CSI:NY Season 4 - U.K

6 days.... this is going to be on long week but then again a new ep airs this week in the US right?!? :D

Off Topic: Good Luck Stoke (As in the football team near me :D) They are playing Newcastle and it's on TV so I don't have to leave my sofa.... Unless they score that is :lol:
Maybe we'll get a NY-specific promo tonight, after the LV episode. I'm off to get my RT in a minute, and I hope Alison Graham isn't reviewing it. I get the impression she hates EVERYTHING!
Well, she didn't but I don't like the review. When will they get it into their heads that "franchise" refers collectively to all three CSIs, not each individual series? Grr!

ETA: Didn't think much of Five's trailers. First we get the LV trailer, recycled, with the text at the end, and then one with the Statue of Liberty. OK, so it's a major plot point in the episode, but I'd have loved to see one with the characters in it.
Loved it while watching LV i counted lik 4 NY promo's i like five trailers they are so simple yet make a point. Its letting them keep within a mould of the CSI.
^^ I should have sent them mine :lol:

Did anyone else notice that after that horric trailer of just the Statue of Liberty it ended with what was obviously a shot of an LV crime seen :eek:
There was a double page thread in the January Sky magazine with the lovely S4 group shot of the team. But why on earth can't they be bothered to check their facts??? According to that article,Mac had recently met his girlfriend's son?? Maybe the name Clare confused them in their research. But still , it was a double page :D

Five US seems to be showing CSI NY every day, It is is filling up my Sky Plus as it set on series link!!

Seren- yay :D :D another Welsh board member.
Seren_y_Gogledd said:
Maybe we'll get a NY-specific promo tonight, after the LV episode. I'm off to get my RT in a minute, and I hope Alison Graham isn't reviewing it. I get the impression she hates EVERYTHING!
I think she has a bit of a soft spot for Mac. She called him 'hunky' in PWM, and in her review about 'Snow Day' she said Mac was more than welcome in London, but he should leace Peyton in NY.
She is harsh on Miami though!
I'm not too happy.... My friend as invited me to a party on saturday night :eek: So i'm going :( I can't believe i'm going to miss the airing of the first episode of the season but the again I missed the first airing of the season 3 final!!!
think i saw 3 or 4 while watching Miami,Soooo can't wait for Saturday,Nattybatty can't you record it then watch on Sunday

Went on the epi guide to read about it :)
I've got the Radio times when i have get up tomorow will write up what it says, they are never really nice about any of teh Csi's miami is the worst but its still almost like us brits can't understand it.
Ok I am now, according to FiveUS watching 'People Need Money'!! I mean come on guys get it right you don't want to start confusing people. If you don't know the proper name of something you shouldn't show it.... Ok forget that bit I love CSI on FiveUS! :D