08 Presidential Elections

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Aaaaand bit more content would be nice.

It's tought for democrats, I must say :eek: Even I am still supporting Hillary - I am happy as long as next president will be democrat :p

Ok...seriously... who really wants 70-yr-old president?
Ah, Ducky, good to know where you're planting your flag. :p

Obama's wins coupled with Hillary switching campaign managers mid-stream is making for exciting times ahead. This is gearing up to be pretty darn interesting for the Democrats. Wonder how they will get the momentum up and running again for Hillary's camp? She needs a boost just now.
Boy does she ever need a boost. I was extremely perturbed over the weekend to read that her campaign manager had resigned. I wonder if, though, that was done of her own volition because they had not done as well with certain primaries, and was being paid a lot. Or, if the decision came from up above. I will have to do some digging on this...
I just watched Hillary on "60 Minutes" [I taped it last night] and she said "that her campaign mgr. has small children and it was unnaimous that she step down, and she'll still be her advisor" HMMM, does anyone believe that? Also saw Michelle Obama on CNN's Larry Kings, she's delightful and charming, and so down to earth, and said he's the real deal and so genuine & authentic, with no hidden agenda..& admits his mistakes, and I liked that? and came across as [not as his wife] but why he's the best candidate" for this high position.. boggles ones mind, and leaves you confused :confused: they've both got great ideas, one's been around the block, and one's fresh and new..
I am extremely pleased that Obama is in the lead at the moment even though there's been many articles saying that once he becomes president, he will be vulnerable to assassinations due to his race. I should hope in this day and country people are not going to assassinate presidents over colour.... :rolleyes: I think the appeal of Hilary Clinton is that her husband will again have a larger part in the USA politics, which I know a few american people I have spoken to have admitted to.
^How do you know that Hillary didn't have big part in Bill's politics? ;)

Umm... Hillary is a strong and smart woman... I think she can run her politics. Of course president's spouse has big part and can do many things and affect to things.
She just sat next to Bill and looked pretty. Nah, I'm sure she is a strong woman. She should be proud of what she has done in her campaign and has stated what she'd do for the USA. Which I admit Obama has not done very much, just keep saying change change change over and over. But I think that USA deserves to have a good looking president, for once. Don't you? :p

What peeves me about her is when I watch her in videos, she just points to the crowd and waves to a person as if she knows that person. But it just looks so fake and an attempt to look popular. :p
Presidents are not meant to be good looking :p

And yes, I am annoyed sometimes also, because US presidental fuss is very, very show like - but that's just how the country runs or... it's their way. I can say our presidental elections and debates are much more plain and boring :p (but we also have three big parties :p )
Candidates cannot just walk there, just not responding, greeting the audience, supporters or stuff.

Ah well.. the one wonderful thing about these elections is that GW Bush cannot be elected :p

So catching Hillary giving a speech... it's impressive. And so is Obama. I mean, when Bush gives a speech... I just always laugh. Hillary is smart and strong woman and I'd love to see a woman leading a big country, such as USA.

I mean, we've had woman as a president now for 8 years - 4 more years ahead. I think she's a kickass (despite the fact that she is a socialdemocrat and I dislike 'em). And in a way...I admire her as well.

Anyways, back to the US... Still.. both are really good, Obama and Clinton. But Obama is somehow... I don't know. He just don't strike me... I don't know how to explain it. Meh.
Well, I'm pretty sure that, as First Lady, she did a lot more than sit next to Bill and look pretty. I support her because she is a smart, dynamic candidate with the policies that would move the country forward in the right direction. It really really upsets me when people contextualize her campaign in terms of her husband, when he is not the one who is running for office.

In all honesty, there is very little difference between Clinton and Obama as candidates save the amount of time they have spent in public office. Ultimately, that is not necessarily the mark of a good president, and people in the Democratic party are going to vote for either one should he or she be nominated anyway. So, I guess we're just waiting around until the end of August because I don't see either one capitulating despite what happens in the remaining primaries!
What happens in August? When are the primaires over?

I was rather young when Bill was in office, but from what I understand about Hillary, she's always been very pro-active in politics, and has never let anyone, especially a man, take the lead while she just sits there. Obviously Bill was the leader during his term, but she did stuff too. I was actually worried that being married to Bill might reflect negatively on her campaign. You know, his mistakes are somehow her fault, that kind of thing. Fortunately, it doesn't look that way.

So everybody made such a big deal about Super Tuesday, but ended up getting us nowhere, it's still virtually a tie, right? That is too funny. :lol: I hope ONE of them starts to edge ahead eventually. Enough of these close calls. It's got to be hard to run a country that way.

DaWacko said:
Ah well.. the one wonderful thing about these elections is that GW Bush cannot be elected :p

:lol: So true.
LibertyBell said:
What happens in August? When are the primaires over?

The last primary contests are over in June, but I sincerely doubt that we will have a nominee by then either -- on the Democratic side, that is. August is when the Democratic National Convention will be taking place in Denver, Colorado. At that point what people are expecting is a fight to the finish for the nominating process. There will be a lot of wheeling and dealing, but by the last night of the Convention, which stretches over a few days, there will be an actual ticket for presidential and vice presidential nomination.
Well, I'm from Germany so I'm not able to do anything, but nevertheless I'm really interested in your election.

To be honest, I'd prefer Barack for president. McCain likes to continue the war in Iraq and I think it could be possible that Bill Clinton would interfere in Hillary's work in case that she won. In my opinion, Obama is the one who can bring about change in the USA...
I'm from Germany as well but we talked about this year's Presidential Elections at school. The US elections are way more interesting than the ones here in Germany and I'd say I know more about them than about our own :lol:
I'm not sure whom people here would like better, but in the news they said Obama wasn't experienced enough and wasn't good at giving speeches, only the ones he prepared and knows by heart. But if it comes to speaking freely he fails. I can't say anything about that but whatever happens, it will be something new for the US and I wouldn't mind if a woman became the new President.
Remembers me of what people said about John F. Kennedy. He was about the same age Obama is now when he was elected. Kennedy did well and wasn't too unexperienced. Why don't give Obama a chance to make experience?
Right, that's what I always say. How is he supposed to become experienced if nobody wants to give him a chance?! There are enough examples that even people who seemed to be unexperienced did a darn good job!
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