perhaps sleeping with someone else (whether it is considered cheating or not) and then a couple of eps later they're going to a basketball game together as if nothing has happened :confused:...and what is it that someone witnesses between them in the lab? *stamps feet* I wanna know now!
^ Okay, that was the last of my spoilerbuttons about all the 'what will happen next week?'-stuff...It's driving me crazy and that promo will probably turn out to be one big hoax...:rolleyes:

*hugs Sarah back* - You're right! They will work through it (I just hope that it will be in a way that we -proud D/L shippers ;)- can appreciate.:cool:
I think we just need to stop discussing it before we go crazy. Let's focus on the more happier aspects of Danny and Lindsay's relationship shall we?

Like how hot it would be to see Lindsay lick ice cream off Danny's nose (or any other appendage for that matter :devil:) We need to gutterfy this place up again! Angst is good but this is bordering on pathetic!

Hmm, I think it will all be one big humongous laugh when the episode actually airs, and the writers will be wagging their fingers at us for not having much faith in them. Hey, it's not our fault right?

DL is love, (but the writers behind them don't have to be all the time!). :p They will work through any difficulties they encounter, and we, all of us, especially me, are going to stay fluffy to the core (angst is banned until further notice) and...we'll pull through :) We did once and we always will.
Wednesday night, after the episode, Im going to post on here and my whole post will be hahahahaahahahahahahaha because I bet most of us will be fooled. Lets not read too much into the promos, they always make things seem exciting and dramatic to trick us.

DL is love, (but the writers behind them don't have to be all the time!). :p They will work through any difficulties they encounter, and we, all of us, especially me, are going to stay fluffy to the core (angst is banned until further notice) and...we'll pull through :) We did once and we always will
Im staying fluffly :D But we really need Mo to enforce the fluffiness just incase. Where is she btw?
^ LOL, no angst, no fluff, but gutterstuff <- Yeah, I'm a great poet :rolleyes:

Like how hot it would be to see Lindsay lick ice cream off Danny's nose (or any other appendage for that matter :devil:)
There are so many things wrong with that :eek:...Hot and ice, unfortunately don't mix very well AND the problem with some other appendage :evil: is, that the more ice cream you apply the less appendage there will be left :wtf: Hello Gutter!, we're back!

Now chocolate sauce on the other hand is just as tasty, will last longer and will let everything last longer.:eek:

Sarah, Mo is apparently fine, but is busy with RL stuff.
here are so many things wrong with that :eek:...Hot and ice, unfortunately don't mix very well AND the problem with some other appendage :evil: is, that the more ice cream you apply the less appendage there will be left :wtf: Hello Gutter!, we're back!
Oh I think the presence of a certain person will keep the appendage standing proud :p Despite the cold. And some people think cold on hot is actually a turn on :p Shows you how much I know of the Gutter. I need to spend less time in that library we have up...and those picture books are far too addictive.

Chocolate sauce would be nice too...or whipped cream. Go with the traditional things :) Have you ever had ice cream in a bun? I think Danny might like that, or Lindsay would like mushing one into his face so she gets to lick it off....what a lovely image.

Dear Mo needs to come back. But we can all still be fluffy until then. And yes ILJT, I shall join you in said laughter :)

LOL, no angst, no fluff, but gutterstuff <- Yeah, I'm a great poet :rolleyes:
Whatdya mean no fluff? There's LOTS of fluff. Angst is banned, fluff is compulsory. :)
Hi everyone :)

im not the one to do the optimistic speculation..usually but in this occassion id like to add another perspective.

i havent checked CSI in awhile got a bit bored of the non existent Danny/Lindsay relationship they were showing but i was checking your thread and also what is going on in the show right now...last ep and promo discussion..and i was wondering...

even if they do break up in the next ep....is there an official word from somewhere that says that if they break up it is for good?because from the reactions here this is the vibe i am getting...

frankly judging Dannys behaviour....i find it unacceptable...he has been chasing Lindsay for two seasons...quite aggressively in my book and now all of a sudden after hes got her he is not interested? talk about one spoiled brat (sorry to all the Danny fans..i used to be one too)
at this point i really hope he breaks up with Lindsay cause i am sorry but she deserves better than a guy who once gets what he wants is not interested in it anymore....

i hope she will be unaffected by Danny and his new girl (if it is Ricky..the grieving mother :rolleyes: ) and returns to the great character she was when she first joined the CSI's.

from then on the options are limitless.....maybe the bantering between the two will return...maybe Danny will realise his mistake...and their relationship will go back to the great levels it was in the beggining....and then maybe romance can bloom again but only if Danny is fully aware of what he is doing and after sometime....i want a relaistic re-approach of the whole Danny/Lindsay situation......

is such a scenario plausible? im asking cause ive been out of the loop and the whole doom scenarios/vibe im getting from here point to a final end of the relationship with no chance of ever rekindling again....if we have such information id like to know......
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