CSI:NY Season 4 - U.K

Wow! So happy S4 has started. :D :D :D :D
What I liked:
-New credits.
-New remix of the theme song. It's cool when they do that, and it's good to have a change.
-Mac's general untidy look. It looked so good :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
-Stella being concerned for Mac.
-Adam with no shirt (my stealing was a success he he :devil: :devil:)
-Flack. I shall say no more for fear that I shall lose my inhibition...oh, wait , it's gone :D :devil:

What I disliked:
-Kendal. She's just...meh.
-The embalming the guy alive part. I thought I was going to be sick, which doesn't happen often. :( :(
-Whoever it is that's pranking Mac. Poor Mac. :(
Elsie said:
Not a bad episode, but not fantastic either. Terrible English accent from the woman at the airport, and just how long is Mac supposed to have been in London for? I liked Flack, it was interesting to see Danny and Adam back to full fitness after the events of Snow Day, interesting indeed... Adam is awesome, and he made the Kendall scenes bearable, but only just. She does speak in a very strange voice, or maybe it's just her tone, I don't know but it is a bit weird. :lol:

Glad it wasn't just me who thought the accent was awful... whenever there's an attempt at one its always messed up, it was the anoucer that had me cracking up, very very posh english.
alexis_taylor said:
Really not sure on the theme tune.

Every time someone mentions the new theme tune/music, all I hear in my head is that Dennis Waterman character from 'Little Britain' saying "Write the theme tune, sing the theme tune!" :lol:
Wooooooooohoooooo the return of CSI:NY

BTW I am sooooooooooooooo glad of the Sunday night repeat. :D It peed me off not havin' a second chance to watch either NY or LV last season. I thought I would have to resort to the Sunday night showing but I made it home on Saturday just in time :D

OT: Although I'm a little miffed Season 3 NY has taken the 11pm spot on Fridays on FiveUS, it has replaced my precious Season 2/Speedle Miami indulgence :(]

Anyways....back to 'Can You Hear Me Now?'

Despite its little niggles....mainly about English stereoptype accents I really enjoyed it. Mac cleary wasn't in Heathrow Airport but I think they did a good in tryin' to make it look like he was, the signs around the airport where like what Heathrows are like but the English accents on the tannoy were cringingly stereotypical. I also find it unlikly that Mac would have received a call mid-flight :p and the 3:33am calls....I don't think Scotland Yard would have looked into it. I doubt they'd give two flying monkeys about it, whether he's the saviour of CSI:Die Hard or not :p

I thought the case though was exciting, it kept me glued all the way throught although I called the lanlord guy as soon as I saw him and when Stella was alone with him in the apartment at the end I had knots in my stomach for her :D (I'm sad)

I loved Dannys face during the 'spray on condom' scene haha.

Oh and I did love the exterior London shots, for a split second it like we have a CSI:LDN haha

A few timeline issues bugged me as i'm sure it did all of you. How Adams and Dannys injuries heeled in 10 days is nothing short of miraculous. :rolleyes:

LOVE the new credits. Didn't like them when I first heard them last year but they have grown on me and they are kinda groooveh!!!
I liked the episode overall. Love the visual aspect of the new credits, though I don't like what they've done to the song and I was rather hoping they'd put Adam in.

The plot was quite good. Not sure about Mac's strange phone calls yet but could be a good storyline. Stella was great at the end :D
I have to say that i am kinda used to the new credits now and I don't hate them. It is good that we have new shots of the team. But I also miss a good sing a long in the beginning of the show!

I enjoyed the episode although I have to agree with Jendai with the 'killer' being very obvious from the start. But overall,I thought it was an interesting case. i liked the competitiveness between Adam and kendall. and with my banner it should not come as a suprise that i loved the 'instant condom' scene !!
This is what it says on my digital TV guide...

The Deep. The body of a diver is found during a boat race, but the CSI team is surprised to find that he died despite having a full tnk of oxygen.
Weird - it's 2 hours since the episode finished, and no-one has posted!Or is it that everyone has already seen these episodes?
Anyway, my critique goes like this:
Drew - Stella looks old enough to be his mother. It reminded me of teenage lad falling for best friend's mum :(

Danny - typical Danny-boy, arsing around posing with the figurehead when he should be looking for evidence. A nice bit of natural character development & continuity, if I may say so.

