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BabaOReilly said:

I'm wondering how the season will start, since they'll probably be all keen since they got renewed. Do you think they'll hit the ground running, or they'll ease us back in to some angst about Dean's newfound situation? I'm in favour of the "hit the ground running" approach, myself.
I'm thinking this season might have more of a role reversal with the characters. I think Sam might take the lead and initiative more in his fight to save Dean, as opposed to Dean being the one whose all gung-ho for the fight (I bet he wants Sam to take a break like in the last epi). That's not saying Dean won't be good ol'Dean, ready and willing to kick some ass, I just think it's going to be a different Sam in Season 3. Anyone get what I mean, or am I just talking/typing in circles here? (I'm at work, so my brain is half asleep :lol:)

And to all my fellow Vancouverites- just over a month before Season 3 is scheduled to start filming again! :D Someone get ready to cue the Thin Lizzy! :p
Man these guys don't get much of a break!
Ohhh, really? When do they start filming? I need to go on a summer stalker, erm... Supernatural observance hunt! :lol:

I'm wondering if Dean might start to get a bit sentimental, and think it's time to stop and smell the roses. I think he won't think there's a way out of the deal because he won't want to risk Sam dying again. I think you may be right, ThisIsMe- he may be the one who wants to take things a little easier, suddenly. Maybe. ;)
BabaOReilly said:
Ohhh, really? When do they start filming? I need to go on a summer stalker, erm... Supernatural observance hunt! :lol:
:lol: Same here! I read online they start around July 12 I think it was. I checked the BC Film List from last year and it was around the same time.
I'm wondering if Dean might start to get a bit sentimental, and think it's time to stop and smell the roses. I think he won't think there's a way out of the deal because he won't want to risk Sam dying again
I agree, I don't think he's too concerned with himself right now, he just wants to protect Sam.
Do you think if they do get Dean out of his deal that it might turn him back to the bitter, cynical Dean from the start of season 2? I mean, imagine if Sam is able to save him, it might cause a mood swing/shift because he wasn't able to do that himself for his dad.

I think the writers have a wealth of opportunities to take the characters down many different paths this season.
Oooookay. There are spoilers out already. It's not even July yet!

Apparently a lot of people are not happy with them and are even writing in to the head of the show or CW or something.
Oh man, I heard about that! I haven't read the spoilers, and I think I'm going to try to remain spoiler-free this year (although I lack willpower, so that may not happen)... but I heard about the unhappiness. :( Now it's gone and piqued my curiousity. Gah. :(
I will remain spoiler free as always. And thus, I am blissfully unaware and happy as a clam. :)

They haven't even started filming yet... how can there be spoilers anyway?
**runs off to read spoilers**

What can I say, I'm not usually a fan of surprises ;)

Okay, here's my input on what I read...

Okay, I'm not totally opposed to them bringing in 2 new female cast long as they get the casting right (unlike Jo). Plus, as long as they don't take away too much of the action from Sam and Dean. Jared and Jensen make that show so hopefully they don't mess with it!!

They haven't even started filming yet... how can there be spoilers anyway?
Less than one month til filming starts, so they're probably looking at storylines and such, trying to get all their ducks in a row.

Random- did anyone see that Supernatural commercial during the rerun tonight? It was pretty much montages from the past season with a young girl doing a voice over. Pretty cool.
ETA: someone posted the promo on youtube- search for "supernatural promo adri278" to get the right one. :D

ETA Again:
I managed to get my hands on the sides for the 2 characters....1 of them, she seems like she'd be great for a couple episodes, but nothing more...I dunno why, I just get that vibe. The other, the female hunter- in the scene I read, I love the writing- she seems fun. If they cast it right, I think she could be a good addition.

...and I just realized that most people here said they are trying to stay spoiler free, so my spoiler cuts are probably going to go unread....oh well :p
Oh well I had heard that they were bringing two new females to the show who were going to be main characters. I'm not exactly sure if that was true, but if it was, I was just wondering who they might be portrayed by.
You and me both! I'm feeling the urge to start a season 2 marathon... I needs me some Supernatural! I'm going into withdrawl. I may have to go in and finish my fanfic one of these days too. I'm having dean cravings lately, big time!
As much as I don't like the clothes he's wearing (no, not at ALL)... Dammmmmmmmn that guy is hot. :lol: Seriously, I think he's just getting better and better looking everytime I see him!

I definitely gotta get watching my Supernatural marathon!
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