CSI:NY Season 4 - U.K

Okay, here we go........checklist for Saturday night.....

Kids in bed by 9 (in my dreams) or at least in their rooms watching their own TV sets....
DVR locked and loaded........
Sit and enjoy at 9.20

Pass the salt.....It's margarita night..
What did everyone think of it? Also, the new titles?

I enjoyed it tonight. It was quite fast-paced, but all the jigsaw pieces all fitted together. Was the old case mentioned in the episode actually an episode in itself?

- Danny getting short with Miss Monroe & slapping her face ...oh no sorry, slapping shut the laptop :lol:
- the music played throughout the episode
- Hawkes looking at Danny & Miss Monroe and really stressing the word i.n.c.o.m.p.a.t.i.b.l.e
- Danny's false laugh when Miss Monroe shoves spray-on condom into his pocket. You just know that he's saying "Grow up!/Don't think so, somehow, honey!"
- Adam's geekiness, and the way he's in awe of Kendal (though not sure about her!)
- new 'captures' of actors (sorry, but I've never been a fan of Danny with streaked hair!)

Umming & arring over:
- re-jigged theme tune

Not loving:
- the gratuitous flesh scene with Adam & Kendal (but on the other hand...loving the gratuitous shots of Mr G's arse - yum, yum :devil:)

My 1 wish in life is now that "I wish to be the nose of the Statue of Liberty!!!"
I'm quite proud of myself i managed to sit through the episode and not say a word... i have a bad habit of saying "oooh i love this bit or oooh so and so said this" ruining it for parents but noo i was very good.

Tho i did realise te voices at the airport speaker at the start are really really bad english accents its awful
Yes :D What a great episode, its good to see CSI New York back on our screens. I've not been on this site for a while cause I don't trust myself with all the *Spoilers*
I'm looking forward to the rest of the season, and the story behind Mac's 03:33 phone call. ;)

Not too keen on the new jazzed up title music. but I'm sure it will grow on me. Loving the new title images :devil:

Roll on next Saturday :)
When season 4 started in the US i saw the new credis and didn't really like them :( They have grown on me but when I see an old episode I do miss the second half of the lyrics!
Well I'm a definite NO on the opening credits. I see even less of Danny now than last season. And I really look forward to shouting the theme tune at the beginning. It sounds silly I know, but it helps me get into the show and hold my suspension of disbelief. Liked the overall story but the bad guy was tres predictable. The minute he was onscreen, you just knew. Talked waay too much. And what's up with Adam? Do you think this is the start of making him a more permanent character? I hope so. It's nice to see a bit of his life away from the lab. The Mac story arc has me hooked already. No more partying on a Saturday night for a while.....
Very good season opener.

Casual Mac, and rumpled, tired Mac..*THUD*
Way to go Kick Ass Stella
Love the new credits (visuals only).

Which tone deaf executive changed the song....DO NOT like the tinny remix at all, plus they cut my favorite line...
Not a fan of Kendal so far.
One moment of WTF! science with Mac picking the blood drop out of the air...

Loved the storyline, and the gory murders. Reminded me of season 1. Though I could have done without the wooden acting of the singer/pianist.
I like the new titles, but NOT the music! I was really hoping Sid and/or Adam would be in there like LV did with Greg and Doc Robbins (mind you, LV changes its titles more often than its socks!)

Casual Mac. Short-sleeved, Casual Mac. And Mac In Bed. :cool:

Flack's haircut, plus he's still as sarcastic as ever. Loved the line about doing a little sightseeing after committing murder.

Peyton is away "for a few weeks". *jumps up and punches air* Please DON'T COME BACK!!

As for the "Mac freezes time" bit, I like that they showed what was going on in his head. Could've been a nod to Heroes though - they seemingly "borrowed" the diner scene from What You See Is What You See, only with Hiro as Mac. So now we have Mac as Hiro!

I don't want to wait til Saturday!

ETA: Oh, and it was nice to see that the shared trailer was a bit more NY than it seemed, with the music coming from this episode.
The new titles are great, and the music is OK, but will take a bit of getting used to. Why mess with a good thing though? It was fine before so I don't know why they decided on new music? I do like the hanging titles right at the end of the opening credits though, very cool. :cool:

Not a bad episode, but not fantastic either. Terrible English accent from the woman at the airport, and just how long is Mac supposed to have been in London for? I liked Flack, it was interesting to see Danny and Adam back to full fitness after the events of Snow Day, interesting indeed... Adam is awesome, and he made the Kendall scenes bearable, but only just. She does speak in a very strange voice, or maybe it's just her tone, I don't know but it is a bit weird. :lol:

Whilst I liked the music from Alison Sudol, she has a lovely voice, she really cannot act. Please, no more guest stars who can't act, it's not worth it, we had enough last season. ;)
Casual Mac/Lipstick-kiss-on-the-cheek Mac/Mac in short sleeves/Tired Mac/Mac in bed
Danny in a white vest thingy hanging down the front of the Statue of Liberty. Yummy.
Flack's snarkiness. Loved his sightseeing comment, and also the 'welcome back to the land of the depraved' comment, and also that moment when he and Mac were talking about whether the singer's stalker and killer of that girl from Stella's old case was guilty of these current murders. Flack is just going out the door, then he stops, and comes back in as he has his Eureka moment re the door being locked.
Rambo!Stella at the end
Stella being concerned for Mac.
The visuals of the new credits.
Shirtless Adam
Adam and K. competing for Stella's praise and showing off how much they know. Didn't like K. in those scenes, but Adam was sooooooooooooo cute.
The Heroes-style bit with the blood.
Blood on the Statue of Liberty - v. dramatic.
So GOOD TPTB for all of this, especially allowing the sexy men of the show, 3 of them anyway, to show off their stuff. Thank you, wardrobe department for Mac's casual clothes and Danny's white top thingy.

Lindsey. Sorry, Lindsey fans. I didn't like the way she spoke to Adam at the beginning.
Kendall. Ugh. Adam can do better.
The way they've messed with the song at the beginnining. BAD TPTB.
Channel 5's messing about with the start time. BAD Channel 5!
That guy being embalmed alive. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!
The 'English' accents of the airport people. TPTB - we do NOT all talk like that (most of us don't).