Miss Monroe - what's happening here? Even though I've made no bones about the fact that I don't like the character (or rate the acting much higher) I am beginning to think that even the writers have it in for her. Or could it be that they just don't know how (or if?) they want to develop her character. The lines that she has had the past 2 episodes have not done her any favours. The ones tonight about the subway were cringeworthy, and when Stella butted in & said 'it's always worth it', it sounded as though she was sneering at Lyndsey/Lynsey/Lyndsay (I can never remember how they spell her name!) As for Mac, he appeared to make no bones that he's run/running out of patience with her. I actually had a 'moment' when I felt for Miss Monroe :eek:

On the whole I did enjoy this episode, especially the bit at the end where Dr Sheldon Hawkes appears to thank his saviour - again a nice bit of continuity. Is this a sign of things to come? I really hope so :D
I know what you mean about the writers having it in for Lindsay....Although I couldn't go as far as you and have a 'moment' :lol: As soon as it's humanly possible she's whining about how she 'felt so helpless' again. Do us all a favour writers and send her to a conference on the moon That should be far enough so she can't make it back in any hurry. And by the look on Danny's face when he crushes her off, I kinda think he'd be happy with that too..

And, Yup, Stella does look rather old next to Drew..

I really did like the interraction between Hawkes and Danny, a really friendly camaderie which is never forced a la D/L and very easy to sit back on the sofa and break a smile at....Just gotta add seeing as I'm a die hard Danny/Flack fan...Aww, Don rushing over to make sure his K/P was okay :D :D
Overall, episode was ok. Agree with above comments about Lindsay. The writing did her no favours last night.

Loved the Danny/Hawkes interaction.

Not sure about Drew just yet...
Okay plus points and minus points.

Minus Points

This was my second time watching the the episode. I had found it a bit flat first time round but thought I would give it another go, and it didnt fair any better.

I like a nod to realisim in my shows. No way in hell is the east rivers water that clear especially at the depth they were supposed to be working. :rolleyes: Second I doubt pristine sand would be down there either more liable to be mixed with layers of silt and deposits from the various rivers that flow into it. WAY to obvious its filmed in a tank in LA. Also all the stuff underwater was so clean, no marine life, no algae, and some of it was supposed to have been down there since the 1800’s. I don’t want everything to be perfectly correct, because we did have to be able to see what was going on, but SOME realism would have been nice. :(

Stella overreacting with the suspect at the car.

Mac overreacting with the suspect at the precinct.

The whole Balkan plot was laughable. Honestly the script writers must have been out to lunch on this episode. There was no tension it was all very flat.

The ending was a bit of an anti climax.

Stella at a bust on a stairway in pointy heals. (See pictures from Shane that show her shoes as Mac steps over Flack to chase the suspect.)

That hat on Hawkes when he is sitting in the ambulance…ugly!

More product placement - Mac Book and a Panasonic Tough Book but hey I want both so I will let them slide..:lol:

Plus Points

Hawkes, Danny and Flack interaction after the rescue was nice.

Pissed off Mac manhandling the suspect was Very nice love Danny trying to calm Mac and close the door so no one could see. Yes I know I have it in my minus points above but it was a nice scene. But it was a little OTT for this episode, the scene would have worked better in a higher tension episode. Plus I love pissed off Mac.. :devil:

Mac in Blue sweater VERY NICE (So sue me he was lovely.. :D)

Flack getting flattened by the suspect on the stairs.(poor baby)

As for Stella and Drew I didn’t notice a big problem with the age difference but then ages have never been a factor for me when it comes to attraction. :D

Not one of the best eps of the season but it could have been worse.
I enjoyed last nights episode on the whole. I have to say it annoys me that they don't have a fixed slot :rolleyes: Have to bloody check every week what time it's on :p.

I agree with what Fruitbat says about the East River. It was like they'd transported down the set of Miami and were diving in the Atlantic of the pristine miami beaches. Speaking of which it flashed me back to Calleigh in this wees S5.02 re-run of 'Going Under' where she was run off the road into a dingy pond/lake and come out like a clothed Ursula Andres, not a spec of shit on her :lol:. Also for a period this episode reminded me of the Season 2 Miami episode 'Dead Zone' with all the treasure hunting ;)

I wasn't to keen on Kerr Smiths introduction, he seemed way to forward for my liking. :confused: Again I saw Kerr Smith in an episode of CSI:M this week on LivingTV. :lol:

I loved the Danny/Hawkes scenes. I found it very touching. As time goes on I am finding less and less reasons as to why Anna Belknap is a regular on the show. She is just like a glorified lab tech. She ain't been on the lab so far this season. TAKE HER OFF THE CREDITS PLEASE!.

The Baltic DNA connection confused me a little bit. How they got to their conclusion was a little to farfetched. I thought the possible race of someone was something you had to try and deterime yourself and nothing just flash up on a computer screen for you lol.

Although on the plus side, it was another exciting episode, A race agaisnt time to stop the bomb.